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《婚姻之爱》 第360节





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Conjugial Love #360 (Chadwick (1996))

360. I must explain how love catches fire and breaks out into zeal when it is attacked, as fire does into flame. Love dwells in a person's will; but it is not in the will, but in the intellect, that it catches fire. For in the will it resembles fire, but in the intellect flame. Love in the will cannot know anything about itself, because there it has no feeling for itself, nor does it act there of itself. This happens in the intellect and its thought-processes. When therefore love is attacked, it rouses itself in the intellect, which it does through various forms of reasoning. These reasonings are like pieces of wood which catch fire and so blaze. So they are like so much tinder or so much combustible material; these produce that spiritual flame, which is very varied.

Conjugial Love #360 (Rogers (1995))

360. We will now explain how love, in response to an attack on it, takes fire and blazes into zeal, like fire into flame. Love resides in a person's will; but it does not blaze up there, but in the intellect. For in the will it is like a smoldering fire, and in the intellect like a flame. Love in the will knows nothing about itself, because it has no sensation of itself there; nor does it operate by itself there, but it does so in the intellect and its thought. Consequently, when love is attacked, it then works itself up in the intellect, doing so by various reasonings. These reasonings are like sticks of wood, which the fire ignites, and which then blaze up. Thus they are like so many pieces of tinder, or like so many pieces of combustible material, from which comes the aforementioned spiritual flame, in all its many varieties.

Love in Marriage #360 (Gladish (1992))

360. Now to say how love is set fire and kindles into zeal, like a fire into flame, from an attack on it. Love resides in a person's will. But it is stirred up in your intellect not your will, for it is like a fire in your will and like a flame in your intellect. Love does not know it is in your will, because it does not sense anything of itself there, nor act on its own there, but it does this in your intellect and in intellectual thought. So when love is attacked, then it rasps on your intellect. This takes place in the form of various reasoning processes. These are like firewood that the fire lights, so they burn. Thus they are like so much kindling or so many inflammable materials that make the spiritual flame - which takes many forms.

Conjugial Love #360 (Acton (1953))

360. It shall now be told how love, when attacked, is enkindled and inflamed into zeal, as fire is enkindled into a flame. Love resides in man's will; but it is enkindled, not in the will, but in the understanding. In the will it is like fire, and in the understanding like a flame. In the will, love knows nothing about itself, for there it has no sensation of itself; nor does it there act of itself. Sensation and action are effected in the understanding and its thought. Therefore, when love is attacked, it rouses itself to anger in the understanding, this being done by means of various reasonings. These reasonings are like sticks of wood which the fire kindles and which then burn. Thus they are like so much fuel or so much combustible material from which comes the above-mentioned spiritual flame, of which there is much variety.

Conjugial Love #360 (Wunsch (1937))

360. We must tell how love, on being assailed, kindles and blazes into zeal as fire bursts into flame. While love is seated in man's will, it is not kindled there, but in the understanding, being like fire in the will, but like flame in the understanding. In the will, love knows nothing about itself, having no sensation of itself there, nor does it act there by itself, but all this takes place in the understanding and its thought. When, therefore, love is attacked, it lashes itself up in the understanding, doing so by various reasonings. These reasonings are like sticks of wood which, ignited by the fire, then blaze up. They are like so much kindling or inflammable stuff. Thence comes the spiritual flame of which we are speaking, which has much variety.

Conjugial Love #360 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

360. How love is kindled and inflamed into zeal by an assault upon it, as fire into a blaze, shall be explained: Love resides in man's will; but it is not enkindled in the will itself but in the understanding. For in the will it is as fire, and in the understanding as a flame. Love in the will knows nothing about itself, because it feels nothing of itself there, and does nothing of itself there; but this takes place in the understanding and its thought. When therefore, love is attacked it exasperates itself in the understanding. This is done by various reasonings. These reasonings are as sticks of wood which the fire sets aflame, and which thence burn. They are thus as so much kindling, or so much combustible material, from which that spiritual flame arises which is of much variety.

De Amore Conjugiali #360 (original Latin (1768))

360. 1Quomodo amor incenditur et excandescit in zelum, sicut ignis in flammam, ex impugnatione ejus, dicetur; amor residet in voluntate hominis; sed in ipsa voluntate non accenditur, verum in intellectu; est enim in voluntate sicut ignis, et in intellectu sicut flamma; amor in voluntate de se nihil scit, quia nihil sui ibi sentit, nec a se ibi agit, sed hoc fit in intellectu et ejus cogitatione; quare cum amor impugnatur, tunc se exacerbat in intellectu, quod fit per varia ratiocinia; haec ratiocinia sunt sicut ligna, quae ignis incendit, et quae inde flagrant; sunt itaque illa sicut totidem fomenta, aut sicut totidem materiae combustibiles, ex quibus fit spiritualis illa flamma, quae multae varietatis est.


1. Prima editio: 360

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