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《婚姻之爱》 第362节







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Conjugial Love #362 (Chadwick (1996))

362. (iii) A person's zeal depends upon the nature of his love, so it is different if his love is good or if it is evil.

Since zeal is a product of love, it follows that its nature is the same as that of love. There are in general two kinds of love, the love of good and so of truth, and the love of evil and so of falsity. So there are in general two kinds of zeal, that for good and so for truth, and that for evil and so for falsity. However, it should be known that either love exhibits infinite variety. This is plain to see from the angels of heaven and the spirits of hell. In the spiritual world both of these are forms of their own love; yet there does not exist a single angel in heaven identical with another, in face, speech, walk, gestures and behaviour; nor is there any such spirit in hell. In fact, such an identity cannot ever come into being, however much tens of thousands are multiplied together. It is obvious from this that there are infinite varieties of love, because their forms are so too. The same is true of zeal, since this is a product of love; namely, it is impossible for one person's zeal to be absolutely similar or identical with another's. In general, there is the zeal of a good love, and the zeal of an evil love.

Conjugial Love #362 (Rogers (1995))

362. 3. A person's zeal is as his love is, thus of one character when the person's love is good, and of another character when the person's love is evil. Since zeal is an expression of love, it follows that it is as the love is. Moreover, because loves in general are of two kinds, a love of goodness and so of truth, and a love of evil and so of falsity, consequently in general there is a zeal for goodness and so for truth, and a zeal for evil and so for falsity.

It should be known, however, that each of these two kinds of love is of infinite variety. This is clearly apparent from angels in heaven and spirits in hell. Both the one and the other in the spiritual world are forms of their love, and yet not one angel in heaven is entirely like another - in facial features, speech, manner of walk, gestures or habits - and neither is any spirit in hell. Indeed, neither can there be to eternity, no matter how many millions of times they are multiplied.

It is apparent from this that loves are of infinite variety, because their forms are. It is the same with zeal, because it is an expression of love; namely, that the zeal of one cannot be entirely like or the same as the zeal of another.

In general there is the zeal of a good love, and the zeal of an evil love.

Love in Marriage #362 (Gladish (1992))

362. 3. The zeal a person has is like the love he has, which is to say it is one thing in someone whose love is good and another in someone whose love is bad. Since zeal has to do with love, it follows that what zeal is like, love is like. And there are generally two loves - a love of good and of the truth from it and a love of evil and the falsity that comes from it - so in general you have a zeal for good and the truth from it and a zeal for evil and the falsity from it.

But note that both loves come in infinite varieties. This is strikingly evident from the angels of heaven and from the spirits of hell. They are both the images of their love, in the spiritual world, and yet there is not one angel of heaven quite like another in face, speech, walk, gestures, and behavior, nor one spirit in hell. In fact, there cannot be forever, though they increase to millions of millions. This shows that loves come in infinite varieties, because their forms do. Zeal is the same, because it belongs to love. Obviously one person's zeal cannot be quite like, or the same as, another person's zeal. Broadly speaking, there is the zeal of a good love and the zeal of a bad love.

Conjugial Love #362 (Acton (1953))

362. III. THAT A MAN'S ZEAL IS SUCH AS HIS LOVE IS, THUS OF ONE KIND WITH HIM WHOSE LOVE IS GOOD, AND OF ANOTHER WITH HIM WHOSE LOVE IS EVIL. Since zeal is the zeal of love, it follows that it is such as the love is; and since in general there are two loves, the love of good and thence of truth, and the love of evil and thence of falsity, therefore, in general, there is a zeal for good and thence for truth, and a zeal for evil and thence for falsity. It should be known, however, that both loves are of infinite variety. This is manifestly evident from the angels of heaven and the spirits of hell. In the spiritual world, both the latter and the former are forms of their love, and yet there is not a single angel of heaven or a single spirit of hell absolutely like any other as to face, speech, walk, gesture, or manner, nor indeed can there be to all eternity, howsoever many the myriads of myriads into which they may be multiplied. Such being the case with the forms of love, it is evident that the loves themselves are of infinite variety. It is the same with zeal, zeal being the zeal of love; that is to say, the zeal of one cannot be absolutely like or the same as the zeal of another. In general, there is the zeal of good love and the zeal of evil love.

Conjugial Love #362 (Wunsch (1937))

362. (iii) A man's zeal is such as his love is, one thing therefore with the man whose love is good, and another with the man whose love is evil. As zeal is of love, it follows that it is such as the love is. Because loves in general are two - a love of good and thence of truth, and a love of evil and thence of the false, - in general there is a zeal for the good and so for the true and a zeal for evil and so for the false. It is to be known that each love has infinite variety. This is plain from the angels of heaven and the spirits of hell. Both of these in the spiritual world are forms of their love, and yet no angel of heaven is absolutely like another, in face, speech, gait, gestures or ways, nor any spirit of hell like another; none indeed can be alike to eternity, however they are multiplied to myriads of myriads. It is plain then, in view of the variety of form among angels and spirits, that loves have infinite variety. The same is true of zeal, because this attaches to love; that is to say, the zeal of one man cannot be absolutely like another's or the same as it. In general there are the zeal of good love and the zeal of evil love.

Conjugial Love #362 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

362. (3) That the zeal of a man is of such kind as his love, thus of one kind with him whose love is good, and of another kind with him whose love is evil. Since zeal is of love, it follows that it is of such kind as the love is; and as in general there are two loves-the love of good and thence of truth, and the love of evil and thence of what is false-therefore, there is in general a zeal for good and thence for truth, and a zeal for evil and thence for the false. But it should be known that each love is of infinite variety. This is very manifest from the angels of heaven and from the spirits of hell. They both, in the spiritual world, are forms of their love. And yet there is not one angel of heaven absolutely like another, as to face, speech, walk, gesture, and manners; neither is any spirit of hell like to another; nay, nor can be to eternity, howsoever multiplied into myriads of myriads. It is plain, therefore, since their forms are so, that loves are of infinite variety. It is similar with zeal, because it is of love; that is to say, there cannot be the zeal of one absolutely like to or the same as the zeal of another. In general there is the zeal of good love, and the zeal of evil love.

De Amore Conjugiali #362 (original Latin (1768))

362. III. Quod Zelus homini sit, qualis est ejus amor, ita alius cui amor bonus est, et alius cui amor malus. Quoniam Zelus est Amoris, sequitur quod talis sit, qualis est amor; et quia amores in genere sunt bini, Amor boni et inde veri, ac Amor mali et inde falsi, 1inde in genere datur Zelus pro bono et inde vero, et Zelus pro malo et inde falso. At sciendum est, quod uterque Amor sit infinitae varietatis; hoc patet manifeste ex Angelis coeli, et ex spiritibus inferni; hi et illi in Mundo spirituali sunt formae sui amoris, et tamen non datur unus angelus Coeli absolute similis alteri, quoad faciem, loquelam, gressus, gestus et mores; neque aliquis spiritus inferni; imo nec dari potest in aeternum, utcunque multiplicantur in myriades myriadum: inde patet, quod Amores sint infinitae varietatis, quia formae illorum tales sunt; simile est cum Zelo, quia hic est amoris; nempe, quod non dari queat unius Zelus absolute similis seu idem cum Zelo alterius: in genere est Zelus amoris boni, et Zelus amoris mali.


1. Prima editio: falsi;

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