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《婚姻之爱》 第363节








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Conjugial Love #363 (Chadwick (1996))

363. (iv) The zeal of a good love and that of an evil love are outwardly similar, but utterly different inwardly.

In each case zeal looks outwardly like anger and exasperation, as it is love fired and inflamed to protect itself against and get rid of anyone who violates it. The reason why the zeal of a good love and that of an evil love look outwardly alike is that, when love is zealous, in either case it blazes; but in the case of a good person this only happens outwardly, but in the case of a wicked person both outwardly and inwardly. So when the inward level is unseen, both kinds of zeal look outwardly alike. It will be seen in the next section that they are inwardly totally different. Zeal looking outwardly like anger and exasperation can be seen and heard by considering all who speak and act from zeal. For instance, when a priest preaches with zeal, his tone of voice is deep, strong, sharp and rough, his face grows warm and perspires, he becomes carried away, bangs on the pulpit and threatens evil-doers with fire from hell. Similar behaviour is to be seen in many other cases.

Conjugial Love #363 (Rogers (1995))

363. 4. The zeal of a good love and the zeal of an evil love are in outward respects alike, but in inward respects entirely unalike. Zeal in everyone appears in outward respects like anger and rage; for it is love on fire and in flames to protect itself against a transgressor and drive him away.

The reason the zeal of a good love and the zeal of an evil love appear alike in outward respects is that, in either case, when love is in a state of zeal, it blazes. However, in a good person it does so only in its outward elements, whereas in an evil person it does so in both its outward and inward ones. And when the inward elements are not seen, in outward respects the two kinds of zeal appear alike.

But it will be seen under the next heading that they are entirely unalike in inward respects.

Confirmation that zeal appears in outward respects like anger and rage can be seen and heard from the manner of all who speak and act out of zeal. Consider, for example, the manner of the priest when he preaches out of zeal - how the tone of his voice is loud, vehement, sharp and severe; how his face grows warm and perspires; how he raises himself up, pounds the pulpit, and calls up fire from hell against evildoers. There are many other examples as well.

Love in Marriage #363 (Gladish (1992))

363. 4. The zeal of a good love and the zeal of a bad love are alike in outward appearance but totally different in inward appearance. Zeal in anyone seems on the surface like wrath and an outbreak of anger, for it is love inflamed and kindled to protect itself against the violator and remove him. The reason why the zeal of a good love and the zeal of a bad love seem outwardly the same is that in both cases love burns when in a state of zeal. But in the good person it only burns in externals, while in a bad person it burns inside as well as outside. And so long as the inner dimensions escape attention, the zeals seem alike to outward appearances.

But that they are totally different inwardly will be seen under the next heading.

From all that people say and do from zeal you can see and hear that zeal appears outwardly like wrath and an outbreak of anger. You see it in a preacher, for example, when he harangues from zeal. His tone of voice is loud, ardent, piercing, and harsh, his face glows and sweats, he draws himself up, beats the pulpit, and calls down hellfire on evildoers. And there are many other examples.

Conjugial Love #363 (Acton (1953))

363. IV. THAT IN OUTER MANIFESTATION, THE ZEAL OF A GOOD LOVE AND THE ZEAL OF AN EVIL LOVE ARE ALIKE, BUT INWARDLY THEY ARE WHOLLY UNLIKE. With every man, zeal in its outer manifestation appears as anger and wrath; for it is love enkindled and inflamed for the protection of itself against a violator and for the removal of that violator. The reason why the zeal of a good love and the zeal of an evil love appear alike in outer manifestation is because in both cases, when there is love in the zeal, it is in flames; but with a good man, it is in flames only in its outer manifestation, while with an evil man, it is in flames both outwardly and inwardly; and when the internals are not seen, the zeals appear alike in their outer manifestation. That inwardly they are wholly unlike will be seen in the article next following. That in its outer manifestation zeal appears like anger and wrath, can be seen and heard in all cases when men speak and act from zeal. When a priest, for instance, preaches from zeal, the sound of his voice is loud, vehement, sharp, and harsh, he grows hot in the face and perspires, towers up, beats the pulpit, and calls forth fire from hell against evil-doers. Many others act in a similar way.

Conjugial Love #363 (Wunsch (1937))

363. (iv) The zeal of a good love and the zeal of an evil love resemble each other in externals but are utterly unlike in internals. Outwardly in any one, zeal has the appearance of anger and wrath. For it is love incensed and inflamed to protect itself from a violator and to ward him off. The zeal of a good love and the zeal of an evil love appear alike in externals because love, when in zeal, blazes in either case. With the good man it blazes only in externals, with the evil man in internals as well as in externals; but as internals are not seen, the two zeals look the same in externals. How utterly unlike they are in internals, will be seen in the following number. The resemblance of zeal to wrath and anger in externals is plain to see and hear in all who speak and act from it, as for example, in a priest exhorting from zeal - the sound of his voice is loud, vehement, sharp and harsh, his face heats and perspires, he throws himself into his sermon, beats the pulpit, and invokes fire from hell against evil doers. Other examples could be given.

Conjugial Love #363 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

363. (4) That the zeal of good love and the zeal of evil love are alike in externals, but in internals they are altogether unlike. With everyone zeal appears in externals as anger and wrath, for it is love on fire, and inflamed for the protection of itself against a violator, and for his removal. The reason why the zeal of a good love and the zeal of an evil love appear alike in externals is that, with both, while the love is in zeal it burns, but with a good man only in externals, but with the evil both in externals and in internals, and when the internals are not seen, in the externals the zeals appear alike. But it will be seen, in the section next following, that they are entirely unlike in internals. That in externals zeal appears like anger and wrath, can be seen and heard from all who speak and act from zeal. As for example, from a priest when from zeal he exhorts, in that the sound of his voice is loud, vehement, sharp, and harsh; in that his face grows warm and perspires; in that he raises himself up, beats the pulpit, and evokes the fire of hell against evil doers. In like manner many others.

De Amore Conjugiali #363 (original Latin (1768))

363. IV. Quod Zelus Amoris boni, et Zelus amoris mali, in externis sibi similes sint, sed in internis prorsus dissimiles. Zelus in externis apud unumquemvis apparet sicut ira et excandescentia, est enim amor incensus et inflammatus ad tutandum se contra violatorem, et ad removendum illum. Causa, quod Zelus amoris boni, et Zelus amoris mali, appareant similes in externis, est quia amor dum in Zelo est, apud utrumque flagrat, at apud hominem bonum modo in externis, sed apud malum tam in externis quam in internis; et dum interna non conspiciuntur, apparent Zeli similes in externis: at quod prorsus dissimiles sint in internis, in mox sequente Articulo videbitur. Quod Zelus appareat in externis sicut ira et excandescentia, videri et audiri potest ex omnibus, qui ex Zelo loquuntur et agunt; ut pro exemplo, ex Sacerdote dum ex Zelo concionatur, quod sonus loquelae ejus sit altus, vehemens, acer et asper, quod facies ejus incalescat et sudet, quod efferat se, pulpitum verberet, et contra facientes mala ignem ex inferno evocet: similiter multi alii.

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