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《婚姻之爱》 第286节






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Conjugial Love #286 (Chadwick (1996))

286. (xv) They are intended to protect reputations outside the home.

Men's good fortune is mostly dependent upon their reputation for being fair, honest and upright. This reputation in turn depends on the wife, who is aware of his private life. So if their mental disagreement were to break out into open enmity, quarrels and threats of hatred, and if these were divulged by the wife and her friends, or by servants, this might easily lead to criticism, which would be a scandal and an affront to his name.

There is no other remedy to avoid such a result than for the husband to pretend to favour his wife, or for them to set up separate homes.

Conjugial Love #286 (Rogers (1995))

286. 15. They are adopted for the sake of their reputation outside the home. The fortunes of men depend for the most part on their reputation for being just, honest and upright; and this reputation in turn depends on the wife, who knows her husband's private life. Consequently, if differences between their minds were to break out into open displays of enmity, quarreling and rancorous threats, and if these were to be made publicly known by the wife and her friends, or by the domestic help, they would easily be turned into reasons for condemnation that would bring dishonor and disgrace to his name. To avoid such eventualities, a man has no other recourse but to either simulate favor toward his wife or separate from her so that they no longer live in the same house.

Love in Marriage #286 (Gladish (1992))

286. 15. Pretenses help preserve reputation outside the home. Men's success depends for the most part on their reputation for being law - abiding, sincere, and upright, and furthermore, their reputations depend on their wives, who know their husbands' private lives. So if the disunion of their minds broke out in open unfriendliness, quarrels, and hateful threats, and if the wife and her friends and servants told everybody, it could easily turn to reproach that would give the man a bad name. All the men can do to avoid this is to pretend they care for their wives, or else be separated from their homes.

Conjugial Love #286 (Acton (1953))

286. XV. THAT THEY ARE FOR THE SAKE OF REPUTATION OUTSIDE THE HOME. The fortunes of men depend for the most part on their reputation as being just, sincere, and upright; and this reputation depends also on the wife, who knows her husband's private life. Wherefore, were the discordance of their minds to break out into open enmities, quarrels, and threats of hatred, and were these to be noised abroad by the wife and her friends and servants, they would easily be turned into invectives which would be to the shame and ill-repute of his name. To escape this, no other means are available save, either that he show favor to his wife by way of simulations, or that they be separated as to the house.

Conjugial Love #286 (Wunsch (1937))

286. (xv) They are for reputation's sake outside the home. A man's fortunes depend largely upon his reputation for being just, sincere and upright; and this reputation depends in part on the wife, who knows the man's private life. If, therefore, their disagreement in mind should break out into open enmity, quarrels and hateful threats, and these are noised abroad by the wife and her friends and by the servants, they would easily be turned into censures, to his disgrace and to the dishonor of his name. To avoid such results nothing less will avail than either to pay seeming homage to the wife or to have separate homes.

Conjugial Love #286 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

286. (15) That they are for the sake of reputation out of the house. The fortunes of men for the most part depend upon their reputation, that they are just, sincere, and upright; and this reputation also depends upon the wife, who knows his private life. If therefore, the discordance of their minds should break forth into open enmity, quarrels, and threatenings of hatred, and these were noised abroad by the wife and her friends, and by the servants, they would easily be turned into revilings which would besmirch his name and be of bad repute. To avert such evils no other means are available but either to pay simulated court to the wife, or that they be separated as to the house.

De Amore Conjugiali #286 (original Latin (1768))

286. XV: Quod sint propter famam extra domum. Fortunae virorum ut plurimum dependent a fama, quod sint justi, sinceri et recti; et haec fama etiam dependet ab uxore, quae scit ejus vitam familiarem; quare si dissidentiae mentium illorum in apertas inimicitias, rixas, et odii minas, erumperent, et hae ab uxore et ejus amicis, aque domesticis evulgarentur, facile verterentur in vituperia, quae nomini ejus dedecori et infamiae forent; ad talia evitanda non suppetit alia copia, quam vel ut simulate faveat uxori, vel ut separentur quoad domum.

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