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《婚姻之爱》 第239节






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Conjugial Love #239 (Chadwick (1996))

239. It follows from what has been said that where there is no religion, neither can there be conjugial love; and where this is absent, there will be coldness. Coldness in marriage is having that love taken away (235 above). Consequently coldness in marriage is also having the state of the church or religion taken away. A clear enough proof of this can be drawn from the general ignorance today about truly conjugial love. Is there anyone today who knows, or is willing to acknowledge, or will not be surprised to learn, that this is the source of conjugial love? The only reason for this ignorance is that although religion exists, still its truths do not; and what is religion without truths? The absence of truths was fully demonstrated in THE APOCALYPSE REVEALED; see too the experiences quoted there (Apocalypse Revealed 566).

Conjugial Love #239 (Rogers (1995))

239. From what we have now said, it follows that where religion is lacking, conjugial love does not exist either; and where conjugial love does not exist, coldness develops instead. It may be seen in no. 235 above that coldness in marriage is the absence and loss of that love. It follows by the same token that coldness in marriage is also the absence or loss of a state of the church or of religion in a person.

Sufficiently corroborative evidence of this may be inferred from the general ignorance today regarding truly conjugial love. Who today knows that the origin of conjugial love in a person stems from religion? Who today is even willing to acknowledge it, and who today would not be surprised by it? But this circumstance is owing altogether to the fact that although religion exists, its truths do not; and what is religion without truths? (We showed in full in The Apocalypse Revealed that these truths are lacking. See also the narrative accounts there in no. 566.)

Love in Marriage #239 (Gladish (1992))

239. The point is that where there is no religion there is no married love, and where this love is missing there is coldness. A marriage is cold when it lacks married love (see no. 235 above), so marital coldness also comes when the church or religion is missing. You can tell this is true by the general ignorance, these days, about real married love. Who knows, these days, that religion is the source of married love? Who will acknowledge it? Who is not surprised? This is due to one thing - that although there is religion, there are no truths of religion, and what is religion without truths?

(Apocalypse Revealed shows fully that there are no truths. Also see the events recorded there, no. 566.)

Conjugial Love #239 (Acton (1953))

239. From what has now been said, it follows that where there is no religion there is no conjugial love, and that where this is lacking, there cold is present. That conjugial cold is the deprivation of that love may be seen above (no. 235); consequently, conjugial cold is also the deprivation of the state of the church or religion. A very evident confirmation of this may be drawn from the common ignorance at the present day concerning love truly conjugial. Who at this day knows that the origin of conjugial love is deduced from this source? who at this day is willing to acknowledge this? and who at this day will not wonder at it? This is due to no other cause than the fact that though there is religion, there are no truths of religion; and what is religion without truths? That there are no truths has been fully shown in THE APOCALYPSE REVEALED; see also in the Memorabilia there, no. 566.

Conjugial Love #239 (Wunsch (1937))

239. It follows from what we have just said that where there is no religion, there no marital love can be, either; and that where this is not, there is cold. Marital cold is the absence of that love (235). Marital cold is then also the absence of any state of the Church or of religion. A sufficiently plain confirmation of this is to be found in the general ignorance today about true marital love. Who knows or wants to acknowledge, and who is not amazed, that we trace the origin of marital love to the source we do? But this is due solely to the fact that although there is religion, truths of religion are lacking; and what is religion without truths? It has been shown fully in Apocalypse Revealed that truths are lacking today; see also Memorabilia there (Apocalypse Revealed 566).

Conjugial Love #239 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

239. From what has now been said it follows that where there is no religion there is no conjugial love; and that where this is not there is cold. That conjugial cold is the privation of that love may be seen above n. 235; consequently that conjugial cold is also the privation of the state of the church, or of religion. A sufficiently evident confirmation that this is so may be drawn from the common ignorance at this day about love truly conjugial. Who at this day knows, and who at this day is willing to acknowledge, and who at this day is not surprised, that the origin of conjugial love is thence deduced? But this is from no other cause than that, though there is religion, yet the truths of religion are wanting, and what is religion without truths? That the truths are wanting, is fully shown in the Apocalypse Revealed. See also the Relations there, at Apocalypse Revealed 566.

De Amore Conjugiali #239 (original Latin (1768))

239. Ex nunc dictis sequitur, quod ubi non Religio, ibi nec detur amor conjugialis; et quod ubi non hic, ibi sit frigus; quod frigus conjugiale sit privatio illius amoris, videatur supra 235; consequenter quod frigus conjugiale sit etiam privatio status Ecclesiae, seu Religionis. Confirmativum satis evidens, quod ita sit, potest educi ex communi inscitia hodie de amore vere conjugiali; quis hodie scit, et quis hodie vult agnoscere, et quis hodie non miraturus est, quod origo amoris conjugialis deducatur inde: sed hoc non aliunde est, quam quod tametsi religio est, usque non vera ejus sint, et quid religio absque veris; quod non vera sint, in Apocalypsis Revelata plene ostensum est; videantur 1etiam Memorabilia, Apocalypsi Revelata 566. ibi.


1. Prima editio: videatur

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