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《婚姻之爱》 第368节












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Conjugial Love #368 (Chadwick (1996))

368. (vii) Jealousy is like a blazing fire against those who attack love for a married partner, and it is like a dreadful fear of the loss of that love.

This section deals with the jealousy of those whose love for their partner is spiritual, the next with the jealousy of those whose love is natural, and then with the jealousy of those who enjoy truly conjugial love. In the case of those whose love is spiritual, jealousy is varied because of the variation in their love; for love, whether spiritual or natural, cannot ever be exactly the same in two people, much less in more than two.

[2] The reason why spiritual jealousy, that is, among spiritual people, is like a fire blazing out against whose who attack their love for their partner is that the beginning of their love lies in the inner regions of them both; and their love progresses from its beginning through what is derived from that right to its final stage. It is by this and at the same time by the first stage that the intermediate ones, those that belong to the mind and body, are held together in a loving embrace. Since these people are spiritual, they look towards union as their aim in marriage, and the spiritual repose it gives and its delights. Since they have then banished disunity from their dispositions, their jealousy is like a fire stirred up and shooting out at its attackers.

[3] The reason why it is also like a dreadful fear is that their spiritual love aims at making them one. If therefore an accident happens, or an appearance of separation should come about, they experience fear, as if dreading the pulling apart of two parts which are joined. I was given this description of jealousy from heaven by those who enjoy spiritual conjugial love. For there is natural conjugial love, spiritual conjugial love and celestial conjugial love. The natural and celestial forms of love and the jealousy that accompanies them will be the subject of the following two sections.

Conjugial Love #368 (Rogers (1995))

368. 7. Jealousness is a kind of blazing fire against those who attack the love shared with a married partner, and a kind of trembling fear at the thought of losing that love. We consider here the jealousness of people who share a spiritual love with their married partner; under the next heading, the jealousness of those who have a natural love; and after that, the jealousness of those who are in a state of truly conjugial love.

With respect to people who share a spiritual love, the jealousness in them varies, because their love varies; for whether it is a spiritual one or natural, never is any one love entirely the same in two people, still less in a number.

[2] Spiritual jealousness, or jealousness in spiritual people, is a kind of blazing fire against those who attack their conjugial love, because the origin of the love in them lies in the inner elements of each partner, and from its origin their love follows its derivative effects to its outmost expressions, which, together with its initial elements, hold the intermediate elements of the mind and body in loving connection.

Because they are spiritual people, in their marriage they look to union as their goal, and in that union to spiritual tranquillity and its gratifications. So, then, because they have from their hearts rejected the idea of separation, therefore their jealousness is like a fire disturbed and leaping out against those who attack that union.

[3] Their jealousness includes as well a kind of trembling fear, because their spiritual love intends that they two be one. Consequently, if the possibility of separation arises, or an appearance of it occurs, they experience a fear that causes them to tremble, as whenever two united parts are pulled apart.

This description of jealousness was given to me from heaven, by those who possess a spiritual conjugial love. For there is a natural conjugial love, a spiritual conjugial love, and a celestial conjugial love. We will speak of the natural and celestial kinds, and of the jealousness characteristic of them, in the two discussions which follow.

Love in Marriage #368 (Gladish (1992))

368. 7. Jealousy is like a fire flaring out against violators of love with a spouse, and it is like a bristling fear for the loss of that love. We are dealing here with the jealousy of those who are spiritually in love with their spouses. In the next article we deal with the jealousy of those who are in worldly love, and after that with the jealousy of those who are in genuine married love.

Jealousy is varied in those who are spiritually in love, because their love is varied. No love, whether spiritual or worldly, is exactly alike for two people, much less for more.

Jealousy on the spiritual plane, or in spiritual people, is like a fire flaring out against violators of their married love, because the beginnings of love in two people is in the inner reaches of them both, and their love is faithful to its principles from its beginnings clear to its most outward characteristics. Due to these outmost characteristics and the first inner ones, everything mental and bodily in between is intertwined in a lovely way. Being spiritual, spiritual people see union, and the spiritual peace in union and its delights, as the purpose of their marriage. Now, because their souls reject disunion, spiritual jealousy is like a fire stirred up and flashing out against violators. It is like a bristling fear because their spiritual love intends them to be one, so if there is a threat, or if separation seems to be occurring, it creates a bristling fear, as when two joined parts are pulled apart.

I got this description of jealousy from heaven - from those who are spiritually in married love. For there is married love on the worldly level, spiritual married love, and heavenly married love. The next two articles tell about worldly and heavenly people and their jealousy.

Conjugial Love #368 (Acton (1953))

368. VII. THAT JEALOUSY IS AS A FIRE BLAZING OUT AGAINST THOSE WHO MOLEST THE LOVE WITH THE PARTNER; AND THAT IT IS A DREADFUL FEAR FOR THE LOSS OF THAT LOVE. Here the jealousy of those who are in spiritual love with their partner is treated of; in the following article, the jealousy of those who are in natural love; and after that, the jealousy of those who are in love truly conjugial. With those who are in spiritual love there are various jealousies because various loves, for there is not a single love, whether spiritual or natural, which is ever the same with any two persons, still less with many.

[2] That spiritual jealousy, that is, jealousy with the spiritual, is as a fire blazing out against those who molest their conjugial love, is because with them the principle or beginning of that love is in the internals of each partner, and from its principle, their love follows the principiates to their ultimates; and from these, and at the same time from firsts, the intermediates which are of the mind and body are held in lovely connection. In their marriage, such persons, being spiritual, look to union as an end, and therein to spiritual rest and its amenities. Now because they have rejected disunion from their animus, their jealousy is like a fire stirred up and darting out against those who molest.

[3] It is also as a dreadful fear, because the intention of their spiritual love is that they be a one, and if there exists a falling away, or if an appearance of separation occurs, there comes fear--a dreadful fear, as when two parts which are united together are being torn asunder. This description of jealousy was given me from heaven by those who are in spiritual conjugial love; for there is natural conjugial love, spiritual conjugial love, and celestial conjugial love. As to the natural and celestial, and their jealousy, these shall be spoken of in the two articles which now follow.

Conjugial Love #368 (Wunsch (1937))

368. (vii) Jealousy is like a fire blazing against those who infest the love of the partner, and like a horrid fear of losing that love. In this paragraph we treat of the jealousy of those who have a spiritual love for the partner; in the next, of the jealousy of those who have a natural love for the partner; and in the paragraph after that, of the jealousy of those in true marital love.

Jealousy varies with those in spiritual love, because their love is various; no love, spiritual or natural, is ever precisely the same in two persons, still less in more than two.

[2] Spiritual jealousy, or jealousy with the spiritual, is like a fire blazing out at those who infest their marital love, because their love starts in the internals, and thence pursues its derivations even to ultimates, by which and by first things at the same time the intermediates of the mind and the body are held in loving connection. Being spiritual, such partners in their marriage look to union as an end, and in that union to spiritual repose and its pleasantnesses. Because they have shut disunion out of their thoughts, their jealousy is like a fire stirred up and darting out against infesters.

[3] It is also like a horrid fear because their spiritual love is set upon their being one. If there is a threat or appearance of separation, a dreadful fear ensues, as if two united parts were to be torn asunder. This description of jealousy was given me from heaven by those in spiritual marital love. For there is natural marital love, spiritual marital love and celestial marital love. The natural love and the celestial and their jealousy will be spoken of in the two divisions to follow.

Conjugial Love #368 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

368. (7) That jealousy is as a flaming fire against those who infest the love with a married partner, and that it is as a horrible fear for the loss of that love. The jealousy here treated of is of those who are in spiritual love with a married partner. The following section will treat of the jealousy of those who are in natural love; and after that, of the jealousy of those who are in love truly conjugial. With those who are in spiritual love jealousy is various, because their love is various; for there is never a love, spiritual or natural, that is precisely alike with two, still less with many. The reason that spiritual jealousy, or jealousy with the spiritual, is as a fire flaming forth against those that infest their conjugial love is, that the beginning of love with them is in the internals of each, and from its beginning their love follows the derivations down to their ultimates, from which, and at the same time from the first beginnings, the intermediates which are of the mind and of the body are held in lovely connection. Being spiritual, in their marriage they look to union as an end, and in that to spiritual rest and its amenities. Now, as they have cast disunion out of their minds, the zeal is therefore, as a fire stirred up and darting out against those who infest. It is also a horrid fear, because their spiritual love purposes that they shall be one; if then a mischance occurs, or there arises an appearance of separation, it begets a fear which is horrible, as when two united parts are to be torn asunder. This description of jealousy was given me from heaven, by those who are in spiritual conjugial love. For there is natural conjugial love, spiritual conjugial love, and celestial conjugial love. The natural and the celestial, and their jealousy, shall be spoken of in the two sections that are to follow.

De Amore Conjugiali #368 (original Latin (1768))

368. VII. Quod Zelotypia sit sicut flagrans ignis contra infestantes amorem cum conjuge, et quod sit sicut horridus timor pro jactura illius amoris. Agitur hic de Zelotypia illorum, qui in Spirituali amore cum conjuge sunt; in sequente Articulo de Zelotypia illorum, qui in Naturali amore; et post hunc de Zelotypia illorum, qui in Amore vere conjugiali. Apud illos qui in spirituali amore sunt, est Zelotypia varia, quia amor illorum est varius, nam nusquam datur unus amor, sive sit spiritualis sive naturalis, prorsus similis apud duos, minus apud plures.

[2] Quod Zelotypia spiritualis, seu apud spirituales, sit sicut ignis efflagrans 1contra infestantes amorem conjugialem illorum, est quia principium amoris apud illos, est in utriusque internis, et amor illorum a principio suo sequitur principiata usque ad ultima sua, ex quibus et simul ex primis intermedia, quae mentis et corporis sunt, in nexu amabili tenentur. Hi quia Spirituales sunt, in conjugio suo pro fine spectant unionem, et in illa spiritualem requiem, ac hujus amaenitates; nunc quia ex animis suis rejecerunt disunionem, ideo est Zelotypia illa sicut ignis emotus et se ejaculans contra infestantes.

[3] Quod etiam sit sicut horridus timor, est quia spiritualis illorum amor intendit ut unum sint, quare si existit casus, aut contingit apparentia separationis, fit timor qui horret, sicut dum binae partes unitae distraherentur. Haec descriptio Zelotypiae mihi data est e Coelo ab illis, qui in amore conjugiali spirituali sunt; est enim amor conjugialis naturalis, amor conjugialis spiritualis, et amor conjugialis coelestis; de naturali et coelesti, illorumque Zelotypia, dicetur in binis Articulis, qui sequuntur.


1. Prima editio: efflragans

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