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《婚姻之爱》 第309节





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Conjugial Love #309 (Chadwick (1996))

309. (xiii) The celebration of the wedding should be accompanied by festivities.

The reasons are that then the prenuptial love which the engaged couple had comes down into their hearts, and by being spread around in all directions into the body, leads to a feeling of the delights of marriage. This puts the idea of a festive occasion into their minds, and so far as is permissible and proper, their minds yield to festivities. To encourage this it is important that the festivities of their minds are shared, and so they themselves are introduced to the joys of conjugial love.

Conjugial Love #309 (Rogers (1995))

309. 13. The wedding should be celebrated with festivity. The reason is that the love which the bride and bridegroom felt before the wedding then descends into their hearts and radiates from there throughout their whole bodies, so that they begin to feel the delights of being married. As a result, their minds are filled with festive thoughts, and as far as is permissible and respectable, they also let themselves go in festive behavior. In support of this, it is useful for the festive feelings of their minds to be shared by others, and for them to be introduced into the joys of married love in this way.

Love in Marriage #309 (Gladish (1992))

309. 13. The wedding should be celebrated with good fellowship. The reasons are that the love before the wedding - the love of a bride and groom - descends at that time into their hearts, and they feel the joy of marriage as it spreads from there into their entire bodies.

This makes them want to celebrate, so they break into celebration, as much as is fitting and proper. To foster these feelings it is important that their souls rejoice together, so that in this way they are introduced to the joys of marriage.

Conjugial Love #309 (Acton (1953))

309. XIII. THAT THE WEDDING IS TO BE CELEBRATED WITH FESTIVITY. The reasons are, because the ante-nuptial love which was that of the bridegroom and bride, then descends into their hearts, and by its diffusion therefrom into every part of their body, the delights of marriage are sensated. From these delights, their minds have festive thoughts and also express themselves in festivities so far as this is proper and becoming. For the promotion of these, it is important that the festivities of their minds be enjoyed in the company of others, and they themselves be thus introduced into the joys of conjugial love.

Conjugial Love #309 (Wunsch (1937))

309. (xiii) The nuptials should be celebrated with festivity. For the pre-nuptial love of bridegroom and bride descends at that time into their hearts, and in its diffusion thence into all the body, they are made sensible of the delights of marriage. Their thoughts are festive, and their minds engage in all permissible and becoming festivity. To speed this, it is well that these festivities have the help of a company, and that the two should be introduced thus into the joys of marital love.

Conjugial Love #309 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

309. (13) That the nuptials ought to be celebrated with festivity. The reasons are that the antenuptial love, which was that of bridegroom and bride, then descends into their hearts, and by its diffusion thence universally into the body the delights of marriage are felt; whence their minds have festive thoughts and so far as they may and as it is becoming, let themselves out in festivities; to favor which it is proper that the festivities of their minds should go forth in communion with others, and they themselves be thus introduced into the joys of conjugial love.

De Amore Conjugiali #309 (original Latin (1768))

309. XIII. Quod Nuptiae cum festivitate celebrandae sint. Causae sunt, quia amor antenuptialis, qui fuit sponsi et sponsae, tunc descendit in illorum corda, et per circumsparsionem ejus inde universim in corpus, delitiae conjugii sentiuntur, ex quibus illorum mentes festiva cogitant, et quoque se in festivitates, 1quantum licet et decet, se emittunt; quibus ut faveatur, interest ut festivitates mentium illorum in communione fiant, et sic ipsi in amoris conjugialis gaudia introducantur.


1. Prima editio: festivates,

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