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《婚姻之爱》 第366节




  366、因为热情在善的人和恶的人中表现是一样的。而《圣经》的外在含义有其对应的形象及表现。所以常会听到耶和华生气了,他会惩罚人,将其投入地狱等等。这就是zeal热情在外在上的表现形式。同样原因,他被说成是嫉妒的。尽管在主身上没有一点气愤和仇恨。因为主的本质就是仁慈、宽容。(关于这点参见《天堂与地狱》545-550节,以及《The Apocalypse Revealed》494、498、525、714、806节)

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Conjugial Love #366 (Chadwick (1996))

366. Since zeal outwardly has the same appearance in both the good and the wicked, and since the lowest sense of the Word is composed of correspondences and appearances, it is often said that Jehovah is angry or exasperated, avenges, punishes, casts into hell and many such expressions, which refer to the outward appearance of zeal. That too is why He is called 'jealous,' when in fact there is not a trace of anger, exasperation or revenge in Him. For He is mercy itself, grace and clemency, and accordingly goodness itself, in which nothing of the kind is possible. But more on this subject may be seen in my books (Heaven and Hell 545-550) and (Apocalypse Revealed 494, 498, 525, 714, 806).

Conjugial Love #366 (Rogers (1995))

366. Since zeal in outward respects appears the same in both a good man and an evil one, and because the outmost sense of the Word consists of correspondent images and appearances, it is quite often said of Jehovah there that He becomes angry, is wrathful, takes vengeance, punishes, casts into hell, and many other things, which are the ways zeal appears in its outward manifestations. It is for the same reason, too, that He is called jealous. And this, even though there is not a particle of anger, wrath and vengeance in Him. For He is the essence of mercy, grace and clemency, thus the essence of goodness, in whom nothing like what has been described is possible. (But for more on this subject, see in the book, Heaven and Hell, nos. 545-550, and in The Apocalypse Revealed, nos. 494, 498, 525, 714, 806.)

Love in Marriage #366 (Gladish (1992))

366. Since zeal seems outwardly the same in good and bad people, and the outward sense of the Word consists of things that correspond, and of appearances, it often says there that Jehovah is angry, burns with wrath, takes revenge, punishes, throws people into hell, and does other things that are outward manifestations of zeal. This is also why He is called "jealous," in spite of the fact that there is not a shred of wrath, outbursts, or vengeance in Him.

In fact, He is mercy, grace, and clemency itself - which is to say, good itself, in which nothing like that can exist. But more about this appears in the book Heaven and Hell 545-550) and in

Apocalypse Revealed 494,498,525,714,806).

Conjugial Love #366 (Acton (1953))

366. Because in outer manifestation zeal with a good man and zeal with an evil appear to be alike; and because the ultimate sense of the Word consists of correspondences and appearances; therefore, in the Word it is often said of Jehovah, that He is angry, is wrathful, avenges, punishes, casts into hell, besides many other expressions which are the appearances of zeal in its outer manifestation. For the same reason, He is called jealous, when yet in Him is not the least shade of anger, wrath, and vengeance, He being mercy, grace, and clemency itself, thus good itself, in Whom nothing of the kind is possible. But of these matters, see more in the work on HEAVEN AND HELL, nos 545-550, and in THE APOCALYPSE REVEALED, nos. 494,498,525,714,806.

Conjugial Love #366 (Wunsch (1937))

366. Since zeal looks the same outwardly in the good man and in the evil, and as the lowest sense of the Word consists of correspondences and appearances, it is often said of Jehovah in the Word that He is angry, is wroth, avenges, punishes, casts into hell, besides much else, which is the way zeal appears in externals; hence, too, He is called jealous; when yet there is no least anger, wrath or vengeance in Him. For He is Pity, Grace and Mercy itself, thus Good itself, in which no such thing is possible. But on this see more in the work Heaven and Hell (Heaven and Hell 545-550) and in (Apocalypse Revealed 494, 498, 525, 714, 806).

Conjugial Love #366 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

366. Since in externals zeal with the good and with the evil appears alike, and as the ultimate sense of the Word consists of correspondences and appearances, it is often said there of Jehovah, that He is angry, in wrath, that He avenges and punishes, casts into hell, and many other things which are the appearances of zeal in externals, and hence He is called Jealous, when yet there is not the least of anger, wrath, and vengeance in Him. For He is mercy, grace, and clemency itself, thus good itself, in whom nothing of such kind is possible. But of these matters see the many things in the work on Heaven and Hell, n. 545-550; and in The Apocalypse Revealed, n. 494, 498, 525, 714, 806.

De Amore Conjugiali #366 (original Latin (1768))

366. Quoniam Zelus in externis apud utrumque tam bonum quam malum, apparet similis, 1et quia ultimus sensus Verbi consistit ex correspondentiis et apparentiis, saepius de Jehovah ibi dicitur, quod irascatur, excandescat, ulciscatur, puniat, in infernum conjiciat, praeter plura, quae sunt apparentiae Zeli in externis; inde etiam est, quod nuncupetur Zelotes; cum tamen ne hilum irae, excandescentiae ac ultionis in Ipso est; est enim Ipsa Misericordia, Gratia et Clementia, ita Ipsum Bonum, in Quo nihil tale est dabile. Sed de his videantur plura in Opere . et in Apocalypsis Revelata, n. 2494, 498, 525, 714, 806.


1. Prima editio: similis;

2. Prima editio: n (absque puncto)

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