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《婚姻之爱》 第255节













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Conjugial Love #255 (Chadwick (1996))

255. (xix) Adultery is a reason for divorce.

There are many reasons for this, which can be seen by the light of reason, but still at the present time hidden. It can be seen by the light of reason that marriages are holy, and acts of adultery are a profanation, so that marriage and adultery are diametrically opposite. When one thing acts upon its opposite, one destroys the other until the last glimmer of life in it is extinguished. This is what happens to conjugial love, when a married man of set purpose, that is, deliberately, commits adultery. For those who have some knowledge about heaven and hell, these facts come even more into the clear light of reason. For they know that marriages are in heaven and from heaven, acts of adultery in hell and from hell, and the two cannot be linked together, as heaven cannot be with hell. If in the case of a person they are linked, heaven at once departs and hell comes in.

[2] This then is why adultery is a reason for divorce. The Lord therefore says that anyone who sends his wife away, except for licentious behaviour, and marries another woman commits adultery (Matthew 19:9). He says that if he sends her away, except for licentious behaviour, and marries again, he commits adultery, because sending her away for this reason is a complete separation of minds, which is called divorce. But other cases of sending her away, for the special reasons which have just been listed, are separations. If another wife is married after these, adultery is committed, but not following a divorce.

Conjugial Love #255 (Rogers (1995))

255. 19. Adultery is ground for divorce. There are many explanations for this which appear in the light of reason and yet today lie hidden. From the light of reason it may be seen that marriages are sacred and adulterous affairs profane; consequently that marriages and adulterous relationships are diametrically opposed to each other; and that when opposite acts upon opposite, one destroys the other even to the last spark of its life. This is what happens with conjugial love when a married man deliberately and thus purposefully commits acts of adultery.

These considerations come more clearly into the light of reason in the case of people who know something about heaven and hell. For they know that marriages have their origin in heaven and from heaven, whereas adulterous relationships have their origin in hell and from hell. Thus they know that the two cannot be combined, as heaven cannot be combined with hell; and that if they are combined in a person, immediately heaven withdraws and hell enters.

[2] It is on account of this, then, that adultery is ground for divorce. Therefore the Lord says:

...whoever divorces his wife, excepting for licentiousness, and marries another, commits adultery.... (Matthew 19:9)

He says a person commits adultery if he divorces and marries another "excepting for licentiousness," because divorce for this latter reason involves a full and complete separation of minds, which is properly called divorce. But all other cases of divorce on their own particular grounds are properly separations, which we have already discussed just above. If after such separations a person takes another wife, he commits adultery. Not, however, after divorce.

Love in Marriage #255 (Gladish (1992))

255. 19. Adultery is cause for divorce. The many reasons for this are rationally clear and yet are hidden today. In the light of reason, marriages are holy and adulteries profane, so marriages and adulteries are exactly opposite to each other. When opposites act on each other, the one destroys the very last spark of life in the other.

This happens to the love in marriage when a married man commits adultery intentionally and therefore with a set purpose. Those who know something about heaven and hell can see these reasons in a clearer, rational light. They know that marriages are in heaven and from heaven and that adulteries are in hell and from hell.

They know that marriage and adultery cannot join together any more than heaven and hell can. They know that if the two are joined together in a man, heaven instantly departs and hell enters.

So this is why adultery is the cause of divorce.

This is why the Lord says, "Whoever puts away his wife except for whoredom and marries another commits adultery"

(Matthew 19:9). He says that the man commits adultery if he puts away his wife except for whoredom and takes another, because to

"put away" for this reason is a complete separation of minds.

This is called divorce. But acts of "putting away" for other reasons are the separations already discussed. If a person takes another wife after separations like these, it is adultery - but after divorce, it is not.

Conjugial Love #255 (Acton (1953))

255. XIX. THAT ADULTERY IS THE CAUSE OF DIVORCE. For this there are many reasons which, though visible in rational light, are yet concealed at this day. It can be seen from rational light that marriages are holy and adulteries profane; and thus, that marriages and adulteries are diametrically opposed to each other, and that when opposite acts upon opposite, the one destroys the other to the last spark of its life. It is the same with conjugial love when a married man commits adultery from some principle which he has confirmed and thus from set purpose. These reasons come into clearer rational light with those who know something of heaven and hell; for they know that marriages are in heaven and from heaven; that adulteries are in hell and from hell; that the two cannot be conjoined, just as heaven cannot be conjoined with hell; and that if they are conjoined in a man, heaven instantly departs and hell enters in.

[2] It is because of this, then, that adultery is the cause of divorce. Therefore the Lord says:

Whosoever shall put away his wife except for whoredom, and shall marry another, committeth adultery. Matthew 19:9.

He says that he commits adultery if he put away his wife, except for whoredom, and take anther, because putting away for this reason is a complete separation of minds. This is called divorce; but all other cases of putting away for specific reasons are the separations which have here been treated of. If after such separation another wife is taken, adultery is committed; but not after divorce.

Conjugial Love #255 (Wunsch (1937))

255. (xix) Adultery is the cause of divorce. There are many reasons for this, which lie in rational light, too, and yet are hidden today. From rational light it can be seen that marriages are holy and adulteries profane, and thus that the two are diametrically opposed to each other, and that when opposite acts on opposite, one destroys the other, to the last spark of its life. So marital love is destroyed when a married man from what is confirmed and thus of purpose commits adultery. These considerations come into still clearer rational light with those who know something about heaven and hell, for these know that marriages are in and from heaven, that adulteries are in and from hell, that the two cannot be conjoined any more than heaven can be with hell, and that if they are brought together in a man, heaven instantly retreats, and hell enters. Hence then adultery is the cause of divorce. Therefore the Lord says

That any one who puts away his wife except for whoredom, and marries another, commits adultery (Matthew 19:9).

He says that if a man puts away his wife except for whoredom and marries again, he commits adultery, because the putting away for the cause named is the absolute separation of minds which is called divorce; but the other dismissals for their causes are the separations of which we have just treated; if on a separation a man marries again, he commits adultery, but not on divorce.

Conjugial Love #255 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

255. (19) That adultery is the cause of divorce. For this there are many reasons, which are in rational light and yet at this day are concealed. It may be seen from rational light that marriages are holy, and that adulteries are profane; and thus that marriages and adulteries are diametrically opposite to each other, and that when opposite meets opposite one destroys the other, to the very last spark of its life. It is so with conjugial love when a married man with determination and thus with set purpose commits adultery. With those who know something of heaven and hell these considerations come into a clearer light of reason; for they know that marriages are in heaven and from heaven, and that adulteries are in hell and from hell; and that these two cannot be conjoined, just as heaven cannot be conjoined with hell, and that if they are brought together in a man, heaven instantly departs and hell enters in. This then is the reason why adultery is the cause of divorce. Therefore the Lord says:

Whosoever shall put away his wife except for fornication (scortatio), and shall marry another, committeth adultery (Matthew 19:9).

He says, if he shall put away and marry another except for scortation he committeth adultery, because putting away for this cause is the complete separation of minds which is called divorce; but all other puttings away, for their causes, are the separations just treated of above. If after these another wife is married, adultery is committed; but not after divorce.

De Amore Conjugiali #255 (original Latin (1768))

255. XIX. Quod adulterium sit causa divortii; sunt plures causae, quae in rationali luce sunt, et usque hodie reconditae; ex rationali luce videri potest, quod Conjugia sint sancta, et quod Adulteria sint prophana; et sic quod Conjugia et Adulteria sint sibi e diametro opposita; et quod cum oppositum in oppositum agit, unum destruat alterum, usque ad ultimam scintillam vitae ejus: ita fit cum Amore conjugiali, dum uxoratus ex confirmato, et sic ex proposito, committit adulteria. Haec, apud illos, qui de Coelo et Inferno aliquid sciunt, in rationis lucem perspicuam magis veniunt; sciunt enim hi, quod Conjugia sint in coelo et e coelo, et quod Adulteria sint in inferno et ex inferno, et quod illa duo non possint conjungi, sicut Coelum non cum Inferno, et quod illico, si apud hominem conjunguntur, recedat coelum, ac intret infernum.

[2] Inde nunc est quod Adulterium sit causa divortii; quare dicit Dominus, quod quicunque dimiserit uxorem, nisi propter Scortationem, et aliam duxerit, adulterium committat, Matth. 19:9; dicit, si dimiserit, et aliam duxerit, nisi propter scortationem, adulterium committat, quia dimissio propter hanc causam, est plenaria separatio mentium, quae vocatur Divortium; at dimissiones ex suis causis reliquae, sunt Separationes, de quibus nunc supra actum est; post has si alia uxor ducitur, adulterium committitur; non autem post divortium.

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