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《婚姻之爱》 第369节








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Conjugial Love #369 (Chadwick (1996))

369. (viii) The monogamous have spiritual jealousy, the polygamous natural jealousy.

The reason why spiritual jealousy exists among monogamous people is that they are the only ones capable of receiving spiritual conjugial love, as was fully shown above. We say it exists, but this must be understood as meaning that it is capable of existing in these cases. It has also been proved above that it exists only in a very few cases in the Christian world, where marriages are monogamous, but it is still possible. Conjugial love among the polygamous is natural, as may be seen in the chapter on polygamy (345, 347). The same is true then of their jealousy, since this is in keeping with their love.

[2] The nature of jealousy among the polygamous has been revealed by the eye-witness accounts that some writers have given about it among eastern peoples. They state that wives and mistresses are shut up like prisoners in work-shops, and are kept and prevented from having any communication with men. No man is allowed to enter the harem or quarters where women are confined, unless accompanied by a eunuch. The women are carefully watched in case any of them turns a wanton eye or glance on a passer-by; if such behaviour is noticed, the woman is punished with a beating. And if she behaves wantonly with any man who has tricked his way into the forecourt, or outside it, the penalty is death.

Conjugial Love #369 (Rogers (1995))

369. 8. Jealousness is spiritual in character in monogamists, and natural in character in polygamists. Jealousness is spiritual in character in monogamists, because they alone are capable of receiving a spiritual conjugial love, as we have abundantly shown previously. We say that it is spiritual, but we mean that it can be. A spiritual jealousness is not found except among a very few in the Christian world, where marriages are monogamous; but still it is possible there, as we have also established previously.

As for conjugial love among polygamists, it may be seen in the chapter on polygamy, nos. 345, 347, that it is natural in character. So, too, then, their jealousness, because it accords with the love.

[2] What the jealousness of polygamists is like is known from eyewitness accounts of it among orientals. According to these accounts, their wives and concubines are guarded like captives in workhouses, and they are kept away and cut off from any communication with men. No man is allowed to enter their harems or the apartments where they keep their women, unless accompanied by a eunuch. Moreover, they watch closely to see if any of the women regards some passerby with a lustful eye or look; and if they observe it, the woman is beaten or whipped as punishment. And if she behaves wantonly with some man slipped into the courtyard by stealth, or outside it, she is punished with death.

Love in Marriage #369 (Gladish (1992))

369. 8. Spiritual jealousy is found among monogamists, and worldly jealousy among polygamists. There is spiritual jealousy among monogamists because only they can receive spiritual married love, as pointed out amply already. We say "there is," but it means that among them it can exist. It has also been established already that it is found in only a few in the Christian world, where there are monogamous marriages, and yet it can occur there. The chapter on polygamy (nos. 345-347) shows that for polygamists married love is on a worldly level. So is jealousy, for this keeps pace with love. Certain firsthand accounts about jealousy among Orientals show what it is like in polygamists. Wives and mistresses are guarded like captives in workhouses, and they are restrained and shut off from all communication with men. No man is allowed to enter the women's apartments or their chambers unless accompanied by a eunuch. And they zealously watch whether anyone of them looks at a passerby with a flirtatious eye or face, and if they notice this, the woman is flogged. And if she acts wantonly with any man brought indoors by stealth, or outdoors, she is punished by death.

Conjugial Love #369 (Acton (1953))

369. VIII. THAT JEALOUSY IS SPIRITUAL WITH MONOGAMISTS, AND NATURAL WITH POLYGAMISTS. That jealousy is spiritual with monogamists is because they alone can receive spiritual conjugial love, as abundantly shown above. It is said there is spiritual jealousy with monogamists, but what is meant is that it is possible; for in the Christian world, where marriages are monogamous, it exists with very few. Yet, that it is possible there, has also been confirmed above. That with polygamists conjugial love is natural may be seen in the chapter on Polygamy (nos. 345-347); so likewise their jealousy, for this follows their love.

[2] As to the nature of the jealousy of polygamists, we learn concerning this from the accounts of men who have witnessed it among orientals. These men relate that wives and concubines are guarded like captives in prisons, and are held back and restrained from all communication with men; that no man is allowed to enter the women's apartments or the rooms wherein they are confined, unless accompanied by a eunuch; that close observation is made as to whether any of the women look at a passing man with lascivious eyes or countenance, and that if this is observed the woman is punished with stripes, and if she practices lewdness with any man introduced into the outer room by stealth, or outside the harem, she is punished with death.

Conjugial Love #369 (Wunsch (1937))

369. (viii) Jealousy is spiritual with monogamists, and natural with polygamists. There is spiritual jealousy with monogamists because only they can receive spiritual marital love (as we have shown abundantly above). We speak of its existing with them, but we mean that it is possible with them. It exists with very few even in Christendom, where monogamy prevails, but still is everywhere possible there, as we have also shown above. That marital love with polygamists is natural, see in the chapter on "Polygamy" (n. 345, 347). Jealousy with them is also natural, then, attending on the love. The reports of some who have observed it among orientals reveal what jealousy with polygamists is like. Wives and concubines are guarded like captives in prisons, and are restrained and secluded from all communication with men. No man may enter the women's apartments or the chambers of their prison unless accompanied by a eunuch. The closest watch is kept lest any of the women cast a lascivious eye or look at a passer-by, and a woman found doing so is punished with stripes. A woman who does lewdly with a man outside or with one brought in by stealth is punished with death.

Conjugial Love #369 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

369. (8) That there is spiritual jealousy with monogamists, and natural with polygamists. There is spiritual jealousy with monogamists because they can only receive spiritual conjugial love, as has been abundantly shown above. It is said there is, but the meaning is that with them there can be; that it is not, except with a very few, but yet that it can be in the Christian world where marriages are monogamous, is also confirmed above.

That with polygamists conjugial love is natural, may be seen in the chapter on Polygamy, n. 345-347. Then their jealousy likewise is natural, because this follows the love. Of what kind the jealousy of polygamists is, is learned from the relations about them of some eye-witnesses among orientals, which are, that wives and concubines are guarded like captives in work-houses, and are kept and secluded from all communication with men; that into the women's apartments, or their guarded rooms, no man is permitted to enter unless accompanied by a eunuch; and that there is close observation whether anyone of them glances with a lascivious eye or look at a passer-by, and that if this is observed the woman is punished with stripes; and if one practises lewdness with any man introduced by cunning into the entrance hall, or without, she is punished with death.

De Amore Conjugiali #369 (original Latin (1768))

369. VIII. Quod Zelotypia detur Spiritualis apud monogamos, et naturalis apud polygamos. Quod Zelotypia detur spiritualis apud monogamos, est quia hi solummodo possunt recipere amorem conjugialem spiritualem, ut supra abunde ostensum est; dicitur quod detur, sed intelligitur quod apud illos dabilis sit; quod non detur nisi apud perpaucos in Christiano Orbe, ubi conjugia monogamica sunt, at quod usque ibi dabilis sit, supra etiam confirmatum est. Quod amor conjugialis apud polygamos sit naturalis, in Capite de Polygamia, 345, 347, videatur, similiter tunc Zelotypia, quia haec sequitur amorem.

[2] Qualis est Zelotypia polygamorum, docent quorundam Relationes autopsicae de illa apud Orientales, quae sunt, quod uxores et pellices custodiantur 1sicut captivae in ergastulis, et ab omni communicatione cum viris detineantur et arceantur; quod in Gynaecea seu conclavia custodiae illarum, non liceat alicui viro, nisi comitante Eunucho, intrare; et quod impense observetur, si aliqua ex illis lascivo oculo aut vultu transeuntem aspectet; et quod si hoc animadvertitur, foemina mulctetur plagis: et si lasciviam exercet cum introducto aliquo viro in atrium per astum, aut forinsecus, puniatur morte.


1. Prima editio: constodiantur

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