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《婚姻之爱》 第240节









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Conjugial Love #240 (Chadwick (1996))

240. (v) The first of the inward reasons for coldness is the rejection of religion by both parties.

In the case of those who throw the holy things of the church behind them, from the face to the back of the head, or from the chest to the back, no good love can exist. Though there may look from the body's point of view to be some, still in spirit there is none. In such cases instances of good are placed on the outside of evils, and conceal them as a robe glittering with gold does a rotten body.

The evils which are lodged within and concealed are hatreds in general, and the internal conflicts directed against everything spiritual. For all the matters relating to the church, which they reject, are essentially spiritual. Since, as was shown above (65), truly conjugial love is the foundation of all spiritual loves, it is plain that the hatred felt deep within is directed against it, and the deeply felt or peculiar love these people feel is in favour of its opposite, adultery. These people therefore will, more than others, make fun of this truth, that each has conjugial love in accordance with the state of the church with him. In fact, they may perhaps roar with laughter at the very mention of truly conjugial love. Never mind if this happens. Yet they are to be forgiven, because they find it as impossible to think of embraces in marriage as any different from those in wantonness, as it is to push a camel through the eye of a sewing needle. Those who are like this feel coldness in conjugial love more acutely than others. If they stay with their partners, they do so merely for some of the outward reasons listed above (153), which hold them together and make a bond. In their case the inner levels of the soul, and so of the mind, are more and more shut off and dammed in the body; then even sexual love is cheapened or leads to mad wantonness in the inner levels of the body, from where it spreads to the lowest levels of thought. For these are the people meant in the experience related in 79, which they should please read.

Conjugial Love #240 (Rogers (1995))

240. 5. Of these internal reasons for cold states, the first is rejection of religion by both partners. No good love exists in people who reject the sanctities of the church and banish them from the front of their heads to the back, or from before their hearts to behind them. If any seemingly good love is manifested by the body, still none exists in the spirit. In people like this, good virtues surround evils and cover them up, like a garment glistening with gold but covering up a decayed and putrid body. In general, the evils which lie within and are covered up are feelings of hatred for and so internal battles against everything spiritual. For all matters having to do with the church, which they reject, are essentially spiritual.

So, because truly conjugial love is the fundamental love of all spiritual loves (as we have shown previously), 1it is apparent that people like this have an inward hatred for it, and that they have an inward or inherent love for its opposite, which is a love of adultery. Consequently they, more than others, may be expected to ridicule this truth, that everyone possesses conjugial love according to the state of the church in him. Indeed, they may guffaw perhaps at the mere mention of truly conjugial love. But let them laugh. Yet they must be pardoned, because it is as impossible for them to think of embraces in marriage as any different from embraces in licentious relationships, as it is for a camel to force its way through the eye of a needle. 2

People who are of this character experience a greater coldness than others in respect to conjugial love. If they remain faithful to their married partners, they do so only for some of the external reasons recounted above in no. 153, which hold them and keep them from straying. In their case, the inner faculties, which are faculties of the soul and from that of the mind, are more and more closed up, and in the body obstructed; and then even love for the opposite sex becomes a matter of indifference, or it smolders with an insane lasciviousness in the interior recesses of the body and so in the bottommost elements of their thought.

People like this are also meant by the ones in the narrative account in no. 79. Let them read it if they like.


1. See nos. 58, 65-67.

2. Cf. Matthew 19:24, Mark 10:25, Luke 18:25.

Love in Marriage #240 (Gladish (1992))

240. 5. One inner cause of coldness is the rejection of religion by both partners. There is no good love in those who toss holy church matters to the back of their minds instead of having them before their faces, or put them behind their backs instead of in their hearts. If they demonstrate any good love bodily, it still is not in their spirits. With people like this the good things outside veil evils like a glittering gold garment covering a putrid corpse. The veiled - over evils inside, generally speaking, are hatreds that cause inner struggles against everything spiritual - for everything that they reject about the church is intrinsically spiritual. The true love in marriage is the most basic of all spiritual loves (see no. 65), so their inner hatred is clearly against it and their own inner love is for the opposite - which is the love of adultery. So they, more than others, deride the truth that for everyone the love in marriage is aligned with the state of the church in him. In fact, they might even laugh out loud at the mere mention of a real love in marriage. But so be it.

But they must be excused in spite of that, because it is just as hard for them to see the difference between embraces in marriage and embraces in fornication as it is for a camel to squeeze through the eye of a needle. People like this have more extreme coldness toward the love in marriage than others do. If they do cling to their partners it is only for some of the external reasons mentioned above (no. 153a), which restrain and bind them. Their inner dimensions which have to do with the soul and therefore the mind, close off more and more, and are blocked off in the body, so that love for the other sex also degenerates, or becomes insanely lascivious within their bodies and therefore on the lowest plane of thought. If they want, they can read the story in no. 79, which applies to them.

Conjugial Love #240 (Acton (1953))

240. V. THAT OF THE INTERNAL CAUSES OF COLD, THE FIRST IS REJECTION OF RELIGION BY BOTH PARTNERS. With those who cast the holy things of the Church, from the face to the occiput or from the breast to the back, there is no good love. If any comes to view from the body, there is still none in the spirit. With such men, goods place themselves outside evils and veil them over like a garment resplendent with gold covering a corrupt body. The evils which reside within and are veiled over are, in general, hatreds and thence intestine combats against everything spiritual--all the things of the Church which they reject being in themselves spiritual. And because love truly conjugial is the fundamental of all spiritual loves, as shown above [no. 65] it is evident that their intrinsic hatred is against this love, and that with them the intrinsic or proprial love is for the opposite which is the love of adultery. Wherefore they, more than others, will deride the truth that with every one, conjugial love is according to the state of the Church with him. Indeed, they will perhaps laugh aloud at the very mention of love truly conjugial. Be that as it may, they are yet to be excused because, for them, it is just as impossible to think differently of embraces in marriage than of embraces in whoredom, as it is for a camel to push through the eye of a needle. Those who are such, are cold in respect to conjugial love with more extreme cold than others. If they cleave to their partners, it is only for external reasons such as are recounted above [no. 153], which restrain and bind them. With them, the interiors which pertain to the soul and thence to the mind are more and more closed, and in the body they are stopped up; and then, in the interiors of their body and thence in the lowest things of their thoughts, love of the sex also grows vile or becomes insanely lascivious. These also are they who are meant in the Memorable Relation no. 79, which they may read if they please.

Conjugial Love #240 (Wunsch (1937))

240. (v) Of internal causes of cold the first is the rejection of religion by both partners. No good love is possible with those who drive the Church's holy things from the front of the brain to its base or from breast to back. Whatever right love may be shown in the body, there is none in the spirit. In such men goods quarter themselves outside evils and cover them up as a garment shining with gold may cover a decaying body. The evils, resident within and covered up, are in general hatreds, and intestine battles thence, against everything spiritual. For the things of the Church rejected by these men are in themselves all spiritual. And because true marital love is the basic love among all spiritual loves (as was shown above), plainly there is inner hatred against marital love, and the inward love peculiar to such men is for the opposite, or for what is adulterous. They more than others, therefore, deride the truth that every one has marital love in accord with the state of the Church; doubtless they laugh at the mention of true marital love. But let that be. And yet they are to be pardoned, for it is as impossible for them not to think in the very same way of embraces in marriage and in whoredom as it is for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. Such men grow colder than others toward marital love. If they cling to their wives, it is only for some of the external causes, enumerated above (153), which restrain and bind. The interiors of the soul and thence of the mind are closed with them more and more, and stopped up in the body; and then love for the sex also turns cheap or becomes insanely lascivious in the body's interiors and thence in the lowest reaches of their thoughts. These are the men, too, who are meant in the Memorabilia at79- which they might read, if they will.

Conjugial Love #240 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

240. (5) That the first of the internal causes of cold is the rejection of religion by both. With those who cast the holy things of the church back from the face to the back part of the head, or from the breast to the back, there is no good love. If any is apparent from the body, yet in the spirit there is none. With such, goods put themselves outside of evils and cover them - like a garment resplendent with gold upon a putrid body. The evils that reside within and are covered over are, in general, hatreds and thence intestine combats against everything spiritual; for all the things of the church which they reject are in themselves spiritual. And as love truly conjugial is the fundamental of all spiritual loves, as has been shown above, it is plain that the intrinsic hatred is against that, and that with them the intrinsic love, or their own love, is for the opposite which is adultery. They therefore, more than others will deride this truth that conjugial love is according to the state of the church with everyone, yea, they will perhaps laugh aloud at the very mention of love truly conjugial. But so be it. They are however to be pardoned, for it is as impossible for them to think otherwise of embraces in marriage than they do of those in scortations, as for a camel to go through the eye of a sewing needle. They who are of such quality as respects conjugial love are cold with more extreme cold than others. If they cleave to their married partners it is only for some external reasons, such as are recounted above (n. 153) which restrain and bind them. With them the interiors, which are of the soul and thence of the mind, are closed more and more, and are obstructed in the body; and then even the love of the sex is held in light esteem, or wantons insanely in the interiors of the body and thence in their lowest thoughts. These also are they who are meant in the Relation, n. 79, which they may read if they please.

De Amore Conjugiali #240 (original Latin (1768))

240. V: Quod causarum internarum frigorum Prima sit rejectio religionis ab utroque. Apud illos, qui a facie in occiput, seu a pectore in tergum, rejiciunt sancta Ecclesiae, non datur 1ullus amor bonus; si apparens aliquis e corpore, usque non datur aliquis in spiritu; apud tales se locant bona extra mala, et obvelant haec sicut amictus splendens auro corpus putre; mala quae intus resident, et obvelantur, sunt in genere odia, et inde intestinae pugnae contra omne spirituale; cuncta enim Ecclesiae, quae rejiciunt, sunt in se spiritualia; et quia amor vere conjugialis est omnium amorum spiritualium fundamentalis, ut supra ostensum est, patet, quod intrinsecum odium contra illum sit, et quod amor intrinsecus seu proprius apud illos sit pro opposito, qui est adulterii; quare illi, plus quam alii, subsannaturi sunt veritatem hanc, quod amor conjugialis sit cuique secundum 2statum Ecclesiae; imo ad nominationem amoris vere conjugialis forte cachinnaturi; sed sit hoc; attamen ignoscendi sunt, quia illis tam impossibile est cogitare aliud de amplexibus in conjugiis, quam cogitant de illis in scortationibus, sicut est camelum intrudere per foramen acus netoriae. Hi, qui tales sunt, quoad amorem conjugialem, frigent frigore prae caeteris; si adhaerent conjugibus, fit hoc modo propter aliquas ex causis externis, supra 153, recensitis, quae continent et ligant. Apud hos interiora, quae animae et inde mentis sunt, plus et plus occluduntur, et in corpore obturantur, et tunc amor etiam sexus vilescit, aut in interioribus corporis, et inde in cogitationis infimis illorum, insane lascivit; illi etiam sunt, qui intelliguntur in Memorabili,79, quod legant, si placet.


1. Prima editio: datut

2. Prima editio: seundum

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