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《婚姻之爱》 第338节





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Conjugial Love #338 (Chadwick (1996))

338. (v) This is the reason why a Christian is not allowed to marry more than one wife.

This follows as confirmed by the proving of the preceding propositions, but a further point must be added. The true conjugial principle is more deeply imprinted on the minds of Christians than on those of the heathen who have embraced polygamy. As a result, the minds of Christians are more susceptible than those of polygamists to that love. For Christians have that conjugial principle imprinted on the interior of their minds, because they acknowledge the Lord and His Divinity, and on the exterior of their minds by the civil code of law.

Conjugial Love #338 (Rogers (1995))

338. 5. That is why it is not lawful for a Christian to have more than one wife. This follows as already established from what we have demonstrated in the preceding discussions. It need only be added here that a genuine conjugial inclination has been more deeply impressed on the minds of Christians than on the minds of gentiles who have embraced polygamy. The minds of Christians are therefore more receptive of that love than the minds of polygamists. For in Christians this conjugial inclination has been engraved on the inner elements of the mind from their acknowledging the Lord and His Divinity, and on the outer elements of the mind by their civil laws.

Love in Marriage #338 (Gladish (1992))

338. 5. This is why a Christian is allowed to take only one wife. This follows as confirmed by the proofs of the preceding articles. It should be added to this that genuine marriage is more deeply etched on the minds of Christians than on the minds of non-Christians who have embraced polygamy, and so the Christians' minds are more receptive of this love than polygamists' minds are. For this real marriage is etched on the inner reaches of Christians' minds because they recognize the Lord and His Divinity, and their civil laws inscribe it on their outer minds.

Conjugial Love #338 (Acton (1953))

338. V. THAT HENCE IT IS, THAT FOR A CHRISTIAN IT IS NOT LAWFUL TO MARRY MORE THAN ONE WIFE. This is already confirmed as a consequence of the articles previously confirmed, to which must be added the following: The genuine conjugial is more deeply inscribed on the minds of Christians than on the minds of Gentiles who have embraced polygamy. The minds of Christians are therefore more susceptible to that love than the minds of polygamists; for with Christians the conjugial is inscribed on the interiors of the mind because they acknowledge the Lord and His Divine, and on the exteriors of the mind by civil laws.

Conjugial Love #338 (Wunsch (1937))

338. (v) Hence a Christian may not marry more than one wife. This follows with certainty from the preceding propositions, the truth of which we have established. Let me add: the true marital has been inscribed more deeply on the minds of Christians than on the minds of Gentiles, who embrace polygamy. The minds of Christians are therefore more susceptible to this love than are the minds of polygamists. This marital tendency has been inscribed on the interiors of the Christian mind by acknowledgment of the Lord and His Divine and on the exteriors of the Christian mind by civil laws.

Conjugial Love #338 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

338. (5) That this is the reason why it is not permitted a Christian to marry more than one wife. This follows as confirmed from the things established in the preceding sections, to which it should be added: That the genuine conjugial is inscribed on the minds of Christians more profoundly than on the minds of the Gentiles who have embraced polygamy; and hence that the minds of Christians are more susceptible to that love than the minds of polygamists. For this conjugial is inscribed on the interiors of the mind of Christians, because they acknowledge the Lord and His Divine, and is inscribed upon the exteriors of their minds by the civil laws.

De Amore Conjugiali #338 (original Latin (1768))

338. V. Quod inde sit, quod Christiano non liceat nisi unam uxorem ducere. Hoc sequitur confirmatum ex confirmatis praecedentibus Articulis; quibus hoc adjiciendum est; quod genuinum Conjugiale mentibus Christianorum altius inscriptum sit, quam mentibus Gentium, quae Polygamiam amplexae sunt; et quod inde mentes Christianorum susceptibiliores illius amoris sint, quam mentes polygamorum; nam Conjugiale illud inscriptum est interioribus mentis Christianorum, quia agnoscunt Dominum et Divinum Ipsius, et exterioribus mentis illorum per Leges civiles.

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