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《婚姻之爱》 第289节







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Conjugial Love #289 (Chadwick (1996))

289. (xviii) They are intended to bring about reconciliation.

It is well known in the world that married couples who disagree in mind for various reasons alternate between disagreement and trust, between estrangement and closeness, even between quarrelling and making up or reconciliation. The appearance of friendship is also known to bring about reconciliation. There are also cases where after a parting reconciliation follows, when it is not a passing phase like this.

Conjugial Love #289 (Rogers (1995))

289. 18. They are adopted as means of reconciliation. Between partners who for various reasons are discordant in mind, intermittent states occur of disagreement and trust, of estrangement and union, indeed of quarreling and making up, thus of reconciliation. This is something that is known in the world; and also that their reconciliations are effected by shows of apparent friendship.

There are also reconciliations effected after periods of separation which are not so sporadic and transitory.

Love in Marriage #289 (Gladish (1992))

289. 18. Pretenses help bring people back together. The world knows that married partners who for various reasons do not think alike alternately disagree, then trust, are alienated and then back together, even quarrel, then come to terms and make up, so that the appearances of friendship reconcile them. Reconciliation can also take place after separation and be neither alternate nor temporary.

Conjugial Love #289 (Acton (1953))

289. XVIII. THAT THEY ARE FOR THE SAKE OF RECONCILIATIONS. That between partners who are of discordant minds there are alternate dissensions and confidences, alienations and conjunctions, yea, quarrels and adjustments and thus reconciliations--and this from various causes; and that then apparent friendships effect reconciliation, is well known in the world. There are also reconciliations effected after separations, which are not so alternating and transitory.

Conjugial Love #289 (Wunsch (1937))

289. (xviii) They are for the sake of reconciliation. The world knows that there are alternate dissensions and confidences, alienations and conjunctions, yes, quarrels and adjustments, and thus reconciliations between partners who for one reason and another are of discordant minds; and that apparent friendships serve for reconciliation. There are reconciliations, too, which are affected after partings which are not thus alternating and transient.

Conjugial Love #289 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

289. (18) That they are for the sake of reconciliation. It is known in the world that between married partners who from various causes are of discordant minds there are alternate dissensions and confidences, alienations, and conjunctions, yea, quarrels and adjustments, and thus reconciliations; and that then apparent friendships are restored. There are also reconciliations which are effected after separations, which are not thus alternate and transitory.

De Amore Conjugiali #289 (original Latin (1768))

289. XVIII: Quod sint propter reconciliationes. Quod inter conjuges, qui discordant mentibus ex variis causis, sint alternae dissidentiae et confidentiae, abalienationes et conjunctiones, imo rixationes et compositiones, ita reconciliationes, tum etiam quod apparentes amicitiae reconcilient, in Mundo notum est. Dantur etiam reconciliationes, quae fiunt post discessiones, quae non sunt ita alternae et transitoriae.

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