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《婚姻之爱》 第237节







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Conjugial Love #237 (Chadwick (1996))

237. (iii) There are many reasons for the successive stages of coldness, some inward, some outward and some accidental.

It is known in the world that there are many reasons for coldness in marriage, and that these are due to many outward causes. But it is not generally known that the sources of these lie hidden at the inmost level, and spread to the following levels, until they become apparent outwardly. To ensure therefore that it is known that the outward causes are not in themselves the basic reasons, but are derived from these, which, as I said, are at the inmost levels, I begin by classifying the causes generally as inward and outward, and then proceed to their detailed investigation.

Conjugial Love #237 (Rogers (1995))

237. 3. Reasons for cold states in their gradual progressions are many, some of them internal, some external, and some incidental. People know in the world that there are many reasons for cold states in marriage, also that they arise as a result of a number of external factors. They do not know, however, that the origins of these factors lie hidden in the inmost recesses of a person, and that they develop from them into subsequent elements until they appear in their outward manifestations.

Consequently, to make it known that external factors are not reasons in themselves, but stem from others that are the reasons in themselves, which - as we said - lie in the inmost recesses of a person, we therefore first distinguish these reasons generally into internal and external ones, and then explore them individually.

Love in Marriage #237 (Gladish (1992))

237. 3. The causes of coldness taken one by one are many - some inner and some outer. Some are "contingent" causes. The world knows that there are many reasons for coldness in marriages and that it comes from many outward causes. But it is not common knowledge that the causes are from origins deeply hidden within the person, and from there they go into lower parts until they finally appear outwardly.

The causes are first separated broadly into inner and outer and then are examined in detail in order to show that the outward causes themselves are not the causes but that they come from the real causes, which, again, are deep within.

Conjugial Love #237 (Acton (1953))

237. III. THAT THE CAUSES OF COLD IN THEIR SUCCESSIONS ARE MANY, SOME INTERNAL, SOME EXTERNAL, AND SOME ACCIDENTAL. That there are many causes of cold in marriages is known in the world; and also that cold arises from many external causes. But that the origins of these causes lie concealed in man's inmost parts, and that from these they betake themselves into the parts that follow, until at last they appear in externals, is not known. In order, therefore, that it may be known that the external causes are not causes in themselves but are derived from causes which are causes in themselves and which, as was said, are in man's inmosts, the causes are first divided generally into internal and external, and are then examined in detail.

Conjugial Love #237 (Wunsch (1937))

237. (iii) Causes of cold in order one after another are many, some internal, some external, and some accessory. The world knows that there are many causes of cold in marriage, and that cold arises from many external causes. But it is not known that the causes have origins hidden in the inmosts, whence they extend into the derivatives, until they become manifest in externals. To make it known, therefore, that external causes are not in themselves causes, but are derived from such as are, which, as we said, are in the inmosts, we first distribute the causes in general into internal and external, and afterwards examine them in detail.

Conjugial Love #237 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

237. (3) That the causes of colds in their successions are numerous, some internal, some external, and some adventitious. That there are many causes of colds in marriages is known in the world; and also that colds arise from many external causes. But that the origins of the causes lie concealed in the inmosts, and that from these they derive themselves into the things following until they appear in externals, is not known. In order therefore, that it may be known that the external causes are in themselves not the causes, but are derivations from the causes in themselves, which as was said are in the inmosts, for this reason the causes are first divided generally, into internal and external, and afterwards are examined particularly.

De Amore Conjugiali #237 (original Latin (1768))

237. III: Quod Causae frigorum in suis successionibus sint plures, quaedam Internae, quaedam Externae, et quaedam Accidentales. Quod causae frigorum in conjugiis sint plures, scitur in Mundo; tum etiam quod oriantur ex multis causis externis; sed quod origines causarum lateant absconditae in intimis, et quod ex his se derivent in consequentia, usque dum apparent in externis, non scitur: ut itaque sciatur, quod causae externae non sint causae in se, sed derivativae a causis in se, quae, 1ut dictum est, in intimis sunt, ideo causae primum communiter dispescuntur in Internas, Externas, et postea particulariter explorantur.


1. Prima editio: quae (absque puncto)

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