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《婚姻之爱》 第236节







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Conjugial Love #236 (Chadwick (1996))

236. (ii) Spiritual coldness in marriage is disunion of souls and a parting of minds leading to indifference, discord, contempt, hatred and turning away. In many cases these lead eventually to separation from bed, bedroom and home.

It is too well known to need discussing that these things befall married couples, when their first flush of love departs and turns to coldness. The reason is that coldness in marriage occupies a higher place in the human mind than any other kind of coldness; for the principle of marriage is imprinted on the soul, in order that one soul may be propagated from another, and the father's may be continued in his children. That is why this coldness begins there and by stages spreads downwards to the following levels, where it poisons them, so turning the happiness and pleasure of the first flush of love into sadness and unpleasantness.

Conjugial Love #236 (Rogers (1995))

236. 2. Spiritual coldness in marriage is a disunion of souls and disjunction of minds, resulting in indifference, discord, contempt, loathing, and aversion, and leading finally in many cases to separation from the bed, bedroom and house. It is too well known to require any comment that this is what happens between married partners when their original love fades and turns cold.

These states occur because coldness in marriage is seated more deeply in human minds than any other feelings of coldness. For the essence of the conjugial relationship is engraved on the soul, in order that one soul may be procreated from another and the father's soul propagated into offspring. As a result, marital coldness starts there, and progressively descending into subsequent elements it infects these as well, and so turns the happy and delightful states of the earlier love into sad and unpleasant ones.

Love in Marriage #236 (Gladish (1992))

236. 2. In marriages, spiritual coldness is souls not together and minds not connected. This makes for indifference, discord, contempt, loathing, and aversion. In the end, these things lead many to separate from bed, bedroom, and home. There is no need to comment on the well - known fact that this happens to married partners while their first love is passing away and growing cold. The reason is that coldness toward marriage resides in the human mind above all other coldness.

Marriage itself is inscribed on the soul, so that soul may beget soul and the soul of a father may be ingrafted in his offspring. So this coldness begins in the soul and passes down to the subordinate parts, one after another, infecting them, and so it makes sadness and depression out of the joys and delights of first love.

Conjugial Love #236 (Acton (1953))

236. II. THAT IN MARRIAGES, SPIRITUAL COLD IS DISUNION OF SOULS AND DISJUNCTION OF MINDS, WHENCE COMES INDIFFERENCE, DISCORD, CONTEMPT, LOATHING, AVERSION; FROM WHICH, WITH MANY, COMES FINALLY SEPARATION FROM BED, CHAMBER, AND HOUSE. That such is the case with married partners if their first love declines and becomes cold, is too well known to need comment. The reason is because conjugial cold resides in human minds above all other colds; for the conjugial is inscribed upon the soul to the end that soul may be propagated from soul, and the soul of a father into his offspring. Hence it is that this cold begins there and passes down successively into the parts that follow, and infects them, and so turns the gladsome and delightful things of the first love into things sad and undelightful.

Conjugial Love #236 (Wunsch (1937))

236. (ii) Spiritual cold in marriage is disunion of souls and disjunction of minds; whence come indifference, discord, contempt, disgust and aversion, which lead at length with many to separation from bed, chamber and house. It is too well known to need comment that such things befall partners when their early love has waned and turned cold. The reason is that marital cold resides above all other colds in human minds. For the marital is inscribed on the very soul, to the end that soul may be propagated from soul, and the soul of the father to the offspring. Thence it is that this coldness begins there and successively sinks down and infects derivatives, and thus turns the gladness and joy of the early love into sadness and joylessness.

Conjugial Love #236 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

236. (2) That spiritual cold in marriages is disunion of souls and disjunction of minds; whence come indifference, discord, contempt, loathing, and aversion; which lead at length with many to separation from bed, chamber, and house. That these things take place with married partners while their first love is passing away and growing cold, is too well known to need comment. The reason is that conjugial cold resides above all other colds in human minds; for the conjugial itself is inscribed upon the soul, to the end that soul may be propagated from soul, and that of the father in the offspring. Hence it is that this cold begins there, and passes down successively into the things following and infects them, and so turns the joys and delights of the first love into what is sad and undelightful.

De Amore Conjugiali #236 (original Latin (1768))

236. II: Quod Frigus spirituale in Conjugiis sit disunio animarum, et disjunctio mentium; unde indifferentia, discordia, contemtus, fastidium, aversatio, ex quibus tandem apud plures separatio quoad torum, cubiculum, et domum. Quod haec fiant apud conjuges, dum primitivus illorum amor facessit, et fit frigus, notius est, quam ut commentatione egeat: causa est, quia frigus conjugiale supra omnia alia frigora in mentibus humanis residet; est enim ipsum Conjugiale inscriptum animae, propter finem ut propagetur anima ab anima, ac patris in proles; inde est, quod hoc frigus inceptet ibi, et successive in consequentia demeet, et haec inficiat, et sic vertat primitivi amoris laeta et jucunda in tristia et injucunda.

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