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《婚姻之爱》 第285节









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Conjugial Love #285 (Chadwick (1996))

285. (xiv) They are intended to promote peace in the home.

It is principally men who practise pretence in marriage or outward friendship in order to have peace at home; this is because they have the natural characteristic of doing what they do at the bidding of the intellect. The intellect, being the seat of thought, considers various matters which make the mind restless, distracting and troubling it. If therefore there were no quiet at home, it might happen that their vital spirits would flag and their inner life would, so to speak, die off, thus destroying their mental and bodily health. The fear of these and many other dangers would beset men's minds, if they did not have a refuge with their wives at home to calm the disturbance of their intellect.

[2] Besides peace and calm soothe the mind and make it ready to accept gratefully the favours bestowed by wives, who devote all their efforts to dispelling the clouds which they are quick to notice besetting their husbands' minds. These things also lend charm to their presence. This makes it plain that the pretence of love, as if it were truly conjugial, is needed and useful to promote peace and calm in the home. Another point is that wives do not practise pretence as much as men do. But if something like it shows, it is a pretence of real love, because women are by birth intended to love their husbands' intellects. So they are pleased at heart to receive their husbands' favours, even if they do not say so.

Conjugial Love #285 (Rogers (1995))

285. 14. They are adopted for the sake of peace in the home. It is primarily men who adopt simulations of conjugial love or outward shows of friendship for the sake of peace and tranquillity at home. This is owing to their natural characteristic of doing what they do by an exercise of the intellect. Because the intellect is a thinking faculty, it occupies itself with various matters which disturb, distract and trouble their spirit. Consequently, if they were to find no peace at home, eventually their vital forces would languish, their inner life would sink almost into a state of death, and thus the health of both mind and body would be ruined. Men's minds would be assailed by the fears of these and many other dangers if they did not find havens of refuge at home with their wives to calm the turmoils of their intellect.

[2] Besides, peace and tranquillity soothe their minds and dispose them to receive favorably kindnesses offered by their wives, who spend every effort to dispel from their minds the clouds which they keenly observe in their husbands. And this also makes their wives' presence agreeable.

It is apparent from this that a simulation and seeming display of truly conjugial love for the sake of peace and tranquillity at home is both necessary and useful.

To this we add the further note that simulations on the part of wives are not the same as simulations on the part of men. Even if they appear similar to them, they are expressions of real love, because women are born forms of love for the understanding of men. They accept their husbands' displays of favor graciously, therefore, if not in words, still in heart.

Love in Marriage #285 (Gladish (1992))

285. 14. Pretenses keep peace in the home. Most of the outward pretenses of marriage or friendship to keep peace and quiet at home are the man's because men have a natural inclination to do what they do by intellect - which involves thinking. Intellect becomes involved in many things that upset, distract, and disturb the mind, so if the home were unpeaceful their vital spirit would slacken and their inner life half die. This would destroy their health, both physical and mental. Men's minds become obsessed with fear of these perils and many others unless there is shelter at home with their wives to quiet the intellectual turmoil. Also, peace and quiet puts their minds at rest to gratefully accept the thoughtful things their wives do - wives who do everything possible to sweep away the mental clouds that they are keenly aware of in their husbands.

And besides, peace and quiet add charm to the presence of wives.

So a show of real married love, for the peace and quiet of the home, clearly is useful and necessary.

In addition, wives do not pretend the way men do, and even if they seem to, it comes from real love, because they are born to love the intellect in a man. So in their hearts, if not vocally, they gratefully accept the thoughtful things that their husbands do for them.

Conjugial Love #285 (Acton (1953))

285. XIV. THAT THEY ARE FOR THE SAKE OF PEACE IN THE HOME. Conjugial simulations or external friendships for the sake of peace and tranquillity at home are simulations chiefly with husbands, by reason of their natural characteristic, in that what they do, they do from the understanding, and the understanding, being the thinking faculty, reflects on various matters which disquiet, distract, and disturb the animus. Therefore, with intranquillity at home, it would come to pass that their vital spirits would languish, and their interior life lie down as though in death, and thus their health, both of mind and body, be ruined. The fear of these and many other dangers would obsess the minds of husbands, were there not at home with their wives an asylum for calming the disturbances of their understanding.

[2] Moreover, peace and tranquillity make their minds serene, and dispose them to receive gratefully the kindnesses offered them by their wives who expend all their labor on dispelling from the minds of their husbands the clouds they are keen to observe. Furthermore, this makes the presence of their wives pleasing. Thus it is evident that the simulation of love as though it were truly conjugial is a necessity and also a utility for the sake of peace and tranquillity in the home. Add to this that simulations are not the same with wives as with men. They may seem like them, but they are the simulations of a real love, because wives are born loves of the understanding of men. Wherefore they gratefully accept the favors of their husbands, if not with the lips, yet with the heart.

Conjugial Love #285 (Wunsch (1937))

285. (xiv) They are for the sake of peace in the home. Marital simulations or external friendships for the sake of peace and tranquillity at home are found especially with men, because of the native characteristic that they do what they do from the understanding. The understanding, being given to thought, is occupied with various matters which disquiet, distract and upset the mind. If then there is intranquillity at home, their vital spirits droop, their interior life sinks as it were into death, and their health both of mind and body is destroyed. Fears of these and many other risks would beset men's minds unless there were a refuge at home with their wives to allay the understanding's agitation. Moreover, peace and tranquillity give serenity to the mind, and dispose it to receive gratefully the kindnesses offered by the wives, who employ every means to banish the clouds, which they are quick to see, from their husband's minds; and this also makes their presence grateful. Plainly, then, the simulation of a love like one truly marital, is a necessity and a utility, too, for the peace and tranquillity of the home. Add to this that simulations with wives are not what they are with men; though they seem the same, they are from a real love, for women are born the love of man's understanding. They therefore receive the husbands' favors kindly, if not in words, still at heart.

Conjugial Love #285 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

285. (14) That they are for the sake of peace in the house. Conjugial simulations or outward friendship for the sake of peace and tranquility in the house, are chiefly on the part of men, by reason of their natural characteristic, that what they do they do from the understanding, and the understanding (because understanding is thinking) is occupied with various things that disquiet, distract, and disturb the mind. Therefore if there were intranquillity at home, it would come to pass that their vital spirits would flag, and their interior life sink as it were into death, and thus their health, both of body and mind, be destroyed. The minds of men are beset with fears of these perils, and of many others, in case there were no asylum at home, with their wives, to calm the disturbance of the understanding. Moreover, peace and tranquility make the minds serene, and dispose them gratefully to receive the kindnesses offered by their wives, who employ every means to dispel clouds, which they are keen to see, from the minds of their husbands; and these things also make their presence grateful. It is therefore, plain that the simulation of a love truly conjugial is a necessity, and also of use, for the peace and tranquility of the house. Add to this that with wives simulations are not as with men, and if they appear alike it is from real love, because they are born loves of the understanding of men, and therefore, gratefully accept the favors of their husbands, if not with the mouth yet with the heart.

De Amore Conjugiali #285 (original Latin (1768))

285. XIV: Quod sint propter pacem in domo. Simulationes conjugiales seu amicitiae externae propter pacem et tranquillitatem domi, sunt praecipue viris, ob naturale characteristicon illorum, quod ex intellectu agant quod agunt; ac intellectus, quia est cogitans, versat varia, quae animum reddunt inquietum, distrahunt, et turbant; quare si domi foret intranquillitas, fieret, quod vitales illorum spiritus elanguescerent, ac interior illorum vita quasi letho occumberet, et sic sanitas et mentis et corporis illorum pessumdaretur; horum periculorum et plurium aliorum timores obsiderent mentes virorum, nisi pro sedatione turbarum intellectus illorum domi apud uxores forent asyla:

[2] praeterea pax et tranquillitas serenant mentes et disponunt illas ad grate recipiendum benevolentias oblatas ab uxoribus, quae omnem operam impendunt ad sedandum nubes mentium, quas perspicaciter apud maritos observant; ac illa insuper amaenant praesentias illarum; inde patet, quod simulatio amoris sicut vere conjugialis propter pacem et tranquillitatem domi sit necessitas et quoque utilitas: accedit, quod apud uxores non sint simulationes sicut apud viros, sed si instar illarum apparent, sunt realis amoris, quia natae sunt amores intellectus virorum, quare favores maritorum benigne acceptant, si non ore usque corde.

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