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《婚姻之爱》 第23节









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Conjugial Love #23 (Chadwick (1996))

23. After this merry party all the wedding guests left, and so did the ten men with the angel, for it was late in the evening, and they went to bed. At dawn they heard it being announced: 'Today is the sabbath.' So they got up and asked the angel, 'What does that mean?' He replied that it was for Divine worship; this is repeated at fixed intervals and is announced by the priests. 'It is conducted,' he said, 'in our churches, and lasts about two hours. So if you like, you can come with me and I will take you in.'

So they dressed themselves and went with the angel and entered the church. It was, they saw, large enough to hold about three thousand; it was semi-circular, with pews or seats running in an unbroken arc to match the shape of the church, the seats at the rear being higher than those at the front. In front of these was a pulpit, a little back from the centre. The door was behind the pulpit on the left. The ten newcomers went in with their angel guide, who assigned places to them where they were to sit, telling them: 'Everyone who comes into the church knows his own place. He knows this intuitively, and he cannot sit anywhere else. If he does, he cannot hear or perceive anything, and he upsets the arrangement, and if this happens, the priest is not inspired.'

Conjugial Love #23 (Rogers (1995))

23. At the end of this festive reception, the wedding guests all departed, including the ten men with their angel. It was late evening and they went to bed.

At dawn they heard a cry proclaiming, "Today is the Sabbath." So they arose and asked the angel, "What does this mean?"

The angel replied that it was a call to worship of God, which recurs at prescribed times and is proclaimed by the priests. "The worship takes place in our temples," he said, "and lasts about two hours. Come with me, therefore, if you like, and I will take you in."

So they readied themselves, and accompanying the angel, they went in. And lo, the temple was huge, capable of holding about three thousand people. It was semicircular, with benches or pews arranged around in circular fashion following the contour of the temple, and the seats in back were higher than those in front. The pulpit was in front of the seats, placed a little way back from the center. There was a door behind the pulpit on the left.

The ten newcomers entered with their angel guide, and the angel gave them places to sit, saying to them, "Everyone who comes into the temple knows his own place. He knows this by instinct, nor can he sit anywhere else. If he sits elsewhere, he hears nothing and understands nothing, and he also disturbs the order of things; and when the order is disturbed, the priest is not inspired."

Love in Marriage #23 (Gladish (1992))

23. After this social celebration the wedding guests all left, and the ten men also, with their angel. It was late in the evening, and they went to bed.

At dawn they heard a proclamation, "Today is the Sabbath."

And they got up, asking the angel, "What's that?"

He answered, "It is for the worship of God, which happens at regular times. The ministers proclaim it. We celebrate it in our temples, and it takes about two hours. So come with me if you like and I'll take you there."

So they got ready and joined the angel and went in. And that temple was big! It could hold about three thousand people. It was semicircular, with benches or seats running all the way around, following the shape of the temple, and the rear seats were higher than the ones in front. The pulpit in front of the seats was a little beyond the center. There was a door behind the pulpit to the left.

The ten visiting men entered with their angel guide, and the angel led them to places where they could sit, saying to them, "Everyone who enters the temple knows his place. They know it intuitively and can't sit anywhere else. If they do, they hear nothing and feel nothing. It also creates a disturbance that does not inspire the minister."

Conjugial Love #23 (Acton (1953))

23. After this social festivity, all who had been invited to the wedding, including the ten men with their angel, departed. It was late in the evening and they went to bed.

At dawn they heard a proclamation: "Today is the Sabbath"' and they rose and asked the angel what it meant. He answered: It is for the worship of God. This recurs at set times and is proclaimed by the priests. It is celebrated in our temples and continues for about two hours. If you please, therefore, come with me and I will introduce you." So they made ready and, accompanying the angel, they entered the temple. And lo, it was large, being capable of holding about three thousand, semi- circular, with benches or seats stretching in an unbroken curve which followed the lines of the temple, the back seats being higher than the front. The pulpit in front of the seats was a little back from the center; and behind at the left was a door. The ten new-comers entered with their angel guide, and the angel assigned them the places where they were to sit, saying: "Every one who enters the temple knows his own place. He knows it from an innate perception, nor can he sit anywhere else. If he sits in any other place, he hears nothing and perceives nothing; he also disturbs the order, and when this is disturbed, the priest is not inspired."

Conjugial Love #23 (Wunsch (1937))

23. After the social festivity the wedding guests all left, and the ten men also, with their angel guide; and as it was late in the evening, they all retired.

At dawn they heard a proclamation, "Today is a Sabbath!" They arose and asked the angel, "Why is that?" He answered that it is for the worship of God, which recurs at stated times and is proclaimed by the priests. "A service is conducted in our temples and lasts about two hours. If you will, come with me, and I will introduce you." They made ready, accompanied the angel and entered. They found a large temple, semicircular, capable of holding about three thousand people, with benches or seats extending around in an arc following the outline of the temple, and the rear seats higher than those in front. The pulpit was in front of the seats, a little over from center. Behind the pulpit towards the left was a door.

The ten newcomers with their angel guide entered, and he shewed them where to sit, remarking, "Every one who enters the temple knows his own place. He does so from an innate perception and cannot sit elsewhere. If he sits anywhere else, he hears or perceives nothing, and also upsets the order, and when this is upset, the priest is not inspired."

Conjugial Love #23 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

23. After this social festivity the wedding-guests all departed, and the ten men also, with their angel. It was late in the evening, and they retired to rest.

At dawn they heard a proclamation, 'To-day is the Sabbath.' And they arose, and asked the angel what that was. He answered, 'It is for the worship of God which recurs at stated times and is proclaimed by the priests. It is celebrated in our temples, and continues about two hours. Come with me, therefore, if you like, and I will conduct you. And they made ready and went with the angel and entered. And lo! a large temple, capable of containing about three thousand, semi-circular, with benches or seats extending around in a continuous sweep, according to the form of the temple, the hinder seats more elevated than those before. The pulpit in front of them was a little back from the center. The door was behind the pulpit at the left. The ten new-comers went in with their angel guide, and the angel assigned them the places where they were to sit, saying to them, 'Every one that enters the temple knows his place. He knows it from a something within and cannot sit elsewhere. If he sits in any other place he hears nothing and perceives nothing; and he also disturbs order, by reason of which disturbance the priest is not inspired.'

De Amore Conjugiali #23 (original Latin (1768))

23. Post hoc festivum Sodalitium 1omnes invitati ad nuptias abiverunt, et quoque decem illi Viri cum suo Angelo; erat sera vespera, et cubitum ibant. In diluculo audiverunt Proclamationem, Hodie Sabbathum, et surrexerunt, et interrogaverunt Angelum, "quid illud;" respondit, quod sit ad Cultum Dei, qui statis temporibus redit, et a Sacerdotibus proclamatur; "peragitur ille in Templis nostris, et perstat circiter binas horas; quare, 2si lubet, ite mecum, et introducam;" et accinxerunt se, et comitati sunt Angelum, et intraverunt: et ecce Templum erat amplum, capax circiter trium millium, semirotundum, scamna seu sedilia continua secundum figuram Templi in rotundum circumducta, ac posteriora elevatiora prioribus. Pulpitum ante illa paulo retractum a centro; janua post pulpitum a sinistro. Intraverunt decem Viri advenae cum Angelo ductore suo, et Angelus addixit illis loca ubi sederent, dicens illis, "quisque qui intrat in Templum, scit suum locum; hoc scit ex insito, nec potest sedere alibi; si alibi, nihil audit et nihil percipit, et quoque turbat ordinem, a quo turbato Sacerdos non inspiratur."


1. Prima editio: Sodalitum

2. Prima editio: quate,

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