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《婚姻之爱》 第367节






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Conjugial Love #367 (Chadwick (1996))

367. (vi) The zeal of conjugial love is called jealousy.

The zeal which defends truly conjugial love is the highest form of zeal, because that is the highest form of love, and the pleasures it is anxious to protect are the highest forms of pleasure. For, as was shown above 64, that love is the chief of all loves. The reason is that this love makes a wife a form of love and a husband a form of wisdom; and these two forms united into one cannot produce anything which is not touched by wisdom and at the same time by love. Since the zeal of conjugial love is the highest form of zeal, it acquires a new name and is called jealousy, as being a model of zeal. 1

Conjugial Love #367 (Rogers (1995))

367. 6. The zeal of conjugial love is called jealousness. Zeal in defense of truly conjugial love is the highest form of zeal, because that love is the greatest of loves, and its delights - which are also watched over zealously - are the greatest of delights; for, as shown previously, that love is the head of all loves. The reason is that conjugial love induces on the wife a form of love, and on the husband a form of wisdom; and when these two forms are united into one, nothing else can flow from them but what partakes of wisdom and at the same time of love.

Since the zeal of conjugial love is the highest form of zeal, therefore we call it by a new name, jealousness, which denotes the very epitome of the quality of zeal.

Love in Marriage #367 (Gladish (1992))

367. 6. The zeal of married love is called jealousy. Zeal for married love is the zeal of zeals, because that love is the love of loves, and its delights, which the zeal rises for, are the delights of delights, for that love is the head of all loves, as shown above. The reason is that that love imposes the form of love on a wife and the form of wisdom on a husband, and from these forms joined into one, nothing can come out but what savors of wisdom and love together.

Since the zeal of married love is the zeal of zeals, it is called by a new name, zelotypia - the figure of zeal.

Conjugial Love #367 (Acton (1953))

367. VI. THAT THE ZEAL OF CONJUGIAL LOVE IS CALLED JEALOUSY. The zeal for love truly conjugial is the zeal of zeals inasmuch as the love is the love of loves, and its delights, for which also it is zealous, the delights of delights; for, as shown above [no. 64], that love is the chief of all loves. The reason is because that love induces on the wife the form of love, and on the husband the form of wisdom, and from these forms united into a one, nothing else can proceed but what savors of wisdom and at the same time of love. Since the zeal of conjugial love is the zeal of zeals, therefore it is called by a new name, zelotypia, 1in that it is the very type of zeal.


1. In classical Latin zelotypia is used only in a few passages in Pliny and, as a Greek word, in Cicero. Both these authors use it as meaning simply jealousy. In the present text, it is given a special and limited definition "the zeal of conjugial love;" but the whole of the present chapter indicates that it is used to signify any jealousy, whether good or evil, that is connected with marriage. The ordinary Latin word for jealousy and the word used throughout Swedenborg's writings is invidia, and the ordinary word for zeal is zelus. Zelotypia is used by Swedenborg only in the present chapter, and in 3 Adversaria no. 723, and in his translation of Numbers 5:15 in Doct. of the Lord no. 48 and Ind. Bib. s.v."

Conjugial Love #367 (Wunsch (1937))

367. (vi) The zeal of marital love is called jealousy. Zeal for true marital love is the zeal of zeals, for that love is the love of loves, and its joys, for which also zeal is felt, are the joys of joys, for, as was shown above, that love is the head of all loves. The reason is that that love induces the form of love on the wife and the form of wisdom on the husband, and from these forms united into one there can come nothing which does not savor at once of wisdom and of love. Because the zeal of marital love is the zeal of zeals, it is given a special name, jealousy (zelotypia, which means the very type of zeal).

Conjugial Love #367 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

367. (6) That the zeal of conjugial love is called jealousy. The zeal for love truly conjugial is the zeal of zeals, because this love is the love of loves, and its delights - for which also it is zealous - are the delights of delights; for this love, as has been shown above, is the head of all loves. The reason is, that this love induces upon the wife the form of love, and upon the husband the form of wisdom, and from these forms united in one, nothing else can proceed but what savors of wisdom, and at the same time of love. As the zeal of conjugial love is the zeal of zeals, therefore, it is called by a new name, zelotypia, that is, the very type of zeal.

De Amore Conjugiali #367 (original Latin (1768))

367. VI. Quod Zelus Amoris conjugialis dicatur Zelotypia. Zelus pro Amore vere conjugiali, est Zelus zelorum, quia ille amor est Amor amorum, et ejus jucunda, pro quibus etiam zelatur, sunt jucunda jucundorum, est enim ille Amor, ut supra ostensum est, caput omnium amorum; causa est, quia ille Amor inducit uxori formam amoris, ac marito formam sapientiae, et ex his formis unitis in unam, non potest aliud procedere, quam quod sapit ex sapientia et simul amore. Quoniam Zelus amoris conjugialis est Zelus zelorum, ideo novo nomine appellatur Zelotypia, quod est ipse typus Zeli.

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