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《婚姻之爱》 第279节






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Conjugial Love #279 (Chadwick (1996))

279. (viii) These appearances are the pretences appropriate to marriage, which are praiseworthy as being useful and necessary.

We speak of pretence because this is possible between those who disagree in mind, and as the result of these disagreements are inwardly in a cold state. When they still in outward behaviour, as is right and fitting, live a sociable life, then their joint actions in living together can be called pretences, but ones appropriate to marriage. Since these are particularly praiseworthy as being intended to serve a purpose, they are to be completely distinguished from hypocritical pretences. For they have in view all the good results enumerated below in points xi to xx. They can be called praiseworthy on account of need, because otherwise those good results would be thrown away. Yet living together is prescribed by the marriage compact and the law, and so this is incumbent on each party as a duty.

Conjugial Love #279 (Rogers (1995))

279. 8. These appearances are simulations of conjugial love, which are commendable because they are useful and necessary. We call them simulations because they exist between partners who differ in mind, and who because of these differences are inwardly in a state of coldness. When the partners nevertheless in outward respects live a companionable life together as is fitting and proper, then their interrelations in living together may be called simulations, but conjugial simulations, which, being commendable because of the uses they serve, are altogether different from hypocritical ones; for by their means they provide for all those good ends which are enumerated in succession under headings 11. to 20. below. They are commendable as necessities, because otherwise those good ends would be cast aside; and yet their living together is enjoined by covenant and law, so that it is incumbent on them both as a duty.

Love in Marriage #279 (Gladish (1992))

279. 8. These appearances are pretenses of marriage that are commendable because they are useful and necessary. We call them pretenses because they exist between people whose minds are not in agreement and who have an inner coldness for that reason. If the people live a proper and decent life together on the surface, you might still say the fellowship of their life together is pretense - but it is a pretense of marriage. This is useful and therefore commendable, so it is entirely different from hypocritical pretenses. These pretenses provide all the good benefits spelled out below in articles

11-20. They are commendable because they are necessary, and they are necessary because doing without them would banish all the good things, when yet the couple have a duty to live together, imposed by their contract and the law.

Conjugial Love #279 (Acton (1953))

279. VIII. THAT THESE APPEARANCES ARE CONJUGIAL SIMULATIONS WHICH ARE PRAISEWORTHY BECAUSE USEFUL AND NECESSARY. They are called simulations because they exist between those who are dissident in mind, and by reason of this dissidence are inwardly cold. When, despite this, they live a life of mutual association in externals, as is proper and becoming, the friendly associations involved in their living together can be called simulations--but conjugial simulations. Being praise-worthy and for the sake of uses, they are wholly distinct from hypocritical simulations, it being by them that all those advantages are provided for, which are enumerated in order in articles XI-XX below. That they are praiseworthy because of necessities, is because without them those advantages would be lost, and yet living together is enjoined on the partners by covenant and by law and therefore is inseated in both as a duty.

Conjugial Love #279 (Wunsch (1937))

279. (viii) These appearances are marital simulations which are commendable because they are useful and necessary. We call these appearances simulations because they exist between those who disagree in mind and who as a result are inwardly in cold. When, despite that, they live a common life in externals, as is right and proper, then their relations in cohabitation may be called simulations, but marital simulations, which are wholly to be distinguished from hypocritical simulations because they are praiseworthy on account of their service. For by means of them all those benefits are secured which we enumerate in order below (propositions xi-xx). They are praiseworthy as necessities because otherwise those benefits would be lost. To live together nevertheless has been enjoined by covenant and law, and hence rests as a duty on each.

Conjugial Love #279 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

279. (8) That these appearances are conjugial simulations which are laudable, because useful and necessary. They are called simulations because they exist between those who disagree in mind, and from these disagreements are inwardly in cold. When, nevertheless, they in externals live a consociated life, as is proper and becoming; the intercourse in their dwelling together may be called simulations, but conjugial simulations, which being laudable because for the sake of uses, differ entirely from hypocritical simulations; for by them all those goods are provided for that are recounted in order below, in sections 11-20. That they are laudable from the fact that they are necessities, is because without them those goods would be banished, and yet the cohabitation is enjoined, by the covenant and by law, and is therefore, incumbent upon them both as a duty.

De Amore Conjugiali #279 (original Latin (1768))

279. VIII: Quod Apparentiae hae sint simulationes conjugiales, quae laudabiles, quia utiles et necessariae. Dicuntur simulationes, quia dantur inter illos qui dissident mentibus, et ex dissidentiis illis interius in frigore sunt; quando usque in externis, sicut oportet et decet, consociam vitam vivunt, tunc cohabitationis illorum consortia vocari possunt simulationes, sed conjugiales, quae quia laudabiles sunt propter usus, prorsus distinguuntur 1a simulationibus hypocriticis; prospiciuntur enim per illas omnia illa bona, quae in ordine ab Articulo XI ad XXmum infra enumerantur; 2quod sint laudabiles propter necessitates, est quia alioquin exularent illa bona; et tamen cohabitatio ex foedere et lege injuncta est, et haec inde ut debitum utrique insidet.


1. Prima editio: distingvuntur

2. Prima editio: enumetantur;

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