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《婚姻之爱》 第359节









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Conjugial Love #359 (Chadwick (1996))

359. (ii) The blaze or flame of that love, which is zeal, is a spiritual blaze or flame, which arises when love is attacked and assaulted.

It is obvious from what was said above that zeal is a spiritual blaze or flame. Since love in the spiritual world is heat arising from the sun there, love too looks there from a distance like a flame; and so does celestial love among the angels of heaven. So too does hellish love among the spirits of hell. But it should be known that this flame does not burn like a flame in the natural world.

[2] The reason why zeal arises from love being attacked is that love is the vital heat of every individual. When therefore his vital love is attacked, his vital heat catches fire and opposes it, and bursts out against the attacker. It behaves like an enemy employing his force and power, which is like a flame bursting out of a fire against anyone who stirs it up. Its resemblance to fire is clear from the eyes flashing, the face turning red, and from the tone of voice and from the gestures. Love, being vital heat, does this to prevent being extinguished, together with all the keenness, liveliness and the ability to feel pleasure which come from its love.

Conjugial Love #359 (Rogers (1995))

359. 2. The blaze or flame of that love - which zeal is - is a spiritual blaze or flame, arising in response to an attack or assault on the love. It is clear from the preceding discussion that zeal is a spiritual blaze or flame.

Since love in the spiritual world is warmth arising from the sun of that world, therefore love also appears at a distance there as a flame. That is how a heavenly love appears among angels in heaven. That is also how a hellish love appears among spirits in hell. It should be known, however, that that flame does not burn and consume like flame in the natural world.

[2] Zeal arises in response to an assault on the love, because love is the warmth in everyone's life. When the life's love is attacked, therefore, the life's warmth takes fire, makes a stand, and breaks out against the assailant. Thus it acts like an enemy because of its intensity and force, an intensity and force which is like a blaze of fire leaping out at anyone who disturbs it. One can see that it is like fire from the way the eyes flash, from the way the face become inflamed, and from the sound of the voice and gestures. Love acts in this way, because it is life's warmth, in order that it may not be extinguished and with it all enthusiasm, ebullience, and sensibility to delight deriving from its love.

Love in Marriage #359 (Gladish (1992))

359. 2. The flaring up or flame of this love, which is zeal, is a spiritual flaring or flame springing from a threat to love and an assault on it. It is clear from what was said above that zeal is a spiritual blaze or flame. Since love in the spiritual world is warmth from the sun there, love there actually looks like a flame, from a distance.

Heavenly love appears that way among the angels of heaven, and hellish love does among the spirits of hell. But note that that flame does not burn things up like fire in the natural world.

Zeal arises from an attack on love because love is one's vital heat, so when the love of your life is attacked, the heat of your life kindles, takes a stand, and breaks out against the attacker, and in its power and strength, which is like a flame breaking out from a fire, it acts like an enemy to the one that stirred it up. You can see that it is like a flame from eyes that flash, a face that is inflamed, and from the tone of voice and gestures. Love is the heat of life, so it does this to keep from being smothered, together with all its love's eagerness, liveliness, and perception of joy.

Conjugial Love #359 (Acton (1953))

359. II. THAT THE BURNING OR FLAME OF THE LOVE, BEING ITS ZEAL, IS A SPIRITUAL BURNING OR FLAME ARISING FROM A MOLESTATION OF THE LOVE, AND AN ATTACK UPON IT. That zeal is a spiritual burning or flame is clear from what has been said above. In the spiritual world, love is heat arising from the sun there; therefore, at a distance love is there seen as a flame. Such is the appearance of heavenly love with the angels of heaven, and so also of infernal love with the spirits of hell. It should be known, however, that this flame does not consume as does flame in the natural world.

[2] That zeal arises from an attack upon the love, is because love is the heat of one's life. Therefore, when the life's love is attacked, the heat of life is enkindled, resists, and breaks out against the assailant. Moreover, it acts as an enemy from its own force and power, which is as a flame of fire bursting out against him who rouses it. That zeal is like fire, is seen from the eyes, in that they flash; from the face, in that it is inflamed; and from the tone of voice and the gestures. Being the heat of life, love does this lest itself be extinguished, and with it all alacrity and vivacity and all perceptibility of delight from its love.

Conjugial Love #359 (Wunsch (1937))

359. (ii) This blazing or flaming of love, which is zeal, is a spiritual blazing or flaming, arising from infestation of love and from attack on it. It is plain from what was said above that zeal is a spiritual blazing and flame. In the spiritual world love is heat arising from the sun there, and hence also appears at a distance there like flame. Heavenly love so appears with the angels of heaven, and infernal love with the spirits of hell; though it should be known that the flame does not consume as flame does in the natural world. Zeal arises when love is attacked, for the reason that love is the heat of one's life. When the life's love is attacked, therefore, the life's heat kindles, flares up and breaks out against the assailant. It acts like an enemy in its vehemence and power, which are like flame leaping from a fire upon one who stirs it. That it is like fire is apparent from the flashing eyes, the inflamed face, and the tone of speech and the gestures. Love, which is life's heat, acts so, in order that it may not be extinguished and, together with it, all the liveliness, vivacity and perception of enjoyment from the love.

Conjugial Love #359 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

359. (2) That the burning or flame of that love, which is zeal, is a spiritual burning or flame, arising from an infestation and assault of the love. That zeal is a spiritual burning, or flame, is clear from what has been said above. Since love in the spiritual world is heat, arising from the sun there, it therefore, also appears from a distance there as flame. Thus heavenly love appears with the angels of heaven, and thus does infernal love appear with the spirits of hell. But it should be known that the flame does not consume like flame in the natural world. Zeal arises from an assault of love, because love is the heat of the life of everyone, and therefore, when the life's love is assailed the heat of life sets itself aflame, resists, and breaks forth against the assailant, and of its own force and power acts as an enemy, just as the flame bursts forth from a fire against him who agitates it. That zeal is as a fire appears from the eyes, in that they flash; from the face, that it is inflamed; and from the tone of voice, and the gestures. Love does this because it is the heat of life, lest it be extinguished, and with it all alacrity, vivacity, and perceptibility of enjoyment from its love.

De Amore Conjugiali #359 (original Latin (1768))

359. II: Quod flagratio seu flamma illius amoris, quae est zelus, sit flagratio seu flamma spiritualis, oriunda ex infestatione et impugnatione amoris. Quod Zelus sit flagratio 1seu flamma spiritualis, ex supradictis patet: quoniam Amor in Mundo spirituali est calor oriundus ex Sole ibi, ideo etiam amor e longinquo apparet ibi sicut flamma; ita amor coelestis apud angelos coeli; ita quoque amor infernalis apud spiritus inferni: at sciendum est, quod illa flamma non urat, sicut flamma Mundi naturalis.

[2] Quod Zelus oriatur ex impugnatione amoris, est quia amor est calor vitae cujusvis, quare cum amor vitae impugnatur, calor vitae accendit se, resistit, et erumpit contra impugnatorem, et agit sicut hostis ex sua vi et potentia, quae est sicut flamma ex igne erumpens in emotorem ejus; qui quod sit sicut ignis, apparet ex oculis quod scintillent, ex facie quod inflammetur, tum ex loquelae sono, exque gestibus: hoc facit amor, quia est calor vitae, ne exstinguatur, et cum illo omnis alacritas, vivacitas, et perceptibilitas jucundi, ex suo amore.


1. Prima editio: flragratio

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