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《婚姻之爱》 第252节









  喜欢透露家里的秘密,喜欢争论,发起攻击,报复,行为凶残,偷盗 ,说谎,欺诈,漫骂,并且无法被控制。




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Conjugial Love #252 (Chadwick (1996))

252. (xvi) The first reason for legitimate separation is mental deficiency.

This is because conjugial love is the linking of minds; if therefore the mind of one goes in the opposite direction to that of the other, their link is dissolved and together with it their love fades. The faults which cause separation can be seen from this list. In the majority of cases these are madness, inflammation of the brain, unsoundness of mind, real stupidity and silliness, loss of memory, serious hysterical disease; such extreme simplicity that good and truth cannot be perceived; excessive stubbornness in failing to respect justice and equity; excessive pleasure in chattering and talking about nothing but insignificant and trivial subjects; an unrestrained desire to publish domestic secrets, or for litigation, beating, punishing, committing crimes, stealing, lying, deceiving, swearing; failure to take care of children, intemperance, extravagance, excessive prodigality, drunkenness, uncleanliness, immodesty, an interest in magic and sorcery, impiety, and many more. By legitimate reasons we do not mean legally accepted ones, but ones which offer the other partner a satisfactory reason. Separation from home too is rarely decreed by a judge.

Conjugial Love #252 (Rogers (1995))

252. 16. The first reason for legitimate separation is an impairment of the mind. The reason for this is that conjugial love is a union of minds. If the mind of one grows apart from that of the other, therefore, this union is broken, and love fades with it. It can be seen what sort of impairments lead to separation from an enumeration of them. They are, accordingly, in large part the following:

Psychosis. Organic psychosis. Insanity. Actual idiocy or imbecility. Amnesia. Severe neurosis.

Extreme simplemindedness so as to lack any perception of goodness and truth. Utmost stubbornness in not complying with what is just and fair.

Taking the greatest pleasure in prattling and talking only about inconsequential and trivial matters.

Having an uncontrollable urge to divulge secrets of the home. Having an uncontrollable urge to argue; to strike blows; to take revenge; to act maliciously; to steal; to lie; to deceive; to blaspheme.

Neglect of the children. Intemperance. High living. Excessive extravagance. Drunkenness. Lack of cleanliness. Shamelessness. Resorting to sorceries and witchcraft. Impiety.

Many other disorders could be listed as well.

By legitimate reasons here we do not mean judicial ones, but ones legitimate to the other partner. Only rarely are separations from the house decreed by a judge.

Love in Marriage #252 (Gladish (1992))

252. 16. One legitimate cause of separation is an unhealthy mind, because the love of marriage is a union of minds. Therefore, if the mind of one turns away from the mind of the other, the union dissolves, and love vanishes with it. A list of unhealthy conditions that separate partners will show what these conditions are. For the most part they are as follows: mania, frenzy, insanity, actual foolishness and idiocy, loss of memory, severe hysteria, extreme simplicity with no perception of what is good and true, great stubbornness against yielding to what is just and fair, the greatest pleasure in gabbling and talking of nothing but insignificant and trivial things, unchecked desire to tell secrets about the home, also to quarrel, strike blows, take revenge, do evil, steal, lie, deceive, blaspheme; neglect of children, lack of self - control, self - indulgence, excessive wastefulness, drunkenness, uncleanness, lack of shame, practice of magic and witchcraft, impiety, and many others.

When we say legitimate causes of separation here, we mean legitimate as far as the other partner is concerned, not legally justified. Separation from the house, in fact, is seldom decreed by a judge.

Conjugial Love #252 (Acton (1953))

252. XVI. THAT THE FIRST CAUSE OF LEGITIMATE SEPARATION IS A BLEMISH OF THE MIND, is because conjugial love is a conjunction of minds. Therefore, if the mind of the one departs from that of the other into what is diverse, the conjunction is dissolved and therewith love vanishes. As to what the blemishes are which make separation, this can be seen from a recital of them. For the most part, they are the following: Mania, frenzy, insanity, actual foolishness and idiocy, loss of memory, severe hysteria, extreme simplicity so that there is no perception of good and truth, the height of obstinacy in not conforming to what is just and equitable, the utmost pleasure in gabbling and in talking of nothing but insignificant and trivial matters, unbridled desire to divulge the secrets of the home, also to quarrel, strike blows, take revenge, do evil, steal, lie, deceive, blaspheme; neglect of the children, intemperance, luxury, excessive prodigality, drunkenness, uncleanness, lack of shame, addiction to magic and witchcraft, impiety, and many others. By legitimate causes are here meant, not judicial causes, but causes legitimate to the other partner; moreover, separation from the house is seldom decreed by a judge.

Conjugial Love #252 (Wunsch (1937))

252. (xvi) A first cause of legitimate separation is vitiation of mind. Marital love is a conjunction of minds. If then the mind of one pursues a course contrary to the other, the conjunction is dissolved, and therewith love ceases. What vitiated conditions separate, may be seen from an enumeration of them. They are chiefly these: mania, frenzy, insanity, idiocy and imbecility, loss of memory, severe hysteria, extreme simplicity with no perception of good and truth; supreme obstinacy in refusing to yield to what is just and equitable; the utmost pleasure in gabbling and talking only of what is insignificant and frivolous; an ungovernable propensity to divulge the secrets of the house, and to quarrel, strike, take revenge, do mischief, pilfer, lie, deceive, defame; neglect of infants, profligacy, luxury, excessive prodigality, drunkenness, filthiness, immodesty, addiction to magic and witchcraft, impiety, and many others. By legitimate causes here we do not mean judicial causes, but legitimate for the other partner; separations from the house are also rarely decreed by a judge.

Conjugial Love #252 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

252. (16) The first cause of legitimate separation is a vitiated condition of mind. The reason of this is that conjugial love is a conjunction of minds; wherefore if the mind of one goes off in a contrary direction from that of the other the conjunction is dissolved and with it love departs. What vitiated conditions separate, may appear from a recital of them. They are chiefly these: mania; frenzy; insanity; actual foolishness and idiocy; loss of memory; severe hysteric disease; extreme simplicity, so that there is no perception of good and truth; supreme obstinacy in refusing to yield to what is just and equitable; the utmost pleasure of gabbling, and talking of nothing but what is insignificant and frivolous; an unbridled propensity to divulge the secrets of home, and to quarrel, to strike, to revenge, to do mischief, to pilfer, to lie, to deceive, to blaspheme; neglect of infants; profligacy; luxury; excessive prodigality; drunkenness; filthiness; immodesty; addiction to magic and witchcraft; impiety; and many others. By legitimate causes here are not meant judicial causes, but legitimate in respect to the other partner. Separations from the house are in fact seldom decreed by a judge.

De Amore Conjugiali #252 (original Latin (1768))

252. XVI: Quod Prima causa legitimae Separationis sit Vitium mentis, est quia amor conjugialis est conjunctio mentium, quare si unius Mens ab alterius in diversum abit, solvitur illa conjunctio, et cum hac facescit amor; quae Vitia separant, ex recensione illorum 1constare potest; sunt itaque quoad plurem partem haec; Mania, Phrenitis, Vesania, actualis Stultitia et Fatuitas, Jactura memoriae, gravis Morbus hystericus; extrema Simplicitas ut nulla sit perceptio boni et veri, summa Obnixitas non obtemperandi justo et aequo; summa Voluptas garriendi et loquendi non nisi quam vilipensa et nugas; infraenis Cupiditas vulgandi secreta domus, tum litigandi, verberandi, vindicandi, malefaciendi, furandi, mentiendi, fallendi, blasphemandi; Incuria infantum, Intemperantia, Luxuria, nimia Prodigalitas, Ebrietas, Immunditia, Impudicitia, applicatio ad Magica et Praestigias, Impietas; praeter plura. Per legitimas causas hic non intelliguntur judiciales, sed legitimae alteri conjugi; separationes a domo raro etiam fiunt a judice.


1. Prima editio: illorum,

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