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《婚姻之爱》 第284节







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Conjugial Love #284 (Chadwick (1996))

284. (xiii) They are intended to ensure concord in the care of babies and looking after children.

It is very well known that pretence by married couples producing an appearance of love and friendship, an image of truly conjugial feelings, is for the sake of babies and children. The couple's shared love for their children causes each partner to look kindly and favourably on the other. A mother's love for her babies and children and a father's love for them are linked, as the heart and the lungs are linked in the chest. The mother's love for them is like the heart, and the father's love towards them is like the lungs in the body. The reason why they can be compared is that the heart corresponds to love and the lungs to intellect; and love in the case of the mother comes from the will, in the case of the father from the intellect. In the case of spiritual people this love leads to linking in marriage as the result of justice and judgment. We say, as the result of justice, because it is the mother who carried them in the womb, bore them in pain, and then with untiring care suckles them, feeds them, washes and clothes them, and brings them up.

Conjugial Love #284 (Rogers (1995))

284. 13. They are adopted because of their shared involvement in the care of infants and concern for their children. It is well known that simulations of conjugial love spring up between married partners, or appearances of love and friendship that resemble truly conjugial ones, because of their infants and children. Their common love causes each partner to regard the other with kindness and favor.

Love in the mother and love in the father for their infants and children are allied, like the heart and the lungs in the breast. A love of them in the mother is like the heart there, and a love for them in the father is like the lungs there. We make this comparison because the heart corresponds to love, and the lungs to understanding; and love arising from the will is what a mother feels, and love arising from the understanding is what a father feels.

In the case of spiritual men a conjugial bond is formed by means of this love in accordance with justice and judgment: in accordance with justice, because the mother once carried them in her womb, in pain gave birth to them, and afterwards with unwearying care went on to nurse them, feed them, bathe them, clothe them and bring them up.

Love in Marriage #284 (Gladish (1992))

284. 13. Pretenses provide for the care of infants and cooperation in the care of children. It is a well - known fact that for the sake of infants and children married partners make what looks like a marriage by acts of love and friendship like the ones in a true marriage. They both love the children, and it makes each partner appear kind and thoughtful toward the other. A mother's and father's love of their infants and children joins them together, like the heart and lungs in your chest. The mother's love for them is like the heart, and the father's is like the lungs. The reason for the comparison is that the heart corresponds to love and the lungs to intellect. A mother's love is spontaneous and a father's is calculated. With spiritual people a marriage bond comes through this love, due to judgment and compassion - due to compassion because the mother carried the children in her womb, bore them in pain, and then, with untiring care, nurses, feeds, cleans, clothes them, and brings them up.

Conjugial Love #284 (Acton (1953))

284. XIII. THAT THEY ARE FOR THE SAKE OF THE CARE OF THE INFANTS, AND OF CONCORDANCE IN RELATION TO THE CHILDREN. That conjugial simulations between partners, being appearances of a love and friendship resembling the truly conjugial, are for the sake of the infants and children, is well known. Their common love for these disposes each partner to regard the other with kindness and favor. The love of their infants and children with the mother and that love with the father, join together like the heart and lungs in the breast, the love of them with the mother being like the heart there, and the love toward them with the father like the lungs. The reason for this comparison is because the heart corresponds to love and the lungs to understanding, and with the mother is love from the will, and with the father love from the understanding. With spiritual men, the conjugial conjunction by this love of their infants and children comes from justice and judgment--from justice, because the mother carried them in her womb, brought them forth with pain, and afterwards suckles, feeds, cleanses, clothes, and educates them with unwearying care.

Conjugial Love #284 (Wunsch (1937))

284. (xiii) They are for the sake of unanimity in the care of little ones and toward the children. It is well known that there are marital simulations between couples, or appearances of love and friendship like truly marital ones, for the sake of the little ones and the children. Their common love for the children disposes the partners to regard each other kindly and favorably. The mother's love for the little ones and children and the father's respectively unite as heart and lungs are united in the breast: the mother's love for them is like the heart, and the father's love for them like the lungs. The reason for our simile is that the heart corresponds to love and the lungs to the understanding, and love is of the will with the mother, and of the understanding with the father. In the case of spiritual men there is marital conj unction through that love from justice and judgment, from justice in that the mother carried them in the womb, bore them in pain, and with unceasing-care has suckled, fed, washed, dressed and educated them.

Conjugial Love #284 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

284. (13) That they are for the sake of the unanimous care of infants, and in respect to children. That there are conjugial simulations between married partners which are appearances of love and friendship, resembling those truly conjugial, for the sake of infants and children, is very well known. Their common love for these disposes each married partner to regard the other with kindness and with favor. The love of infants and children with the mother and father conjoins themselves - as the heart and the lungs in the breast; the love of them with the mother is as the heart there, and the love towards them with the father is as the lungs there. The reason for the comparison is that the heart corresponds to love, and the lungs to the understanding, and love from the will is with the mother, and love from the understanding is with the father. With spiritual men there is a conjugial conjunction through this love, from justice and judgment - from justice, because the mother carried them in the womb, with suffering brought them forth, and afterwards with unwearying care suckles, feeds, cleanses, clothes, and brings them up.

De Amore Conjugiali #284 (original Latin (1768))

284. XIII: Quod sint propter curam infantum, et erga liberos, unicordem. Quod simulationes conjugiales, quae sunt apparentiae amoris et amicitiae, instar vere conjugialium, propter infantes et liberos inter conjuges sint, perquam notum est; communis horum amor facit, ut conjux spectet conjugem benigne et faventer: amor infantum et liberorum apud matrem et [amor illorum apud] patrem se conjungunt, sicut cor et pulmo in pectore; amor illorum apud matrem est sicut cor ibi, et amor erga illos apud patrem est sicut pulmo ibi; causa comparationis est, quia cor correspondet amori, et pulmo intellectui, et amor ex voluntate est apud matrem, et amor ex intellectu est apud patrem. Apud homines spirituales est conjunctio conjugialis per illum amorem ex justitia et judicio; ex justitia, quia Mater gestaverat illos utero, cum dolore pepererat illos, et postea cura indefessa lactat, nutrit, mundat, amicit et educat illos.

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