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《婚姻之爱》 第253节













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Conjugial Love #253 (Chadwick (1996))

253. (xvii) The second reason for legitimate separation is physical deficiency.

Physical faults do not mean the accidental diseases which may befall one partner or the other during a marriage, and pass over; it is chronic diseases which do not pass over which are meant. Their listing is due to the pathologists. They are of many kinds, such as those which infect the whole body so severely that fatal results may follow from contagion. Of this sort are malignant and plague-type fevers, leprosy, venereal infection, gangrene, cancer and others of the same kind. Then there are diseases which make the body so repulsive that it is impossible for others to live with them, ones which emit harmful discharges and noxious gases, either from the surface of the body or from inside, especially from the stomach and lungs. Diseases of the surface are malignant pox, warts, pustules, consumption due to scurvy, acute scabies, especially if the face is made ugly by them.

[2] Among emissions from the stomach are foul, evil-smelling and rank belches due to indigestion; from the lungs, foul and rotten breath due to pockets of pus, ulcers, abscesses or corruption of the blood or lymph in these. In addition there are other diseases of various types, such as fits of unconsciousness, causing total feebleness of the body and loss of strength; paralysis, a slackening and relaxation of the membranes and ligatures which control movement; certain chronic diseases arising from the loss of the ability of the sinews to contract and stretch, or from excessive viscosity, tenacity or acidity of humours; epilepsy; permanent disability due to strokes; certain types of consumption, leading to wasting of the body; colic, coeliac disease, hernia and other similar diseases.

Conjugial Love #253 (Rogers (1995))

253. 17. A second reason for legitimate separation is an impairment of the body. By impairments of the body we do not mean incidental illnesses which befall one or the other partner during their marriage and pass away. What we mean are persistent conditions which do not pass away.

Pathology tells us what these are. Being of many types and kinds, some, for example, are diseases by which the whole body is so thoroughly infected as to raise the possibility of death by contagion. Conditions of this sort include: Malignant and pestilential fevers. Leprosies. Venereal diseases. Gangrenous infections. Cancerous sores. And other comparable conditions.

Other afflictions are conditions by which the whole body becomes so thoroughly burdened as to make close companionship impossible, or which are accompanied by unhealthy exhalations and noxious vapors, either from the body's surface or from its inner parts, particularly from the stomach and lungs.

Conditions involving the surface of the body include: Malignant lesions. Warts. Pustules. Scurvy-like discoloration and swelling of the skin. Virulent scabies. (Especially if the face is disfigured by these afflictions.)

[2] Exhalations emanating from the stomach: Offensive, foul-smelling, rank and crude eructations.

Emanating from the lungs: Foul and rancid expirations, issuing from tubercles, ulcerations and abscesses, or from the presence of corrupted blood or corrupted lymphatic fluid collected there.

In addition to these are also other conditions having various names. For example: Chronic faintness, marked by complete physical languor and loss of strength. Paralysis, which involves a loosening or slackening of the membranes and ligaments required for movement. Certain other chronic disorders arising from loss of flexibility or elasticity in the sinews, or from excessive thickness, viscosity or causticity of the body's fluids. Epilepsy. Permanent disability due to strokes or apoplexies. Certain consumptive disorders which destroy the body. Intestinal obstruction and suffering (ileus). Chronic stomach disorder and diarrhea. Hernial protrusion. And other, comparable conditions.

Love in Marriage #253 (Gladish (1992))

253. 17. Another legitimate cause of separation is an unhealthy body.

This does not apply to temporary diseases that strike one or the other partner during marriage, and then go away. It means incurable diseases that do not go away. Pathology teaches what they are. There are many of them, such as diseases that infect the whole body to a degree that may lead to fatal results by contagion - like harmful and infectious fevers, leprosy, venereal diseases, gangrene, cancer, and similar illnesses. Also diseases that weigh the whole body down so much that they prevent companionship and give off harmful discharges and noxious vapors either from the surface of the body or from within it, especially from the stomach and lungs. On the surface of the body: malignant pox, warts, pimples, consuming scurvy, infectious itch, especially if the diseases make the face repulsive. From the stomach: foul, rank, smelly, and crude belches. From the lungs: smelly, putrid breath exhaled from tumors, ulcers, abscesses, from contaminated blood, or from contaminated fluid in it like lipothymy, which is total languidness of the body and lack of vital forces; paralysis, which is a loosening and relaxation of the membranes and ligaments that serve for motion; certain chronic diseases arising from loss of the sinews' elasticity and the ability of the nerves to stretch from an excessive density, viscosity, and acidity of the fluids; epilepsy; permanent illness from stroke; certain wasting diseases that consume the body; obstruction of the bowels; chronic intestinal disease; hernia; and other diseases like these.

Conjugial Love #253 (Acton (1953))

253. XVII. THAT THE SECOND CAUSE OF LEGITIMATE SEPARATION IS A BLEMISH OF THE BODY. By blemishes of the body are not meant accidental diseases which befall one or the other married partner during the time of marriage and which pass away. What are meant are incurable diseases which do not pass away. Pathology teaches what these are. They are multifarious, such as diseases by which the whole body is infected to a degree which may lead to fatal results by contagion. Such diseases are: 1. Malignant and pestilential fevers, leprosy, venereal diseases, gangrenes, cancer, and other like maladies. 2. Also diseases by which the whole body becomes so weighed down that no consociation is possible, and from which hurtful effluvia and noxious vapors are exhaled, either from the surface of the body or from its inner parts, especially the stomach and lungs. From the surface of the body; Malignant pox, warts, pustules, consuming scurvy, virulent itch, especially if by these diseases the face is made loathsome.

[2] From the stomach: Eructations, foul, rank, fetid and crude. From the lungs: Fetid and putrid exhalations, exhaled from tumors, ulcers, abscesses, or from vitiated blood or vitiated lymph therein. 3. In addition to these, there are also other diseases of various names, such as lipothymy, which is a total languidness of the body and lack of vital forces; paralysis, which is a loosening and relaxation of the membranes and ligaments that serve for motion; certain chronic diseases arising from loss of tensibility and elasticity of the nerves or from an excessive density, tenacity, and acidity of the humors; epilepsy; permanent infirmity arising from apoplexy; certain wasting diseases by which the body is consumed; the iliac passion; 1the celiac affection; 2hernia and other like diseases.


1. Iliac Passion. A dangerous disease characterized by deep-seated pain in the abdomen, stercoraceous vomiting and obstinate constipation. It is often caused by hernia or obstructing the passage of the faeces (Dunglison, Medical Dict.).

2. Celiac Affection or flux, a species of diarrhea in which food is discharged by the bowels in undigested condition (ibid.)

Conjugial Love #253 (Wunsch (1937))

253. (xvii) A second cause of legitimate separation is a vitiated condition of body. By vitiated conditions of the body, passing illnesses which befall one partner or the other during marriage are not meant, but inherent morbid conditions which do not pass away. Pathology teaches what they are. They are multifarious, like diseases by which the whole body is infected to such a degree as to threaten death by contagion. Such are malignant and pestilential fevers, leprosy, venereal diseases, gangrenes, cancers, and other like maladies. So also diseases by which the whole body is so burdened that there is no associating with the person, and in which hurtful effluvia and noxious vapors are exhaled, either from the body's surface or from its interiors, especially from stomach and lungs; on the surface of the body are malignant pocks, warty growths, pustules, scurvy, virulent itch - in particular, if the face is defiled with them; while from the stomach come foul, rank, fetid and crude eructations; and from the lungs, noisome and putrid breath, exhaled from tubercles, ulcers, abscesses or from vitiated blood or vitiated lymph therein. Besides these are other maladies variously named, like lipothymy, which is a total physical debility and failure of strength; paralysis, which is a loosening and slackening of the membranes and ligaments which serve for motion; certain chronic diseases arising from loss of tensibility and elasticity of the nerves or from too much density, toughness and acridity of the humors; epilepsy; permanent debility from attacks of apoplexy; certain wasting diseases by which the body is consumed; the iliac passion; the celiac affection; hernia; and other like ailments.

Conjugial Love #253 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

253. (17) The second cause of legitimate separation is a vitiated condition of the body. By vitiated conditions of the body are not meant accidental diseases which befall one or the other married partner during the time of marriage and which pass away, but inherent morbid conditions are meant which do not pass away. Pathology teaches them. They are multifarious, as, diseases by which the whole body is infected to a degree that may lead to fatal results by contagion. Such are malignant and pestilential fevers; leprosy; venereal diseases; gangrenes; cancers; and other like maladies. So also diseases by which the whole body becomes weighed down to such a degree that there is no consociability, and from which hurtful effluvia. and noxious vapors are exhaled, either from the surface of the body or from its interiors, especially from the stomach and the lungs. On the surface of the body are malignant pocks, warts, pustules, scorbutic phthisis, virulent scab,-especially if the face is defiled with them. From the stomach come foul, rank, foetid and crude eructations; from the lungs, noisome and putrid breath, exhaled from apostemes, ulcers, abcesses, or from vitiated blood or vitiated lymph therein. Besides these are also other maladies of various names, as lipothymy, which is a total languidness of body and failure of strength; paralysis, which is a loosening and laxation of the membranes and ligaments that serve for motion; certain chronic diseases arising from loss of tensibility and elasticity of the nerves, or from too much density, tenacity, and acrimony of the humors; epilepsy; permanent debility from apoplexy; certain wasting diseases by which the body is consumed; the iliac passion; the celiac affection; hernia; and other like diseases.

De Amore Conjugiali #253 (original Latin (1768))

253. XVII. Quod Secunda causa legitimae Separationis sit Vitium corporis. Per Vitia corporis non intelliguntur Morbi accidentales, qui uni vel alteri conjugi intra tempus conjugii contingunt, et transeunt; sed intelliguntur Morbi inhaerentes, qui non transeunt: hos Pathologia docet; sunt multifarii, ut Morbi, ex quibus totum Corpus inficitur in tantum, ut lethale ex contagio inducatur; tales sunt Febres malignae et pestilentiales, Leprae, Lues venereae, Gangraenae, Cancri, et similes alii. Tum Morbi, ex quibus totum Corpus ingravatum fit in tantum, ut nulla consociabilitas sit, et ex quibus exhalantur effluvia detrimentosa et vapores noxii, sive e superficie corporis, sive ex interioribus ejus, in specie ex Ventriculo et Pulmone: ex Superficie corporis, sunt malignae Variolae, Verrucae, Pustulae, Phtisis scorbutica, Scabies virulenta; cumprimis si ab his facies defoedata est.

[2] Ex Ventriculo, Ructus tetri, graveolenti, olidi, crudi. Ex Pulmone, Halitus foedi et putres, exhalati ex apostematibus, ulceribus, abscessibus, aut ex vitiato sanguine, aut ex vitiata lympha, inibi. Praeter hos etiam sunt alii Morbi varii nominis, ut Lipothymia, quae est totalis languiditas corporis et defectus virium; Paralysis, quae est resolutio et relaxatio membranarum et ligamentorum motui inservientium; quidam Morbi chronici, oriundi ex jactura tensibilitatis et elasticitatis nervorum, vel a nimia spissitudine, tenacitate, et acrimonia humorum; Epilepsia; permanens infirmitas ex Apoplexiis; quaedam Phtises, ex quibus corpus consummatur; Passio iliaca, Affectio 1coeliaca, Hernia, et similes alii morbi.


1. Prima editio: Affectlo

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