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《婚姻之爱》 第278节






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Conjugial Love #278 (Chadwick (1996))

278. (vii) This is the source of an appearance of love, of friendship and of good will between married couples.

The appearance of love, friendship and good will between married couples is the result of entering into a marriage bond for life, and of the principle of sharing imprinted on those thus linked in marriage, which gives rise to outward affections resembling inward ones, as pointed out just above. There are, moreover, reasons of usefulness and need. From these there arise in part outward affections which link people together or which pretend to do so, thus making outward love look like inward love, and outward friendship like inward friendship.

Conjugial Love #278 (Rogers (1995))

278. 7. The result is apparent love, or apparent friendship and favor, between the partners. Instances of apparent love, friendship and favor develop in consequence of the fact that the marriage covenant is a compact to the end of life, and in consequence of the conjugial community of life graven on the two thus pledged, which gives birth to outward affections resembling inward ones, as indicated just above. In addition, they develop also in consequence of considerations that are useful and matters of necessity. It is partly such considerations which give rise to outward affections either shared or simulated, which cause an outward love or an outward friendship to appear as though it were an inward one.

Love in Marriage #278 (Gladish (1992))

278. 7. These outward feelings create an appearance of love or of friendship and thoughtfulness between the married partners. The appearance of love, friendship, and approval between married partners comes from the marriage covenant, which is binding to the end of life, with the shared responsibilities it assigns to the partners. From these common responsibilities are born the superficial affections already mentioned, which resemble inner ones. There are also useful and necessary reasons that in part produce these affections that join the partners outwardly, so that outward love comes to resemble inner love, and outward friendship comes to resemble inner friendship.

Conjugial Love #278 (Acton (1953))

278. VII. THAT THENCE IS APPARENT LOVE BETWEEN THE PARTNERS, OR APPARENT FRIENDSHIP AND FAVOR. Apparent loves, friendships, and favors between married partners are consequences of the conjugial covenant contracted for life, and therefore of the conjugial communion inscribed on the contracting parties. From this communion, as pointed out just above, are born external affections which resemble the internal. They come also from causes which are utilities and necessities, it being partly from these that those conjunctive or simulated external affections arise, whereby external love appears like internal love, and external friendship like internal friendship.

Conjugial Love #278 (Wunsch (1937))

278. (vii) Hence come apparent love, friendship and favor between partners. Apparent love, friendship and favor between partners follow from a marriage covenant formed for life and from the marital communion thus impressed on the parties (of this communion are born the external affections resembling the internal, as was pointed out just above). Apparent love, friendship and favor also follow from causes which are utilities and necessities, whence in part are the external affections which are conjoining or simulative, making external love appear like internal, and external friendship like internal.

Conjugial Love #278 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

278. (7) That from these come apparent love, apparent friendship, and favor between married partners. Apparent loves, friendships, and favors between married partners follow from the conjugial covenant binding to the end of life, and from the conjugial community thereby inscribed upon the parties to the covenant - whence the external affections are born that resemble internal, referred to just above. And from other causes, which are the uses and the necessities, whence conjunctive or simulated external affections arise in part, whereby external love appears like internal, and external friendship like internal friendship.

De Amore Conjugiali #278 (original Latin (1768))

278. VII: Quod inde sit apparens amor, [aut] 1apparens amicitia, et favor inter conjuges. Apparentes amores, amicitiae et favores inter conjuges, consequuntur ex foedere conjugiali usque ad finem vitae pacto, et ex communione conjugiali inde confoederatis inscripta, ex qua affectiones externae assimilantes internas enascuntur, ut mox supra indigitatum est; et praeterea ex causis, quae sunt utilitates et necessitates; ex quibus partim existunt affectiones externae conjunctivae, vel simulatoriae, per quas amor externus apparet sicut internus, et amicitia externa sicut interna.


1. Confer 271, art.

VII, supra.

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