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《婚姻之爱》 第339节








  339、(6)这是根据主的话,即男人与妻子离婚是不合法的,因为他们从创世时起就注定要成为一体。没有正当原因而与妻子离婚而再婚就是犯奸淫罪。(《马太福音》19:3-11)。同时,那些不与妻子离婚而又与别人结婚的人也一样。因此主的律法有来自于精神的更深的合理性。因为主所说的一切的实质都是精神的,正如主所说的。我对你们所说的话, 就是灵, 就是生命。(《约翰福音》6:63)






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Conjugial Love #339 (Chadwick (1996))

339. (vi) A Christian who marries more than one wife commits not only natural, but also spiritual adultery.

It is in accordance with the Lord's words that a Christian who marries more than one wife commits natural adultery. He laid down that it is not allowable to divorce a wife, because they have from the beginning been created so as to be one flesh; if anyone divorces his wife without just cause and marries another, he commits adultery (Matthew 19:3-11). Thus he does so even more, if he does not divorce his wife, but keeps her and brings another one home as well. This law on marriage laid down by the Lord has an inward reason derived from the spiritual marriage; for whatever the Lord said is in itself spiritual. This is the meaning of these words:

The words I speak to you are spirit and life (John 6:63).

The spiritual meaning of this statement is that a polygamous marriage in the Christian world profanes the marriage of the Lord and the church, and likewise that of good and truth, as well as the Word, and the church together with the Word. To profane these is to commit spiritual adultery. It can be seen proved in THE APOCALYPSE REVEALED (Apocalypse Revealed 134) that the profanation of the church's good and truth from the Word corresponds to adultery, hence it is spiritual adultery. The same is true of the falsification of good and truth, but this is less serious.

[2] The reason why polygamous marriages among Christians profane the marriage of the Lord and the church is that there exists a correspondence between that Divine marriage and marriages among Christians (on which 83-102 above). This correspondence is utterly destroyed, if one wife is added to another; and when it is destroyed, the married person is no longer a Christian. The reason why polygamous marriages among Christians profane the marriage of good and truth is that marriages on earth are derived from this spiritual marriage. Marriage among Christians differs from that of other nations in that, just as good loves truth and truth loves good and they become one, so do a wife and a husband. If therefore a Christian were to add one wife to another, that spiritual marriage would split apart; thus he would profane the source of his marriage, so as to commit spiritual adultery. On marriages on earth being derived from the marriage of good and truth 116-131 above. The reason why by a polygamous marriage a Christian would profane the Word and the church is that the Word regarded in itself is a marriage of good and truth, and so likewise is the church, in so far as it is based on the Word (128-131 above).

[3] Now since a Christian, because he knows the Lord, has the Word, and since the Lord places the church in him through its means, it is obvious that he is more able than the non-Christian to be reborn, so becoming spiritual, and to achieve truly conjugial love, since these go together. Since those among the Christians who marry more than one wife commit not only natural adultery, but at the same time also spiritual adultery, it follows that polygamous Christians are after death more grievously damned than those who commit only natural adultery. When I asked about their condition after death, I received the reply that heaven is completely shut to them; and they are to be seen in hell as if lying in warm water in a bath-tub. They look like this seen from a distance, even though they are standing on their feet and walking about. This is the result of their intrinsic madness. A few of them have been cast into the quagmires which are at the worlds' ends.

Conjugial Love #339 (Rogers (1995))

339. 6. If a Christian takes more than one wife, he commits not only natural adultery but spiritual adultery as well. The point that a Christian who takes more than one wife commits natural adultery, is according to the Lord's words, namely, that it is not lawful for a man to divorce his wife, because they were created from the beginning to be one flesh, and that whoever divorces his wife without just cause and marries another, commits adultery (Matthew 19:3-11). Still more, then, is this true of one who does not divorce his wife but keeps her and marries another in addition.

The law thus given by the Lord with respect to marriages takes its deeper rationale from spiritual marriage; for whatever the Lord enunciated was in essence spiritual. This is what is meant by His saying:

The words that I speak to you are spirit and are life. (John 6:63)

The spiritual content in the present instance is that polygamous marriage in the Christian world profanes the marriage of the Lord and the church, likewise the marriage between goodness and truth, and moreover the Word, and together with the Word, the church. And profanation of these is spiritual adultery. (To see that profanation of the goodness and truth of the church by abuse of the Word has a correspondence with adultery and so is spiritual adultery, and that falsification of goodness and truth is connected similarly, though in a lesser degree, consult what we demonstrated in The Apocalypse Revealed, no. 134.)

[2] Polygamous marriages in the case of Christians would profane the marriage of the Lord and the church, because there is a correspondence between that Divine marriage and the marriages of Christians (on which subject see nos. 116-131 above 1). This correspondence is entirely lost if one wife is taken in addition to another, and when it is lost the married person is no longer a Christian.

Polygamous marriages in the case of Christians would profane the marriage between goodness and truth, because that spiritual marriage is the origin from which marriages on earth spring; and the marriages of Christians differ from the marriages of other peoples in this, that as good loves truth and truth loves good so as to be one, so husband and wife love each other and are one. Consequently, if a Christian were to add one wife to another, he would sunder that spiritual marriage in him; thus he would profane the origin of his marriage and so commit spiritual adultery. (On the point that marriages on earth spring from the marriage between goodness and truth, see nos. 83-102 above 2.)

A Christian by polygamous marriage would profane the Word and the church, because viewed in itself the Word is a marriage of goodness and truth, and the Church similarly, insofar as it derives from the Word (see above, nos. 128-131).

[3] Now, since a Christian person who knows the Lord is in possession of the Word and has the church from the Lord through the Word, it is apparent that he has a capability and potential beyond that of a non-Christian for being regenerated and thus becoming spiritual, and also for attaining truly conjugial love, inasmuch as the two go together.

Since those Christians who take more than one wife commit not only natural adultery but at the same time spiritual adultery as well, it follows that the damnation of Christian polygamists after death is more severe than the damnation of those who commit only natural adultery. In response to my asking about their condition after death, I received the reply that heaven was totally closed to them, and that they appear in hell as though lying in a tub of warm bathwater. So they appear from a distance, even when standing on their feet and walking. This circumstance befalls them a result of their internal madness, I was told; and some of them are cast into chasms that are located at the boundaries of their worlds. 3


1. I.e., "The Marriage of the Lord and the Church and Correspondence to It."

2. I.e., "The Origin of Conjugial Love from the Marriage between Good and Truth."

3. Cf. no. 79[11].

Love in Marriage #339 (Gladish (1992))

339. 6. If a Christian takes more wives, he commits not just worldly adultery but spiritual adultery, too. It is according to the Lord's words that a Christian who takes more wives commits earthly adultery.

The words are that to divorce a wife is not lawful, because they are created to be one flesh, and he who divorces his wife without just cause and takes another commits adultery (Matthew 19:3-11).

The more so for someone who does not send his wife away but keeps her and takes another one besides. This law that the Lord required about marriages has an inward reason from spiritual marriage, for whatever the Lord spoke was spiritual per se which is what these words mean: "The words that I speak to you are spirit and life" (John 6:63).

The spirit in the words [from Matthew] is that polygamous marriage in the Christian world profanes the marriage of the Lord and the church. Likewise the marriage of good and truth, and on top of that the Word, and with the Word the church. Profanation of these is spiritual adultery.

Apocalypse Revealed 134) establishes that profanation of the church's good and truth from the Word is spiritually analogous to adultery, and so it is spiritual adultery, and the same goes for making good and truth false, though in a lesser degree.

Polygamous marriages profane the marriage of the Lord and the church, because there is a relationship between that marriage and Christian marriages (see nos. 83-102 above). This relationship is lost completely if you add one wife to another, and when it is lost, a human spouse is no longer Christian. Polygamous marriages among Christians profane the marriage of good and truth because marriages on earth derive from this spiritual marriage. And the marriages of Christians are different from the marriages of other people in that husband and wife love each other in the way that good loves truth and truth loves good, and they are one. So if a Christian added another wife to the wife he has, he would tear up that spiritual marriage within himself. Thus he would profane the source of his marriage and in this way commit spiritual adultery.

(Nos. 116-31, above, show that marriages on earth derive from the marriage of good and truth.)

A Christian would profane the Word and the church by a polygamous marriage because the Word, seen for what it is, is a marriage of good and truth, and so is the church, insofar as it is based on the Word (see nos. 128-131 above).

Now, a Christian person knows about the Lord and has the Word and has a religion that is from the Lord through the Word, so more than a non - Christian he has the ability to regenerate and thus become spiritual and also to attain to real married love, for these attributes go together. Because those among the Christians who take more wives commit not only natural adultery but also spiritual adultery at the same time, it results that the damnation of Christian polygamists after death is worse than the damnation of those who only commit adultery on the plane of nature. When I asked about their condition after death, I received the answer that heaven is totally closed for them, and that in hell they look as if they are lying in a warm bath in a tub. They look this way from a distance even though they are standing on their feet and walking around. This comes from an inner insanity. Some of that kind are banished to chasms at the ends of the world.

Conjugial Love #339 (Acton (1953))

339. VI. THAT A CHRISTIAN, IF HE MARRIES MORE WIVES THAN ONE, COMMITS NOT ONLY NATURAL ADULTERY BUT ALSO SPIRITUAL ADULTERY. That a Christian who marries more wives than one commits natural adultery is according to the Lord's words, namely, that it is not lawful to put away a wife, because from the beginning they were created to be one flesh; and that he who shall put away his wife without just cause and shall marry another, commits adultery (Matthew 19:3-11); thus, still more does he commit adultery who does not put away his wife, but retains her and takes another in addition. The law concerning marriages thus laid down by the Lord derives its internal cause from the spiritual marriage; for whatsoever the Lord spoke was in itself spiritual, this being what is meant by the words:

The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life. John 6:63.

The spiritual [truth] within that law is this: That by polygamous marriage in the Christian world, the marriage of the Lord and the Church is profaned; likewise the marriage of good and truth and, moreover, the Word, and with the Word the Church; and the profanation of these is spiritual adultery. That the profanation of the good and truth of the Church from the Word corresponds to adultery, and hence is spiritual adultery; and that the same is true, though in a lesser degree, of the falsification of good and truth; may be seen confirmed in THE APOCALYPSE REVEALED, no. 134. That with Christians, the marriage of the Lord and the Church is profaned by polygamous marriages, is because there is a correspondence between that Divine marriage and the marriages of Christians (concerning which, see above, nos. 83-102); and if wife is added to wife, this correspondence is wholly destroyed, and with this destroyed, the consort is no longer a Christian.

[2] That with Christians, the marriage of good and truth is profaned by polygamous marriages is because marriages on earth are derived from this spiritual marriage, and the marriages of Christians differ from the marriages of other nations in this, that as good loves truth and truth good, and the two are a one, so is it with wife and husband. Wherefore, if a Christian should add wife to wife, he would rend asunder that spiritual marriage in himself, and consequently would profane the origin of his marriage and so would commit spiritual adultery. That marriages on earth are derived from the marriage of good and truth may be seen above (nos. 116-131). That a Christian, by polygamous marriage profanes the Word and the Church, is because the Word regarded in itself is the marriage of good and truth, and so likewise the Church so far as this is from the Word; see above (nos. 128-131).

[3] Now since a man, a Christian, knows the Lord and has the Word, and since the Church is with him from the Lord by the Word, it is evident that he more than a man not a Christian has the ability to become regenerated and so to become spiritual, and also to attain love truly conjugial, inasmuch as the two cohere together. Since those among Christians who marry more wives than one commit not only natural adultery but also and at the same time spiritual adultery, it follows that after death the damnation of Christian polygamists is more severe than the damnation of those who commit only natural adultery. To a question concerning their state after death, I heard the answer that heaven is wholly closed to them; that in hell they appear as if lying in a bath of hot water; that when seen from a distance, they appear thus even though they are standing on their feet and walking; that this is the case with them by reason of their intestine madness; and that some of them are cast into gulfs which are at the borders of [their] worlds.

Conjugial Love #339 (Wunsch (1937))

339. (vi) If a Christian marries more than one wife, he commits not only natural adultery, but spiritual adultery, too. That a Christian who marries more than one wife commits natural adultery is according to the Lord's words,

That one may not put away his wife, because from the beginning they are created to be one flesh; and that if one puts her away without just cause and marries another, he commits adultery (Matthew 19:3-11);

Much more, then, one who does not put his wife away, but keeps her and adds another. The law on marriage thus delivered by the Lord has its internal cause in spiritual marriage. Whatever the Lord spoke was in itself spiritual, which is the point of the saying,

The words that I speak to you are spirit and are life (John 6:63).

The spiritual content here is this: polygamy in Christendom profanes the marriage of the Lord and the Church and the marriage of good and truth; it also profanes the Word and with the Word the Church; and the profanation of these is spiritual adultery (see it confirmed in Apocalypse Revealed 134, that the profanation of the good and truth of the Church from the Word corresponds to adultery, and is spiritual adultery; and that the falsification of good and truth is such adultery, too, but in less degree). Polygamous marriages among Christians profane the marriage of the Lord and the Church for the reason that there is a correspondence between Christian marriages and that Divine marriage (see above n. 83-102). This correspondence perishes if wife is added to wife, and when it perishes, the partner is no longer a Christian.

[2] Again, polygamous marriages among Christians profane the marriage of good and truth because marriages on earth are derived from this spiritual marriage; the marriages of Christians differ from those of other peoples in this, that as good loves truth and truth good and are a one, so are wife and husband. If then a Christian adds wife to wife, he rends this spiritual marriage in himself, hence profanes the origin of his marriage and so commits spiritual adultery. See above (n. 116-131) that marriages on earth are derived from the marriage of good and truth. A Christian also profanes the Word and the Church by polygamous marriage for the reason that the Word viewed in itself is a marriage of good and truth, and the Church is, too, so far as it is from the Word (see above, n. 128-131). Now, because a man who is a Christian knows the Lord, has the Word, and the Church is his from the Lord by the Word, obviously he has a power beyond that of the non-Christian of being regenerated and so of becoming spiritual, and also of attaining true marital love, for these are bound together. Inasmuch, then, as those from among Christians who marry more wives than one, commit not only natural adultery but also spiritual, a greater condemnation falls on polygamous Christians after death than on such as commit only natural adultery. To a query about their state after death, I heard the reply that heaven is tightly shut against them. They also appear in hell to be lying in hot water in a bath, so appearing at a distance, though they are standing on their feet or walking about. This befalls them from intestine madness. Some of them are hurled into abysses at worlds-ends. 1


1. Cf. Arcana Coelestia 9582; Earths in the Uni 128 verse.

Conjugial Love #339 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

339. (6) That if a Christian marries more than one wife he commits not only natural adultery but also spiritual adultery. That a Christian who marries more than one wife commits natural adultery is according to the Lord's words, that: -

It is not lawful to put away a wife, because from the beginning they were created to be one flesh; and that, Whosoever shall put away his wife without just cause, and shall marry another, committeth adultery (Matthew 19:3-11).

Still more he that does not put away but retains his wife, and marries another in addition. This law, proclaimed by the Lord concerning marriages, derives its internal cause from spiritual marriage, for whatever the Lord spoke was in itself spiritual, which is meant by the saying:

The words that I speak unto you are spirit and are life (John 6:63).

The spiritual which is within these words is this: That by polygamous marriage in the Christian world the marriage of the Lord and the church is profaned; likewise, the marriage of good and truth; and moreover the Word, and with the Word the church; and the profanation of these is spiritual adultery.

That the profanation of the good and truth of the church out of the Word corresponds to adultery, and that it therefore, is spiritual adultery; and that the falsification of good and truth is so likewise, but in a less degree, may be seen confirmed in The Apocalypse Revealed, n. 134. The reason why the marriage of the Lord and the church would be profaned by polygamous marriages with Christians is, that there is a correspondence between that Divine marriage and the marriages of Christians, concerning which see above (n. 83-102), which correspondence is altogether destroyed if wife is added to wife; and when that is destroyed the man consort is no longer a Christian.

The reason why the marriage of good and truth would be profaned by polygamous marriages with Christians is, that marriages on earth are derived from that spiritual marriage, and the marriages of Christians differ from the marriages of other nations in this, that as good loves truth and truth good, and they are one, so is it with the wife and husband. If therefore, a Christian should add wife to wife he would disrupt the spiritual marriage within him, and thus profane the origin of his marriage and so commit spiritual adultery. That marriages on earth are derived from the marriage of good and truth, may be seen above at n. 116-131. That a Christian would profane the Word and the church by polygamous marriage, is because the Word viewed in itself is the marriage of good and truth, and likewise the church in the degree that this is from the Word (see above at n. 128-131).

Now, it is plain that a Christian man - because he knows the Lord, has the Word; and the church in him is from the Lord through the Word, - has, more than a man not a Christian, the faculty of being regenerated and so of becoming spiritual; and also of attaining love truly conjugial, for they go together. Since those from among Christians who marry more wives than one not only commit natural adultery, but at the same time also spiritual adultery, it follows that the damnation of Christian polygamists after death is more severe than the damnation of those who only commit natural adultery. To a question concerning their state after death I heard the answer, that heaven is altogether closed to them; and that in hell they appear as if lying in hot water in a bath house in a bath tub, and that from a distance they thus appear, although they stand and walk upon their feet; and that it is so with them from inward frenzy; and that some such are cast into the gulfs that are at the borders of the worlds. 1


1. See Arcana Coelestia 9582; Earths in the Universe 123. (TR.)

De Amore Conjugiali #339 (original Latin (1768))

339. VI. Quod Christianus, si plures uxores ducit, non modo adulterium naturale, sed etiam adulterium spirituale, committat. Quod Christianus, qui plures uxores ducit, adulterium naturale committat, est secundum Domini verba, quae sunt, Quod non liceat dimittere uxorem, quia ab initio creati sunt ut sint una caro; et quod qui dimiserit absque justa causa, et aliam duxerit, adulterium committat, Matth. 19:3-11. ita plus adhuc, qui non dimittit, sed retinet uxorem, et aliam superinducit. Haec a Domino lata Lex de Conjugiis ducit internam causam ex Conjugio spirituali; nam quicquid Dominus loquutus est, in se spirituale fuit; quod intelligitur per haec, "Verba, quae Ego loquor vobis, spiritus sunt et vita sunt," Joh. 6:63. 1Spirituale quod inest, est hoc, quod per Polygamicum conjugium in Christiano Orbe, prophanetur Conjugium Domini et Ecclesiae; similiter Conjugium boni et veri; et insuper Verbum, et cum Verbo Ecclesia; ac prophanatio 2illorum est Adulterium spirituale. Quod Prophanatio boni et veri Ecclesiae ex Verbo correspondeat Adulterio, et quod inde sit Adulterium spirituale, et quod falsificatio boni et veri similiter, sed in minori gradu, videatur confirmatum in Apocalypsis Revelata 134.

[2] Quod per Conjugia Polygamica apud Christianos, prophaneretur Conjugium Domini et Ecclesiae, est quia Correspondentia datur inter Divinum illud Conjugium et inter conjugia Christianorum, de qua videatur supra 116-131; 3quae correspondentia prorsus perit, si uxori adjungitur uxor, et cum illa perit, homo conjux non amplius est Christianus. Quod per Conjugia polygamica apud Christianos, prophaneretur 4Conjugium boni et veri, est quia ex Spirituali hoc Conjugio derivantur conjugia in terris; et Christianorum conjugia a conjugiis aliarum gentium differunt in eo, quod sic bonum amat verum ac verum bonum, ac unum sunt, ita uxor et maritus; quare si Christianus uxorem uxori adjungeret, conjugium illud Spirituale apud se discinderet, proinde originem sui conjugii prophanaret, et sic Adulterium spirituale committeret; quod conjugia in terris ex Conjugio boni et veri deriventur, videatur supra 83-102. 5Quod Christianus per Conjugium polygamicum prophanaret Verbum et Ecclesiam, est quia Verbum in se spectatum est Conjugium boni et veri, et Ecclesia similiter, quantum haec est ex Verbo; videatur supra 128-131. 6

[3] Nunc, quoniam homo Christianus, qui 7Dominum novit, Verbum habet, et Ecclesia illi est a Domino per Verbum, patet quod illi prae homine non Christiano facultas sit, ut possit regenerari, et sic fieri spiritualis, et quoque consequi amorem vere conjugialem, nam cohaerent. Quoniam illi ex Christianis, qui plures uxores ducunt, non modo adulterium naturale, sed etiam simul adulterium spirituale committunt, sequitur quod damnatio polygamorum Christianorum post mortem gravior sit damnatione illorum, qui modo adulterium naturale committunt; ad interrogationem de statu illorum post mortem, audivi responsum, quod Coelum pro illis prorsus occlusum sit; et quod appareant in Inferno sicut jacentes in aqua calida balnei in receptaculo, et quod ita appareant e longinquo, tametsi stant super pedibus, et ambulant; et quod illud sit illis ex intestina vecordia; et quod aliqui ex talibus projecti sint in voragines, quae in terminis Mundorum sunt.


1. Prima editio: 5:63

2. Prima editio: prophatio

3. Prima editio: 53 ad 102; sed in errore pro 83 ad 102, ut videtur, et hoc in errore pro nn. 116 ad 131, "De Conjugio Domini et Ecclesiae, et de Ejus Correspondentia"

4. Prima editio: prophanetur

5. Prima editio: 116 ad 131. sed in errore, ut videtur, pro nn. 83 ad 102, "De Origine Amoris Conjugialis ex Conjugio Boni et Veri"

6. Prima editio: L28

7. Prima editio: quia

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