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《婚姻之爱》 第260节








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Conjugial Love #260 (Chadwick (1996))

260. (xxiv) As there is coldness in the mind, so there is also in the body; and as that coldness increases, the outward parts of the body too are shut down.

People today believe that a person's mind is in his head, and not at all in his body. Yet the truth is that both soul and mind are as much in the body as in the head. For a person is his soul and mind, since they both make up the spirit which lives on after death. I have shown at length in my works that the spirit has a complete human form. This is why, the moment a person thinks anything, he can at once express it with his lips and at the same time make the appropriate gesture. Likewise the moment he wishes anything, he can at once do it and use the parts of his body for the purpose. This could not happen, if the soul and mind were not together present in the body, and if they did not compose his spiritual man. In these circumstances it can be seen that when conjugial love is present in the mind, a similar emotion is present in the body; and since love is heat, it opens up the path from the inner to the outer levels of the body. On the other hand, anything that takes that love away, that is, any coldness, closes off the path from the inner to the outer levels of the body. These facts make perfectly plain the reason for the angels having a potency that lasts for ever, and for men failing through coldness.

Conjugial Love #260 (Rogers (1995))

260. 24. As coldness develops in the mind, so it also develops in the body; and in the measure that this coldness grows, the outward aspects of the body close up as well. It is believed today that a person's mind is in his head and nothing of it in his body. Yet both soul and mind are not only in the head but in the body; for the soul and mind are the person, it being these two that constitute the spirit which lives after death. (We have fully shown in other works that this spirit exists in perfect human form.) It is because of this that as soon as a person has a thought, he can in an instant express it with the mouth of the body and represent it simultaneously in gesture; and as soon as he wills something, he can in an instant do it and accomplish it by means of parts of the body. None of this would be possible if the soul and mind were not at the same time in the body, constituting the person's spiritual self.

This being the case, it can be seen that when conjugial love exists in the mind, there is a reflection of it in the body. Also, that because love is a type of warmth, it descends from within and opens the outer parts of the body. Conversely, however, it can be seen that the absence of this love, which is coldness, descends from within and closes up the outer parts of the body.

This makes clearly apparent the reason ability lasts to eternity in the case of angels, and the reason for its failure in men in a state of coldness.

Love in Marriage #260 (Gladish (1992))

260. 24. The body grows just as cold as the mind, and as the mental coldness increases it shuts the body off outwardly. These days people think that a person's mind is in his head and not at all in his body - yet both soul and mind are in both head and body. The soul and the mind are the person. They constitute his spirit, which lives after death, and my books have shown fully that this has a perfect human form. This is why someone can speak something with his physical mouth, and at the same time represent it by a gesture, the instant he thinks of it. And as soon as he wills anything, he can instantly do it and make it happen by the parts of his body. This would not be so if the soul and mind were not together in the body and did not constitute the spiritual person. This shows that when married love is in the mind, its effigy is in the body. And love is warmth, so it opens the outward parts of the body, from within.

Conversely, the absence of love, which is coldness, works from inside to close the outward parts of the body.

All this shows why angels have potency forever, and why people do not have it when they are in a state of coldness.

Conjugial Love #260 (Acton (1953))

260. XXIV. THAT WHEN COLD IS IN THE MIND, IT IS ALSO IN THE BODY; AND THAT ACCORDING TO THE INCREASE OF THE FORMER COLD, THE EXTERNALS OF THE BODY ARE CLOSED. It is thought at this day that man's mind is in his head and nothing of it in his body, when yet both soul and mind are in both head and body; for the soul and mind are the man, being what make his spirit which lives after death; and that this is in a perfect human form has been abundantly shown in our treatises. Hence it is that as soon as a man thinks anything, he can instantly utter it by the mouth of his body, and can simultaneously represent it by gesture; and as soon as he wills anything, he can instantly do it and bring it into effect by the members of his body. This would not be the case if the soul and mind were not together in the body and did not make his spiritual man. This being so, it can be seen that, when conjugial love is in the mind, it has the same likeness in the body; and because love is heat, that from the interiors it opens the externals of the body; and conversely, that from the interiors the privation of love, which is cold, closes the externals of the body. From the above, the cause of the fact that ability endures with the angels to eternity is clearly manifest; as also the cause of its defect with men in a state of cold.

Conjugial Love #260 (Wunsch (1937))

260. (xxiv) Present in the mind, cold is also present in the body; furthermore, as it increases, the externals of the body are closed up. People today believe that the mind is in the head, and nothing of it in the body; when yet both soul and mind are in the body as well as in the head, for the mind and soul are the human being and together constitute the spirit which lives after death. This is in perfect human form, as we have shown fully in other works. Hence it is that a man can instantly utter by the body's mouth and indicate by gesture what he thinks; and at once do and effect by the members of the body what he purposes. This would be impossible if soul and mind were not together in the body and did not make the spiritual man. In view of this, one can see that when marital love is in the mind, it is like to itself in the body, too; and because love is warmth, that it opens the body's externals from the interiors. On the other hand, it is plain that the absence of love, which is cold, closes up the body's externals from the interiors. It appears clearly from this why faculty persists with angels to eternity, and why there is defect with men in a state of cold.

Conjugial Love #260 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

260. (24) That as is the cold in the mind, so is it also in the body; and that according to the increase of that cold the externals of the body also are closed. It is believed at this day that the mind of man is in his head and nothing of it in the body, when the fact is that both the soul and the mind are in the head as well as in the body. For the soul and mind are the man, and together constitute the spirit which lives after death. That this is in a perfect human form has been abundantly shown in our treatises. Hence it is that as soon as a man thinks any thought he can instantly utter it by the mouth which is of the body, and at the same moment can represent it by gesture; and as soon as he wills anything he can instantly act and effect it, through the members of the body, which could not be if the soul and the mind were not together in the body, and did not make his spiritual man. This being so it may be seen that, while conjugial love is in the mind, it is like to itself in the body; and because love is heat, that from the interiors, it opens the externals of the body; but on the other hand that the privation of it, which is cold, from the interiors closes the externals of the body. From these considerations the cause of the fact that ability abides with the angels to eternity is very manifest; and the cause of deficiency from cold with men.

De Amore Conjugiali #260 (original Latin (1768))

260. XXIV: Quod sicut frigus est in mente, etiam sit in corpore; et quod secundum frigoris illius incrementa, 1claudantur etiam externa corporis. Creditur hodie, quod Mens hominis sit in Capite, et nihil ejus in Corpore; cum tamen et Anima et Mens est tam in capite quam in corpore, est enim Anima et Mens homo, utraque enim facit Spiritum, qui post mortem vivit; qui quod sit in perfecta forma humana, in Transactionibus nostris plene ostensum est: inde est, quod ut primum homo aliquid cogitat, id possit in instanti eloqui ex ore corporis, et simul id effigiare gestu; et quod ut primum aliquid vult, id possit in instanti agere et efficere per membra corporis; quae non fierent, si non Anima et Mens simul in corpore essent, et facerent spiritualem ejus hominem. Cum ita est, videri potest, quod dum Amor conjugialis est in Mente, sit sibi similis in Corpore; et quia amor est calor, quod aperiat ab interioribus externa corporis; vicissim autem, quod privativum ejus, quod est frigus, occludat ab interioribus externa corporis: ex his manifeste patet causa facultatis in aeternum perstantis apud angelos, et causa defectus apud homines frigoris.


1. Prima editio: incremenua,

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