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《婚姻之爱》 第25节






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Conjugial Love #25 (Chadwick (1996))

25. After thanking him they went home. There the angel said to them: 'It is now the third day since you came up into the community of this heaven, and it was for three days' stay here that the Lord prepared you. So now it is time for us to part. Take off the clothes the prince sent you, and put on your own.' When they were dressed in their own clothes, they felt a desire to leave. So they left and went down, with the angel accompanying them as far as the place of assembly. There they gave thanks to the Lord for His goodness in blessing them with knowledge, and so with intelligence, about the joys of heaven and everlasting happiness.

Conjugial Love #25 (Rogers (1995))

25. After expressing their thanks, the visitors went home, and there the angel said to them, "Today is the third day since your ascent into the society of this heaven, and you were prepared by the Lord to stay here for three days. Consequently it is time for us to part. Take off the garments sent by the prince, therefore, and put on your own."

Then, when they were in their own clothing, they were filled with a desire to leave, and they left and descended, with the angel accompanying them till they reached the place of assembly. And there they gave thanks to the Lord, that He had deigned to bless them with knowledge and so with understanding regarding heavenly joys and eternal happiness.

Love in Marriage #25 (Gladish (1992))

25. After expressing thanks they went home, and there the angel said to them, "Today is the third day since you came up to this community of heaven, and the Lord prepared you to stay three days, so the time has come for us to separate. So take off the clothes the prince sent and put on your own." And when they did put them on, something made them want to leave, and they left and went back down, with the angel accompanying them, to the place where they had met. And there they gave thanks to the Lord that He had seen fit to honor them with knowledge and therefore with an understanding of heavenly joys and eternal happiness.

Conjugial Love #25 (Acton (1953))

25. After expressing their thanks they went home; and there the angel said to them: "This is the third day since your ascent into the society of this heaven, and you were prepared by the Lord to remain here three days. Therefore, the time is now come when we must part. Put off then the garments sent you by the prince, and put on your own." As soon as they had done this, they were inspired with a desire to depart; and they went away and descended, the angel accompanying them to the place of assembly. There they gave thanks to the Lord that He had vouchsafed to bless them with knowledge and hence with intelligence respecting heavenly joys and eternal happiness.

Conjugial Love #25 (Wunsch (1937))

25. After voicing their thanks the ten left for home, and there the angel said to them, "This is the third day since you ascended into this society of heaven, and you were prepared by the Lord to remain here three days. The time has come, accordingly, for us to part. Put off, therefore, the garments the prince sent you, and put on your own." When they had done so they were inspired with a desire to leave. They departed and descended, their angel guide accompanying them as far as the assembly-hall. There they gave thanks to the Lord for having deigned to bless them with knowledge and intelligence about heavenly joys and eternal happiness.

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Conjugial Love #25 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

25. After an expression of thanks, they went home. And there the angel said to them, 'This is the third day since your ascent into the society of this heaven, and you were prepared by the Lord to remain here three days. The time is therefore, come when we must separate. Put off then the garments sent you by the prince and put on your own.' And as soon as they had put them on they were inspired with a desire to depart, and went away and descended, the angel accompanying them to the place of assembly. And there they gave thanks to the Lord that He had vouchsafed to bless them with knowledge and thence with intelligence respecting heavenly joys and eternal happiness.

De Amore Conjugiali #25 (original Latin (1768))

25. Post gratiarum dictionem, abiverunt domum; et ibi dixit illis Angelus, "est hodie Tertius dies ab ascensu vestro in hujus Coeli Societatem, et in tres dies praeparati estis a Domino ad manendum hic, quare tempus est ut separemur: exuite itaque vestes missas a Principe, ac induite vestras;" et cum in his erant, inspirabantur desiderio secedendi, et secesserunt, et descenderunt, Angelo comitante illos usque ad locum conventus; et ibi Domino gratias egerunt, quod dignatus sit illos beare scientia et inde intelligentia de Gaudiis Coelestibus et de Felicitate Aeterna.

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