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《婚姻之爱》 第280节







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Conjugial Love #280 (Chadwick (1996))

280. (ix) In the case of a spiritual person linked to a natural one these pretences of couples have a touch of justice and judgment.

The reason is that it is justice and judgment which lead the spiritual man to do what he does. Therefore he does not see these pretences as estranged from his inward affections, but coupled to them. For he acts seriously, looking to improvement as his aim, and if he does not achieve this, he aims at an arrangement, so as to keep order in his household, to provide mutual help, to look after his children, and to enjoy peace and tranquillity. Justice impels him to have these intentions and judgment to put them into practice. The reason why a spiritual person can live thus with a natural person is that a spiritual person behaves spiritually, even with a natural person.

Conjugial Love #280 (Rogers (1995))

280. 9. In a spiritual person joined to a natural one, these simulations of conjugial love are a matter of justice and judgment. That is because a spiritual person does what he does in accordance with justice and judgment. Therefore he does not see these simulations as estranged from his inward affections but as coupled together with them. For he is serious in his actions and looks to amendment as the goal; and if this is not attained, he looks to accommodation, for the sake of order in the home, for the sake of maintaining their assistance to each other, for the sake of providing for the care of infants, for the sake of peace and tranquillity. He is led to these intentions by a sense of justice, and with judgment he carries them into practice.

This is the way a spiritual person lives with a natural one, because a spiritual person behaves spiritually, even with one who is natural.

Love in Marriage #280 (Gladish (1992))

280. 9. These pretenses of marriage have the wisdom of justice and judgment when a spiritual person is joined together with a worldly person. This is because the spiritual person does what he does out of justice and judgment, so to him the pretenses are not alien to his inner feelings but are coupled with them. He acts in earnest and looks to improvement as a goal. If it fails to come, he concentrates on compromise for the sake of order in the home, mutual assistance, the care of children, and peace and quiet. Justice leads him to do this, and he brings it about with his judgment. This is how a spiritual person lives with a worldly person, because a spiritual person acts spiritually even with worldly people.

Conjugial Love #280 (Acton (1953))

280. IX. THAT WITH A SPIRITUAL MAN CONJOINED TO A NATURAL, THESE CONJUGIAL SIMULATIONS SAVOUR OF JUSTICE AND JUDGMENT. The reason is because that which a spiritual man does he does from justice and judgment. Therefore he does not view the simulations as alien to his internal affections but as coupled with them; for he acts seriously and looks to amendment as an end; and if this does not follow, he looks to accommodation for the sake of order in the home, of mutual aid, of the care of the little children, of peace and tranquillity. He is led to these conjugial simulations from justice, and he carries them into effect from judgment. It is in this way that a spiritual man lives with a natural; for a spiritual man acts spiritually even with one who is natural.

Conjugial Love #280 (Wunsch (1937))

280. (ix) These marital simulations in the case of a spiritual man united to a natural are inspired by justice and judgment. A spiritual man, in what he does, acts from justice and judgment. He therefore does not contemplate these simulations as severed from his internal affections, but as coupled with them. He acts soberly and seeks amendment as the end, and failing to achieve that, seeks adaptation for order's sake in the home, for the sake of mutual aid, for the sake of the care of the children, for the sake of peace and tranquillity. Justice prompts him to seek these things, and judgment enacts them. A spiritual man cohabits so with a natural man because a spiritual man acts spiritually even with a natural man.

Conjugial Love #280 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

280. (9) That these conjugial simulations, with a spiritual man conjoined to a natural, savor of justice and judgment. The cause of it is that what the spiritual man does, he does from justice and judgment, and therefore, does not see the simulations as estranged from his internal affections but coupled with them; for he acts seriously and looks to amendment as an end, and if this does not follow he looks to accommodation for the sake of order in the house, for the sake of mutual help, for the sake of the care of infants, for the sake of peace and quietness. To this he is led from justice; and from judgment he carries it into effect. That a spiritual man cohabits thus with a natural, is because even with the natural a spiritual man acts spiritually.

De Amore Conjugiali #280 (original Latin (1768))

280. IX. Quod hae Simulationes conjugiales apud spiritualem hominem conjunctum naturali sapiant ex justitia et judicio: causa est, quia Spiritualis homo ex justitia et judicio agit quod agit, quare hic non videt simulationes has abalienatas ab affectionibus internis suis, sed cum illis copulatas; ille enim serio agit, et spectat emendationem ut finem, et si hanc non consequitur, spectat accommodationem, propter 1ordinem in domo, propter mutuum auxilium, propter curas infantum, propter pacem et tranquillitatem; ad haec ex justitia fertur, et ex judicio dat in effectum. Quod homo spiritualis cum naturali ita cohabitet, est quia spiritualis spiritualiter agit, etiam cum naturali.


1. Prima editio: proprer

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