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《婚姻之爱》 第24节







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Conjugial Love #24 (Chadwick (1996))

24. When they were assembled, the priest went up into the pulpit and preached a sermon full of the spirit of wisdom. Its subject was the holiness of Sacred Scripture, and how by its means the Lord is linked with both the spiritual and natural worlds.. The enlightenment he enjoyed enabled him to prove fully that this holy book was dictated by the Lord Jehovah, so that He was present in it, to such an extent that He was the wisdom it contains. But the wisdom, which is the Lord Himself in it, lies hidden beneath the literal sense, and is not laid open except to those who possess the truths of doctrine and at the same time lead a good life, so that they are in the Lord and the Lord is in them. He ended his sermon with an earnest prayer, and then came down.

As the congregation was leaving, the angel asked the priest to say a few words of greeting to his ten companions. So he came over to them, and they talked together for half an hour. The priest spoke about the Divine Trinity, saying it was in Jesus Christ, in whom dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, as the Apostle Paul stated. Afterwards he spoke about the union of charity and faith, but what he said was the union of charity and truth, because faith is truth.

Conjugial Love #24 (Rogers (1995))

24. When the congregation was assembled, a priest went up into the pulpit, and he preached a sermon full of the spirit of wisdom. He preached on the sacredness of the Holy Scripture and on the conjunction of the Lord with each world, the spiritual and the natural, by means of it. In the enlightenment in which he was, he established fully that that Holy Book was dictated by Jehovah the Lord, and that the Lord is therefore present in it, even so that He is the wisdom in it. But that wisdom, he said, which is the Lord in it, lies hidden beneath the literal meaning and is not disclosed except to people who are concerned with truths of doctrine and at the same time with goodness in life, thus who are in the Lord and the Lord in them.

He concluded the sermon with a reverent prayer and descended.

As the members of the congregation were leaving, the angel asked the priest to say a few words of farewell to his ten companions. So he came over to them, and they talked for half an hour. The priest spoke about the Divine Trinity, saying that it exists in Jesus Christ, in whom dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, according to the statement of the apostle Paul. 1Then he spoke of the union of charity and faith, though he said the union of charity and truth, because faith is truth.


1. Colossians 2:9.

Love in Marriage #24 (Gladish (1992))

24. After they all gathered, a minister mounted the pulpit and delivered a sermon full of the spirit of wisdom. The sermon was on the holiness of Sacred Scripture and how it joins the Lord both with the spiritual and with the natural world. In the enlightenment he enjoyed, he demonstrated fully that the holy Book was composed by Jehovah the Lord, and that therefore He Himself is in it to the point that He Himself is the wisdom in it. But he showed that the wisdom that is Himself in it lies concealed beneath the literal sense and appears only to those who have truths from religious instruction and at the same time have good in their lives, so that they are in the Lord and the Lord in them. He added to his talk a spoken prayer and stepped down.

After the listeners left, the angel asked the priest to say a few words of peace with his ten companions. He came up to them, and they talked together for half an hour and discussed the Divine Trinity, saying that it is in Jesus Christ, in whom the fullness of all divinity resides bodily, according to what the Apostle Paul said.

Then they discussed the union of charity and faith - only he called it the union of charity and truth, because faith is truth.

Conjugial Love #24 (Acton (1953))

24. When the congregation was assembled, the priest ascended the pulpit and preached a sermon full of the spirit of wisdom. Its subject was the holiness of the Sacred Scripture, and the conjunction, by its means, of the Lord with both worlds, the spiritual and the natural. In the illustration in which he was, he fully proved that this Holy Book was dictated by Jehovah, the Lord; and that hence He is in it even so that He is the wisdom therein; but that the wisdom which is Himself therein, lies concealed beneath the sense of the letter and is opened only to those who are in truths of doctrine and at the same time in goods of life, and so are in the Lord and the Lord in them. To the sermon he added a votive prayer, and then descended.

After the audience had left, the angel requested the priest to speak a few words of peace with his ten companions. So he came to them and they talked together for half an hour. He spoke of the Divine Trinity, that it is in Jesus Christ in whom dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, according to the declaration of the Apostle Paul. He then spoke of the union of charity and faith, but because faith is truth, what he said was, "the union of charity and truth."

Conjugial Love #24 (Wunsch (1937))

24. When all were assembled, the priest mounted the pulpit and preached a sermon full of the spirit of wisdom. It was about the holiness of Sacred Scripture and about the Lord's union by means of the Scripture with both the spiritual world and the natural world. In the illumination which the priest enjoyed, he showed convincingly that the Holy Book was dictated by Jehovah, the Lord; that therefore He is in it, even to being the wisdom in it; but that the wisdom which is He in it, lies concealed under the sense of the letter and is opened only to those who are in truths of doctrine and at the same time in goods of life and therefore in the Lord, and He in them. To the sermon he added a prayer, and descended.

As the listeners dispersed, the angel asked the priest to speak some farewell words to his ten companions. He came and talked with them for half an hour, discussing the Divine Trinity, and saying that it is in Jesus Christ, in whom the fullness of all Divinity dwells bodily, according to the deliverance of the Apostle Paul. 1Afterwards he spoke of the union of charity and faith, but himself said, "the union of charity and truth," for faith is truth.


1. Colossians 2:9.

Conjugial Love #24 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

24. When the congregation was assembled, the priest ascended the pulpit and preached a sermon full of the spirit of wisdom. The sermon was on the holiness of the Sacred Scripture, and on the conjunction of the Lord both with the spiritual world and the natural by means of it. In the state of illustration in which he was he fully proved that this Holy Book was dictated by Jehovah, the Lord; and that therefore, He is in it, even so that He is the wisdom therein; but that the wisdom which is Himself therein, lies concealed beneath the sense of the letter, and is only opened to those who are in truths of doctrine and at the same time in goods of life, and so are in the Lord and the Lord in them. To the sermon he added a votive prayer, and descended.

The audience having departed, the angel requested the priest to speak a few words of peace with his ten companions; and he came to them, and they conversed for about half an hour.

He spoke of the Divine Trinity that it is in Jesus Christ in whom dwelleth all the fulness of the God-head bodily, according to the declaration of the Apostle Paul. And afterwards he spoke of the union of charity and faith, but he said the union of charity and truth, because faith is truth.

De Amore Conjugiali #24 (original Latin (1768))

24. Postquam congregati sunt, ascendit Sacerdos pulpitum, et concionabatur sermonem plenum spiritu sapientiae: Concio erat de sanctitate Scripturae sacrae, et de conjunctione Domini cum utroque Mundo, Spirituali et Naturali, per illam; in illustratione, in qua erat, plene convicit, quod Sanctus ille Liber dictatus sit a Jehovah Domino, et quod inde Ipse sit in illo, adeo ut Ipse sit Sapientia ibi; sed quod Sapientia, quae est Ipse inibi, sub sensu literae jaceat recondita, et non aperiatur nisi illis, qui in veris doctrinae, et simul in bonis vitae sunt, et sic in Domino et Dominus in illis: Concioni subjunxit votivam orationem, et descendit. Exeuntibus auditoribus Angelus rogavit Sacerdotem, ut aliqua verba pacis cum decem suis comitibus loqueretur; et accessit ad illos, et colloquebantur per semissem horae, et loquebatur de Divina Trinitate, quod illa in Jesu Christo sit, in Quo Plenitudo omnis Divinitatis corporaliter habitat, secundum edictum Apostoli Pauli; et postea de Unione Charitatis et Fidei, sed dixit, de Unione Charitatis et Veritatis, quia Fides est Veritas.

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