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《婚姻之爱》 第261节

















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Conjugial Love #261 (Chadwick (1996))

261. At this point I shall add three accounts of experiences, of which this is the first.

In the higher northern region of the spiritual world near to the east there are places of instruction for boys. (There are also places for youths, men and old men.) All who died in childhood are sent to these places and brought up in heaven. Likewise all who are recent arrivals from the world, and want to know about heaven and hell, are sent there. The area is close to the east, so that all may be taught by the inflow from the Lord. For the Lord is the east, being in the sun there, which is undiluted love coming from Him. Hence the heat from that sun is in essence love, and the light from it is in essence wisdom. Those are breathed into them by the Lord from that sun; the degree to which this happens is dependent upon their ability to receive it, and this is dependent on their love for being wise. After periods of instruction those who have become intelligent are discharged from there, and those are called the Lord's disciples. On being discharged they go first to the west, and those who do not remain there proceed to the south, some passing through the south to the east. They are admitted to communities where they will be given a home.

[2] Once when I was reflecting about heaven and hell, I began to wish I had a general knowledge of the state of each. I knew that anyone with a general knowledge can afterwards grasp the particulars, since these are contained in the general view, like parts in the whole. So under the influence of that desire I looked towards that region in the north bordering on the east, where the places of instruction were, and went there by a road which was opened up for me. I went into one college where there were young men, approaching the senior teachers who were instructing them, I asked whether they knew any general facts about heaven and hell.

[3] They replied that they knew only a little, 'but,' they said, 'if we look eastwards towards the Lord, we shall be enlightened and then we shall know.' They did so, and said, 'There are three general facts about hell, but those about hell are diametrically opposed to those about heaven. The general facts about hell are the three loves: the love of controlling as the result of self-love, the love of possessing other people's goods as the result of love of the world, and scortatory love. The general facts about heaven are the opposite three loves: the love of controlling as the result of a love of being of service, the love of possessing worldly goods as the result of the love of being of service by their means, and truly conjugial love.'

After this conversation I wished them peace, and leaving them went back home. When I was at home, I was told from heaven, 'Examine those three general facts above and below, and then we shall see them on your hand.' They said 'on your hand' because everything a person examines with his intellect appears to the angels as if written on his hands.

Conjugial Love #261 (Rogers (1995))

261. To this I will append three narrative accounts. Here is the first:

In the upper northern zone in the spiritual world, over to the east, there are places of instruction, some for boys, some for adolescents, some for men, and some also for older men. All who have died as little children and are being raised in heaven are sent to these places. So, too, are all those newly arrived from the world who wish to learn about heaven and hell.

This district is over to the east in order that they may all be instructed by means of influx from the Lord. For the Lord is the east, since He is there in the sun, which is pure love emanating from Him. The warmth from that sun consequently in its essence is love, and the light from it in its essence is wisdom. These two are infused by the Lord into the people there from that sun, and they are infused in accordance with their reception of them, which in turn depends on their love of becoming wise.

When their periods of instruction are over, those who have become intelligent are sent out from there and are called disciples of the Lord. They are sent first to the west, and if they do not remain there, to the south, and some through the south to the east. And so they are introduced into the societies where their dwellings are to be.

[2] Once, when I was thinking about heaven and hell, I began to wish to have a universal concept of the state of each, knowing that a person who is acquainted with the universals of a thing can afterwards comprehend the particulars, since the particulars are contained in the universals, like the parts in a whole.

With this wish I looked in the direction of that district in the northern zone over to the east, where the places of instruction were; and going there by a way then opened to me, I went into one of the colleges in which the students were young men. There I approached the senior teachers who were doing the instructing, and I asked them whether they knew any universal characteristics relating to heaven and hell.

[3] They replied that they knew a little something; "but," they said, "if we look eastward to the Lord, we will be enlightened and then we will know." They proceeded to do this, and then said:

"The universal characteristics of [both heaven and] hell are three, but the universal characteristics of hell are diametrically opposite to the universal characteristics of heaven. The universal characteristics of hell are the following three loves: a love of governing stemming from a love of self; a love of possessing the goods of others stemming from a love of the world; and licentious love.

"The universal characteristics of heaven opposite to these are the following three loves: a love of governing stemming from a love of being useful; a love of possessing the goods of the world stemming from a love of performing useful services by means of them; and truly conjugial love."

Their having said this, after wishing them peace, I departed and returned home.

When I got home, I was told from heaven, "Examine these three universal characteristics, above and below, and afterwards we will see them on your hand." They said, "on your hand," because everything a person examines mentally appears to angels as though written on his hands.

Love in Marriage #261 (Gladish (1992))

261. I add to this three stories. First:

In the upper northeast quarter, in the spiritual world, are places of instruction - for boys, for youths, for men, and for old men. People who die in infancy and are being brought up in heaven are sent to these places. So are those who have just arrived from the world and want to learn about heaven and hell. This region is in the east so that the Lord's influence can inform everyone - for the Lord is the east, because He is in the sun there, which is pure love from Him. The essence of the sun's warmth is therefore love, and the essence of its light is wisdom. The Lord inspires the people with this love and wisdom from that sun according to what they accept, and they receive according to their love of becoming wise. After a period of instruction, those who have become intelligent are sent out and are called the Lord's disciples. First they go west, and those who do not stay there go to the south, and some go through the south to the east. This introduces them to the communities where they will live.

Once I was thinking about heaven and hell, and I began to want a basic knowledge of what they are both like, because a person with a basic knowledge can grasp the details later. They fit in like parts of the whole. With this desire I looked north toward the place in the east where the instruction goes on, and a path opened, so I followed it that way and went into one of the schools where young men were. I went to the head teachers there and asked if they knew the general facts about heaven and hell.

They said they knew a little bit about them, "But if we look eastward toward the Lord, we'll be enlightened and know."

They did this and said, "There are three basic facts about hell, but they are just the opposite of the facts about heaven. The basic facts of hell are three loves - the love of ruling due to selflove, the love of having what belongs to others due to love of the world, and the love of fornication.

"The basic facts of heaven are the three loves opposite to these - the love of ruling due to a love of being useful, the love of having worldly goods due to a love of putting them to good use, and real married love."

When they said that, I left, saying, "Peace," and went back home. When I got home, a voice from heaven told me, "Examine these three basic facts inside and out, and then we shall see them in your hand." It said "in your hand" because whatever a person surveys with his faculty of understanding appears to the angels written on his hands.

Conjugial Love #261 (Acton (1953))

261. To the above, I will add three Memorable Relations. First:

In the spiritual world, in the upper northern quarter near the east, are places of instruction for boys, for youths, and for men and also for old men. Into these places are sent all who die in infancy and are being brought up in heaven; likewise all who have newly come from the world and desire knowledge respecting heaven and hell. This region is near the east in order that all may be instructed by influx from the Lord; for in the spiritual world, the Lord is the East, being in the sun which is pure love from Him. Hence, in its essence, the heat from that sun is love and the light is wisdom. These are inspired into them by the Lord from that sun, the inspiration being according to their reception, and their reception according to their love of becoming wise. After a period of instruction, those who have become intelligent are sent out and are called Disciples of the Lord. They are sent first to the west, those who do not remain there being sent on to the south and some through the south to the east; and are introduced into the societies where will be their dwellings.

[2] Once, after meditating on heaven and hell, I began to desire a universal knowledge of the state of each, knowing that he who has a knowledge of universals can afterwards comprehend singulars, 1the latter being in the former as the parts in a whole. While in this desire, I looked towards that region in the northern quarter near the east where were the places of instruction, and by a way then opened to me, I walked thither and entered one of the colleges where were young men. Going to the head teachers who gave instruction there, I asked them if they knew the universals respecting heaven and hell.

[3] They replied that they had some little knowledge of them, "but if we look towards the east, to the Lord, we shall be enlightened and shall know." After doing so, they said: "There are [three universals of heaven and] three universals of hell, but the universals of hell are diametrically opposed to the universals of heaven. The universals of hell are the following three loves: The love of ruling from the love of self, the love of possessing the goods of others from the love of the world, and scortatory love. The universals of heaven are the three opposite loves: The love of ruling from the love of use, the love of possessing the goods of the world from the love of performing uses by their means, and love truly conjugial."

When they had said this, I wished them peace, and leaving them returned home. On reaching home, it was said to me from heaven, "Examine those three universals, both those above and those below, and afterwards we shall see them in your hand." It was said in your hand because all that a man examines with his understanding appears to the angels as written on his hands.


1. Swedenborg distinguishes between universal and singular on the one hand, and the general and particular on the other. The universal is wholly present in every globule thereof. But a general has no existence apart from particulars, e.g., a general body has no existence apart from its particular members. To illustrate both usages: A heavenly society as a society exists only from its members, but the love of God is universally present in the whole society and in each single member thereof. See no. 388.

Conjugial Love #261 (Wunsch (1937))

261. To this let me add three Memorabilia.


In. 1an upper northeast quarter in the spiritual world are places of instruction for boys and youths and also for men and old men. Thither are sent not only all who die in infancy, to be reared in heaven; but any just come from the world who desire knowledge about heaven and hell. The district is toward the east in order that all may be instructed by influx from the Lord, who is the east, being in the sun there. The sun is pure love from Him; hence the warmth of that sun in essence is love, and the light in its essence is wisdom. These are inspired in men by the Lord from that sun and are inspired according to reception, which is according to the love of becoming wise. After the periods of instruction, those who have become intelligent are sent out and are called disciples of the Lord. They are sent to the west first; and those who do not remain there, to the south, and some by the south into the east, and so all are led into societies where their homes are to be.

[2] As I was meditating once on heaven and hell, I began to desire a universal knowledge of the state of each, knowing that if one has a knowledge of universals one can then comprehend the particulars, for these are in universals as parts are in a whole. With this desire I looked toward that district in the northeast where the places of instruction were, and by a way then opened to me I proceeded thither, and entered one of the schools where young men were. I approached the head teachers who were giving the instruction, and asked them if they knew the universals about heaven and hell.

[3] They replied that they had a little knowledge of them, "but if we will look eastward to the Lord, we shall be enlightened and know." They did so and said, "The universals of hell are three, and are diametrically opposite to those of heaven. The universals of hell are three loves - the love of ruling from love of self; the love of possessing the goods of others from love of the world; and scortatory love. The diametrically opposite universals of heaven are also three loves - the love of ruling from the love of use; the love of possessing the goods of the world from the love of doing uses by means of them; and true marital love."

Bidding them farewell, I left and returned home. There I was bidden from heaven, "Examine these which are the three universals overhead and below, and we shall behold them later in your hand." They said "in your hand" because all that a man examines with the understanding appears to the angels as if inscribed on the hands.


1. These Memorabilia occur again in True Christian Religion 661.

Conjugial Love #261 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

261. To this I will add three Relations. First: In the upper northerly quarter near the east, in the spiritual world, there are places of instruction for boys, and for youths, and for men, and also for old men. To these places are sent all who die in infancy and who are educated in heaven; likewise all who have newly come from the world and who desire knowledge respecting heaven and hell. This region is near to the east in order that all may be instructed by influx from the Lord; for the Lord is the east, because He is in the sun there, which is pure love from Him. Hence the heat from that sun in its essence is love, and the light from it in its essence is wisdom. These are inspired into them by the Lord from that sun, and they are inspired according to reception, and reception is according to their love of becoming wise. After periods of instruction those that have become intelligent are sent out from there, and are called the Lord's disciples. They are sent first into the west; and those that do not remain there go on into the south, and some through the south into the east; and they are introduced into the societies where their dwellings are to be.

Once when I was meditating on heaven and hell I began to desire a universal knowledge of the state of both, knowing that he who has a knowledge of universals, can afterwards comprehend the particulars, because these are in them as parts are in a whole. With this desire I looked towards that region in the northerly quarter near the east where the places of instruction were, and by a way then opened to me I walked thither, and entered one of the schools where young men were. And I went to the chief teachers who were giving instruction there and asked them if they knew the universals respecting heaven and hell.

They replied that they had some little knowledge of them, 'But if we look towards the east, to the Lord, we shall be enlightened and know.' And they did so and said, 'The universals of hell are three; the universals of hell are however diametrically opposite to those of heaven. The universals of hell are three loves: the love of ruling from the love of self; the love of possessing the goods of others from the love of the world; and scortatory love. The universals of heaven are the three loves opposite to these: the love of ruling from the love of use; the love of possessing the goods of the world from the love of performing uses by means of them; and love truly conjugial.'

This said, with a valediction of peace I left and returned home. After I reached home it was told me from heaven, 'Examine these three universals, above and below, and afterwards we shall see them in your hand.' It was said 'In your hand' because all things that a man surveys with the understanding appear to the angels as written upon his hands.

De Amore Conjugiali #261 (original Latin (1768))

261. His adjiciam Tria Memorabilia; Primum hoc. In Plaga septentrionali superiore prope ad Orientem in Mundo Spirituali, sunt loca instructionis pro pueris, suntque pro adolescentibus, et sunt pro viris, et quoque pro senibus; in haec loca mittuntur omnes qui Infantes mortui sunt, et educantur in Coelo; similiter in illa omnes qui e Mundo noviter adveniunt, et cognitiones de Coelo et Inferno desiderant: Tractus ille est prope Orientem, ut omnes instruantur per influxum a Domino, Dominus enim est Oriens, quia est in Sole ibi, qui ab Ipso est purus Amor; inde Calor ex illo Sole in sua essentia est Amor, et Lux ex illo in sua essentia est Sapientia; haec inspirantur illis a Domino e Sole illo, ac inspirantur secundum receptionem, et receptio est secundum amorem sapiendi. Post tempora instructionis, emittuntur inde illi, qui Intelligentes facti sunt, et hi vocantur discipuli Domini: emittuntur inde primum in Occidentem, et illi qui ibi non manent, in Meridiem, et quidam per Meridiem in Orientem, et introducuntur in Societates, ubi mansiones illorum erunt.

[2] Quondam, cum meditatus sum de Coelo et Inferno, coepi desiderare cognitionem universalem de statu utriusque; sciens quod qui universalia scit, postea possit comprehendere singularia, quia haec sunt in illis, sicut partes sunt in communi. In hoc desiderio spectavi ad Tractum illum in plaga septentrionali prope ad Orientem, ubi Loca instructionis erant, et per viam mihi tunc apertam illuc vadi, ac intravi in unum Collegium, ubi erant viri juvenes; et adivi ibi Archididascalos qui instruebant, et quaesivi illos, num sciant universalia de Coelo et Inferno;

[3] et responderunt, quod sciant aliquid parum; "sed si spectamus versus Orientem ad Dominum, illustrabimur et sciemus;" et fecerunt ita, et dixerunt, "Universalia [et Coeli et] Inferni sunt tria, sed Universalia Inferni sunt e diametro opposita Universalibus Coeli; Universalia Inferni sunt hi tres Amores, Amor dominandi ex amore sui; Amor possidendi aliorum bona ex Amore mundi; et Amor scortatorius: Universalia Coeli illis opposita sunt hi tres amores, Amor dominandi ex amore usus; Amor possidendi bona mundi ex amore faciendi usus per illa; et Amor vere Conjugialis." His dictis, post votivum pacis abii et redii domum. Quum domi eram, dictum mihi est e Coelo, "lustra illa tria Universalia supra et infra, et postea videbimus illa in manu tua;" dicebatur in manu, quia omnia quae homo intellectu lustrat, apparent Angelis sicut inscripta manibus.

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