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《婚姻之爱》 第308节







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Conjugial Love #308 (Chadwick (1996))

308. (xii) The marriage should be consecrated by a priest.

The reason is that marriage regarded in itself is spiritual and therefore holy. For it comes down from the heavenly marriage of good and truth, and the details of marriage correspond to the Divine marriage of the Lord and the church. Consequently marriages come from the Lord Himself and depend on the state of the church with the contracting parties. Now since on earth the ordained ministry performs the functions of the Lord's priesthood, that is, those things which relate to His love, and also everything to do with blessing, marriages ought to be consecrated by His ministers. Since they are the leading witnesses, the consent to the compact ought to be heard, accepted, confirmed and so established by them.

Conjugial Love #308 (Rogers (1995))

308. 12. The marriage should be solemnized by a priest. That is because marriages regarded in themselves are spiritual and thus sacred; for they descend from the heavenly marriage between good and truth, and the various elements involved in marriage correspond to the Divine marriage of the Lord and the church. Marriages descend therefore from the Lord Himself, and are formed according to the state of the church in the contracting parties.

Now, because the ordained clergy on earth administers matters which reflect the priesthood lodged in the Lord, that is, which reflect His love, thus also matters which require His blessing, it follows that marriages ought to be solemnized by His ministers. And because His ministers are also then the chief witnesses, a couple's consent to the covenant ought to be heard, approved, ratified and thus firmly established by them as well.

Love in Marriage #308 (Gladish (1992))

308. 12. The marriage should be declared sacred by a minister. The reason is that marriages are spiritual in their own right, and therefore holy. For they come down from the heavenly marriage of good and truth, and things having to do with marriage correspond to the divine marriage of the Lord and the church. So they are from the Lord Himself and are in keeping with the condition of the church in the ones who enter the contract.

Now, because the clergy on earth administers the things that are ministerial in the Lord - that is, things having to do with His love - and thus things having to do with blessing, it is proper for marriages to be declared sacred by a minister. And because they are the chief witnesses at that time, it is proper for them to hear, accept, confirm, and in this way establish, consent to the covenant.

Conjugial Love #308 (Acton (1953))

308. XII. THAT THE MARRIAGE IS TO BE CONSECRATED BY A PRIEST. The reason is because, viewed in themselves, marriages are spiritual and hence holy; for they descend from the heavenly marriage of good and truth, and things conjugial correspond to the Divine marriage of the Lord and the Church. Hence they are from the Lord Himself, and are according to the state of the Church with the contracting parties. Now because on earth the ecclesiastical order administers those things with the Lord which pertain to the priesthood, that is, which pertain to His Love, and thus also those which pertain to blessing, it is necessary that marriages be consecrated by His ministers. And because at the same time these ministers are also the chief witnesses, it is likewise necessary that the consent to the covenant be heard, accepted, confirmed, and thus established by them.

Conjugial Love #308 (Wunsch (1937))

308. (xii) Marriage is to be consecrated by a priest. Regarded in themselves, marriages are spiritual and hence holy. For they descend from the heavenly marriage of good and truth, and things marital correspond to the Divine marriage of the Lord and the Church, and so are from the Lord Himself, and according to the state of the Church with the contracting parties. Now, because the ecclesiastical order administers on earth what belongs to the Lord's priesthood, that is, what is of His love and hence pertains to His blessing, marriages ought to be consecrated by ministers of His; and as they are therefore also the chief witnesses, consent to the covenant should be heard, accepted, assured and established by them.

Conjugial Love #308 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

308. (12) That marriage ought to be consecrated by a priest. The reason of this is that, viewed in themselves, marriages are spiritual, and therefore, holy. For they descend from the heavenly marriage of good and truth; and things conjugial correspond to the Divine marriage of the Lord and the Church, and hence are from the Lord Himself, and are according to the state of the church with those who enter into the contract. Now, because the ecclesiastical order administer on earth the things which are of the priesthood with the Lord, that is, which are of His love, and thus those that pertain to blessing, it is fitting that marriages should be consecrated by His ministers; and because at the same time they are also the chief of the witnesses, it is proper that the consent to the covenant too should be heard, accepted, confirmed, and thus established by them.

De Amore Conjugiali #308 (original Latin (1768))

308. XII: Quod conjugium a sacerdote consecrandum sit: causa est, quia conjugia in se spectata sunt spiritualia, et inde sancta; descendunt enim ex coelesti conjugio boni et veri, ac conjugialia correspondent Divino Conjugio Domini et Ecclesiae; et inde illa sunt ab Ipso Domino, et secundum statum Ecclesiae apud contrahentes: nunc quia Ecclesiasticus Ordo in terris ministrat illa quae Sacerdotii sunt apud Dominum, hoc est, quae Ipsius amoris sunt, ita quoque illa quae Benedictionis sunt, oportet, ut conjugia a Ministris Ipsius consacrentur; et quia tunc etiam sunt Capita testium, ut consensus foederis ab illis etiam audiatur, acceptetur, firmetur, et sic constabiliatur.

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