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《婚姻之爱》 第217节






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Conjugial Love #217 (Chadwick (1996))

217. (viii) Wives love the bonds of marriage provided their husbands do.

This follows from what was said in the last paragraph. Moreover, wives have an innate desire to be and to be called wives. They regard this title as prestigious and honourable, so that they love the bonds of marriage. Since chaste wives want to be wives not merely in name, but in fact, something which is the result of an ever closer tie with their husbands, they love the bonds of marriage as a means of strengthening this compact; and this they do the more, the more their husbands love them in return, or, what is much the same, the more the men love those bonds.

Conjugial Love #217 (Rogers (1995))

217. 8. Wives love the bonds of marriage, provided that their husbands love them too. This follows from what was said under the preceding heading. We add here the further observation that, from their inborn nature, wives wish to be wives and to be called wives. To them it is a title of respectability and honor. Consequently they love the bonds of marriage. Moreover, since chaste wives wish to be wives not just in name but in fact, and because this is achieved by a closer and closer tie with their husbands, they therefore love the bonds of marriage from the time its covenant is established, and this the more as they are loved in return by their husbands, or in other words, the more their husbands love these bonds.

Love in Marriage #217 (Gladish (1992))

217. 8. Wives love the bonds of matrimony, provided that the men love them. This follows from the things said in the last article. In addition, due to something inherent, wives want to be wives and to be called wives. They find this title becoming and honorable, so they love the bonds of marriage. Chaste wives do not want to be wives just in name but in actuality - which takes place through closer and closer ties with their husbands - so they love the bonds of marriage as the foundations of its covenant. This is true the more their husbands love them in return, or the more the men love the bonds, which is the same thing.

Conjugial Love #217 (Acton (1953))

217. VIII. THAT WIVES LOVE THE BONDS OF MARRIAGE IF ONLY THE MEN LOVE THOSE BONDS. This follows from what was said in the preceding article. Add to this that from what is implanted in them, wives wish to be wives and to be called wives. To them, this is a name of beauty and honor and for that reason they love the bonds of marriage. Moreover, chaste wives wish to be wives not in name only but actually, and because this is effected by an ever closer tie with their husbands, therefore they love the bonds of marriage by reason of the stability of its covenant; and this the more, as they in turn are loved by their husbands or, what is the same thing, as the men love those bonds.

Conjugial Love #217 (Wunsch (1937))

217. (viii) Wives love the bonds of marriage provided the husbands do. This follows from what was said under the foregoing proposition. It is to be added that wives instinctively wish to be wives and to be called wives. This is to them a name of dignity and honor. Therefore they love the marriage bonds. And because chaste wives wish to be wives actually and not in name only, and this is done by being bound more and more closely to their husbands, they love the marriage bonds for establishing the covenant, and this the more as their love is returned by their husbands, or what is the same, as the men love those bonds.

Conjugial Love #217 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

217. (8) That wives love the bonds of marriage if only the men love them. This follows from what has been said in the preceding section. Add to this that from what is inherent wives desire to be wives, and to be called wives. It is to them a name of glory and of honor, and for that reason they love the bonds of marriage. And because chaste wives desire, not as to name only but actually to be wives, and this is effected by being bound more and more closely with their husbands, they therefore, love the bonds of marriage for the establishing of its covenant; and this the more in proportion as they are loved by their husbands in return, or, what is similar, as the men love those bonds.

De Amore Conjugiali #217 (original Latin (1768))

217. VIII: Quod uxores ament vincula conjugii, modo viri ament illa. Hoc sequitur ex dictis in praecedente Articulo: accedit, quod Uxores ex insito velint uxores esse, et uxores nominari; hoc illis est nomen decoris et honoris; quare vincula conjugii amant: et quia castae uxores non nomine tenus, sed actualiter volunt uxores esse, et hoc fit per ligationem arctiorem et arctiorem cum maritis, ideo vincula conjugii ex constabilitione foederis ejus amant, et id eo plus sicut redamantur a maritis, seu quod simile est, sicut viri illa vincula amant.

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