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《婚姻之爱》 第303节





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Conjugial Love #303 (Chadwick (1996))

303. (vii) Engagement links the mind of one to that of the other, so as to bring about the marriage of the spirit before that of the body.

Since this is the consequence of what has just been said (301-302), it may be passed over without adding further rational proofs.

Conjugial Love #303 (Rogers (1995))

303. 7. By betrothal the mind of one is joined to the mind of the other, so that a marriage of the spirit takes place before a marriage of the body. Because this follows as a consequence from what we said above in nos. 301, 302, we pass it by without adding further confirmations in accordance with reason.

Love in Marriage #303 (Gladish (1992))

303. 7. A commitment joins the mind of one with the mind of the other to make the marriage spiritual before it becomes physical. This can pass without bringing in further confirmations by reason, as it is a conclusion from what was already said (nos. 301-302).

Conjugial Love #303 (Acton (1953))

303. VII. THAT BY BETROTHAL THE MIND OF THE ONE IS CONJOINED TO THE MIND OF THE OTHER IN ORDER THAT A MARRIAGE OF THE SPIRIT MAY TAKE PLACE BEFORE THAT OF THE BODY. Since this is a conclusion from what has been said above (nos. 301, 302), it is passed by without adducing further confirmations from reason.

Conjugial Love #303 (Wunsch (1937))

303. (vii) By betrothal the mind of the one is united with the mind of the other, so that a marriage of the spirit is effected before that of the body is. This is a conclusion from what was said above (n. 301-302), and we pass it by without adducing further confirmations from reason.

Conjugial Love #303 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

303. (7) That by betrothal the mind of the one is conjoined to the mind of the other, in order that a marriage of the spirit may be effected before that of the body takes place. As this is a conclusion from what has been said above at n. 301, 302, it is passed by without adducing further confirmations from reason.

De Amore Conjugiali #303 (original Latin (1768))

303. VII: Quod per desponsationem unius mens conjungatur menti alterius, ut fiat conjugium spiritus, antequam fit corporis. Hoc, quia est consectarium ex supradictis 301, 302, absque confirmationibus ex ratione ulterius adducendis pertransitur.

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