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《婚姻之爱》 第358节









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Conjugial Love #358 (Chadwick (1996))

358. (i) Zeal regarded in itself is like the fire of love when it blazes up.

It is impossible to recognise what jealousy is without a knowledge of what zeal is, for jealousy is the zeal of conjugial love. The reason why zeal is like a blazing fire of love is that zeal belongs to love, and love is spiritual heat, and thus in origin is like fire. As regards the first point, it is well known that zeal belongs to love; being zealous and acting with zeal means the same as by the power of love. But since on coming into being it does not look like love, but like a personal or public enemy, who attacks and fights against anyone harming that love, it can also be called a defender and preserver of love. For it is the nature of every love to burst out into indignation and annoyance, if not fury, when deprived of its pleasures. If therefore a love, especially the dominant one, is touched, a mental disturbance is felt; and if the touch does harm, it becomes exasperation. These facts allow it to be seen that zeal is not the highest degree of love, but love ablaze.

The love of one partner and the answering love of the other are like two allies. But when the love of one rises up against the love of the other, they become like enemies. The reason is that love is the being of a person's life, so that anyone attacking his love attacks his very life. There is then exasperation against the attacker, such as is the state of anyone if another makes an attempt on his life. Every love, even an utterly peaceful one, is capable of such exasperation, as may be plainly seen from hens, geese and birds of every kind. They fearlessly rise up against and fly at those who harm their young or steal their food. It is well known that certain animals show anger, and wild beasts show fury, if their whelps are attacked or their prey is stolen.

The reason why love is described as blazing like a fire is that love is nothing but spiritual heat, which arises from the fire of the angelic sun, which is undiluted love. Love is heat like that from a fire, as is plain from the heat of living bodies, which comes from no other source than their love; also from the fact that people get warm and fired in proportion to the depth of their love. These remarks make it obvious that zeal is like a blazing fire of love.

Conjugial Love #358 (Rogers (1995))

358. 1. Viewed in itself, zeal is, so to speak, the fire of love set ablaze. One cannot know what jealousness is unless one knows what zeal is; for jealousness is the zeal of conjugial love. Zeal is, so to speak, the fire of love set ablaze, because zeal is an expression of love, and love is spiritual warmth, which in its origin is a kind of fire.

As regards the first point, that zeal is an expression of love - this people know. When they speak of being zealous and acting from zeal they mean nothing else than an intensity of love. But because it does not appear as love when it manifests itself, but as antagonistic and hostile - being militant and combative against one who does injury to the love, therefore it may also be called the defender and protector of love. For it is the nature of all love to erupt into indignation and anger, even into rage, whenever it is dislodged from its delights. So it is that if love is interfered with, especially a governing one, there results a disturbance of the mind. And if that interference does injury, it becomes a white-hot fury. It can be seen from this that zeal is not the highest degree of love, but that it is love set ablaze.

When one person's love finds a corresponding love in another, they are like two confederates; but when one person's love rises up against another's love, they become as enemies. The reason is that love is the very being of a person's life. Consequently, anyone who attacks another's love, attacks his very life; and this results in a state of white-hot fury against the attacker, like the state of anyone who encounters another trying to kill him.

Every love is capable of such fury, even the most peaceable, as is plainly evident from the behavior of hens, geese, and birds of every kind and the way they fearlessly rise up against and fly at those who injure their young or make off with their food. People know that some animals are prone to anger, and wild animals to rage, if their cubs are attacked or their prey taken from them.

Love is said to blaze like fire, because love is nothing but spiritual warmth, arising from the fire of the angelic sun, which is pure love. That love is warmth, as though from a fire, is clearly apparent from the warmth of living bodies, whose warmth is from no other source than the love in them. So, too, human beings grow warm and are set on fire in the measure that their loves are aroused.

It is apparent from this that zeal is, so to speak, the fire of love set ablaze.

Love in Marriage #358 (Gladish (1992))

358. 1. Zeal, viewed in itself, is like the fire of love flaring up. You do not know what jealousy is without knowing what zeal is, because jealousy is the zeal of married love. Zeal is like the fire of love flaring out because zeal has to do with love, and love is spiritual heat, and this, in its source, is like fire. The first point, that zeal has to do with love, is well known. Having zeal and acting from zeal means nothing but acting from the force of love. But when zeal comes out, it does not look like love. It looks like an unfriendly enemy threatening and fighting the one who injures love, so it can also be called the defender and protector of love. It is characteristic of every love to erupt in indignation and anger - even rage - when taken away from its pleasures, so if a love, especially a ruling love, is struck, it stirs your soul. And if the blow hurts, it makes an outbreak of anger. These observations should show that zeal is not the highest level of love but is love burning.

One person's love and another's answering love are like allies, but when one person's love rises up against another's, they become like enemies. The reason is that love is the essence of a person's life, so someone who attacks your love attacks your life itself, and then comes a condition of anger breaking out against the attacker, like the condition of any person whom someone else tries to kill. Every love can break out in anger like this - even the most peaceful - as you can see clearly from chickens, geese, and all kinds of birds, which fearlessly jump up and fly at those who bother their chicks or carry off their food. It is well known that some animals are prone to anger, and wild animals to fury, if their pups are threatened or their prey is carried off.

Love is said to flare up like fire because love is nothing other than spiritual heat, rising from the fire of the angelic sun, which is pure love. It is strikingly clear from the warmth of living bodies that love is heat like the heat of a fire. Body heat is from nowhere but people's love. People become warm and are enkindled according to how high their love flares up.

It is clear from these observations that zeal is like the fire of love flaring up.

Conjugial Love #358 (Acton (1953))

358. I. THAT ZEAL, REGARDED IN ITSELF, IS AS THE FIRE OF LOVE BLAZING. What jealousy is cannot be known unless there is a knowledge of what zeal is, jealousy being the zeal of conjugial love. That zeal is as the fire of love blazing, is because zeal pertains to love, and love is spiritual heat, and in its origin this is as fire. As regards the first statement, that zeal pertains to love, this is well known, for by being zealous and by acting from zeal nothing else is meant than acting from the force of love. But when zeal is manifested, it does not appear as love but as an enraged enemy and foe fighting against one who does injury to his love. It may therefore be called the defender and protector of love; for, when cut off from its delights, all love is such that it breaks out into indignation and anger, yea, into fury. Wherefore, if the love is touched, especially the ruling love, the result is an emotion of the animus; and if the touch hurts, it is burning anger. From this it can be seen that zeal is not the highest degree of love but is love burning. The love of one person and the corresponding love of another are as two confederates; but when the love of the one rises up against the love of the other, they become as enemies. The reason is because love is the esse of man's life. Therefore, he Who attacks one's love attacks his very life; and then ensues a state of burning anger against the attacker like the state of a man whom another attempts to kill. Such anger pertains to every love, even the most pacific. This is plainly seen from hens, geese, and birds of every kind, in that they rise up against those who injure their young or carry off their food, and fly at them without fear. That with some beasts there is anger, and with wild beasts fury, if their whelps are molested or their prey taken from them, is well known. Love is said to burn like fire because love is nothing else than spiritual heat arising from the fire of the angelic sun which is pure love. That love is a heat as of fire is manifestly evident from the heat of living bodies, this being from no other source than their love; also from the fact that men become hot and inflamed according to the exaltations of their love. From this it is evident that zeal is as the fire of love burning.

Conjugial Love #358 (Wunsch (1937))

358. (i) Viewed in itself, zeal is as it were the fire of love blazing. To know what jealousy is, one must know what zeal is, for jealousy is the zeal of marital love. Zeal is as it were the fire of love blazing, because zeal is of love, and love is spiritual heat, which in origin is like fire. As for the first thought, that zeal is of love, this is known. For by being zealous or acting from zeal nothing else is meant than the vehemence of love. But as zeal, when it is displayed, does not seem like love, but like a foe and enemy, aroused and fighting against the person who hurts love, it may also be called the defender and protector of love. All love, when dispossessed of its enjoyments, naturally bursts into indignation and wrath, indeed into fury. If, therefore, a love is touched, especially a ruling love, it becomes an emotion of the lower mind, and if in being touched it is wounded, it becomes anger. It can be seen from this that zeal is not the highest degree of love but is love blazing. The love of one and the answering love of another are like two allies; but when one person's love rises against another's these two loves become like enemies. This is for the reason that love is the very being of man's life; therefore one who attacks love, attacks the very life; and a state of wrath ensues against the attacker, like a person's state when another approaches to kill him. Even the most pacific love knows such wrath, as is plain from hens, geese and birds of all kinds, which rise fearlessly and fly against those who molest their young or carry off their food. It is common knowledge that certain beasts show wrath, and wild beasts rage, if their whelps are attacked or their prey is taken away. Love is said to blaze like fire because love is nothing other than spiritual heat, arising from the fire of the angelic sun, which is sheer love. The fact that love is heat as if from fire is plain from the heat of living bodies, which has no other source than one's love; and from the circumstance that human beings grow warm and are inflamed as love is intensified. Hence it is evident that zeal is like the fire of love blazing.

Conjugial Love #358 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

358. (1) That, regarded in itself, zeal is as the fire of love burning. The nature of jealousy cannot be known unless there is a cognition of what zeal is, for jealousy is the zeal of conjugial love. Zeal is as the fire of love burning because zeal is of love, and love is spiritual heat, and this in its origin is as fire. As regards the first statement it is known that zeal is of love; nothing else is meant by being zealous, and by acting from zeal, than acting with the force of love. But as when it is manifested it does not appear as love, but as an antagonist and foe, enraged and fighting against him who does injury to love, it may be called also the defender and protector of love. For all love is of such a nature that it breaks forth into indignation and anger, yea, into fury, when cast out from its delights. Therefore if love be touched, especially the ruling love, it becomes an emotion of the mind, and if the touch hurts it becomes a flaming passion. Whence it may be seen that zeal is not the highest degree of love, but is love burning. The love of one and the corresponding love of another are as two confederates; but when the love of the one rises up against the love of the other they become as enemies. The reason is that love is the being (esse) of man's life, and therefore, he who assaults the love assaults the life itself, and then a state of wrath arises against the assailant, as the state of any man whom another attempts to kill. Such passion pertains to every love, even the most peaceful, as is plainly seen from hens, geese, and birds of every kind, in that they, without fear, rise up against, and fly at those who molest their young or take away their food. Some beasts it is well known are angry, and wild beasts are furious if their whelps are threatened, or their prey is taken from them.

Love is said to flame like fire, because love is nothing else than spiritual heat, arising from the fire of the angelic sun, which is pure love. That love is heat, as if from fire, is very manifest from the heat of living bodies, which is from no other source than their love; and from the fact that men grow warm, and are inflamed, according to the exaltations of love. From which it is plain that zeal is as the fire of love burning.

De Amore Conjugiali #358 (original Latin (1768))

358. I: Quod Zelus in se spectatus sit sicut ignis amoris flagrans. Quid Zelotypia, non cognosci potest, nisi cognoscatur quid zelus, est enim Zelotypia zelus amoris conjugialis. Quod Zelus sit sicut ignis amoris flagrans, est quia Zelus est amoris, et amor est calor spiritualis, et hic in origine sua est sicut ignis: quod primum attinet, quod zelus sit amoris, noscitur; non aliud intelligitur per zelare et agere ex zelo, quam vis 1amoris: sed quia cum existit, non apparet sicut amor, sed sicut inimicus et hostis, infensus et pugnans contra illum, qui amorem laedit; ideo etiam vocari potest defensor et tutor amoris; omnis enim amor talis est, ut erumpat in indignationem et iracundiam, imo in furorem, dum ex suis jucundis excutitur: quare si amor, imprimis regnans, tangitur, fit emotio animi, et si tactus ille laedit, fit excandescentia: ex quibus videri potest, quod zelus non sit summus gradus amoris, sed quod sit flagrans amor. Amor unius et correspondens alterius, sunt sicut duo confoederati; at cum amor unius insurgit contra amorem alterius, fiunt sicut hostes; causa est, quia amor est esse vitae hominis, quare qui impugnat amorem, impugnat ipsam vitam; et fit tunc status excandescentiae contra impugnatorem, sicut status cujusvis hominis, quem alter aggreditur occidere. Talis excandescentia est cuivis amori, etiam summe pacifico, ut manifeste videtur ex gallinis, anseribus, avibus omnis generis, quod absque timore insurgant contra illos, ac involent illis, qui laedunt pullos, aut auferunt escas: quod quibusdam bestiis sit iracundia, ac feris furor, si infestantur catuli, aut aufertur praeda, notum est. Quod amor dicatur flagrare 2sicut ignis, est quia amor non aliud est, quam calor spiritualis, oriundus ex igne Solis Angelici, qui est purus Amor: quod amor sit calor sicut ex igne, patet manifeste ex calore corporum viventium, qui non aliunde est, quam ex amore illorum; tum quod homines incalescant et inflammentur secundum amoris exaltationes. Ex his patet, quod zelus sit sicut ignis amoris flagrans.


1. Prima editio: vi

2. Prima editio: flagare

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