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《婚姻之爱》 第372节









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Conjugial Love #372 (Chadwick (1996))

372. I said that conjugial love has within it a fear of being separated, and grief at being destroyed, so that its zeal is like a fire aimed at a violator. I was once pondering this subject, and I asked some jealous angels where jealousy resided. They said that it was in the man's intellect, which receives the wife's love and loves her in return, and the kind of zeal there depended on his wisdom. They also remarked that jealousy has something in common with respect, which is also present in conjugial love, for one who loves his wife also respects her.

[2] They said that the reason why a man's zeal resides in his intellect is that conjugial love protects itself by means of the intellect, as good does by means of truth. In the same way a wife protects what she shares with her husband by means of him. Thus it is that zeal is within men, and by their means and for their sake in women. When I asked in what part of the men's mind it resided, they replied that it was in their soul, because it is also a defence against adultery, and this is what principally destroys conjugial love. They added that a man's intellect becomes hardened when in danger of violation, and comes to resemble a horn with which to strike the adulterer.

Conjugial Love #372 (Rogers (1995))

372. We have said that inherent in conjugial love is a fear of its being sundered, and an anguish at the possibility of its perishing; also that its zeal is like a fire against encroachment. When I was once reflecting on this subject, I asked some zealous angels about the seat of jealousness. They said that it is in the intellect of a man who receives his partner's love and loves her in return, and that its quality there is according to his wisdom. They said, too, that jealousness has something in common with esteem, which is also present in conjugial love; for anyone who loves his partner also esteems her.

[2] On the point that zeal in a man has its seat in his intellect, the reason, they said, is that conjugial love protects itself through the intellect, as good protects itself through truth. Thus a wife protects those concerns which she has in common with a man through her husband. And for that reason zeal is implanted in men, and through men and on account of men in women.

In response to my asking in what region of the mind in men it resides, they replied, in their souls, because it is also a protection against adulterous affairs. And since these are what principally destroy conjugial love, the man's intellect hardens at threats of encroachment and becomes like a horn smiting the adulterer.

Love in Marriage #372 (Gladish (1992))

372. We said that inherent in married love is fear of separation and anguish lest love end, and that its zeal is like a fire against violation. Thinking about this one time, I asked some angels with zeal about where jealousy resides. They said that it is in the intellect of a man who receives his partner's love and loves in turn, and that what the jealousy is like depends on his wisdom. They also said that jealousy has something in common with honor, which is also in married love, for whoever loves his partner also honors her.

"The reason why a man's zeal resides in his intellect," they said, "is this. Married love protects itself by intellect just as good does by the truth. In the same way a wife protects through her husband the things they have in common. And this is why zeal is implanted in men, and in women through men and because of men."

I asked, "What part of men's minds does zeal reside in?"

They answered, "In their souls, because it is also a protection against adultery, and this especially destroys married love, so the man's intellect hardens up in peril of violation and becomes like a horn, goring the adulterer."

Conjugial Love #372 (Acton (1953))

372. It was said that in conjugial love is implanted fear lest it be divided, and grief lest it perish; and that its zeal is like fire directed against violation. Once, when meditating upon this, I asked certain zealous angels respecting the seat of jealousy. They said: "It is in the understanding of the man who receives the love of his partner and loves her in return, and its quality there is according to his wisdom." They also said that jealousy has something in common with honor, which also is within conjugial love, for he who loves his partner also honors her.

[2] As to the reason why with a man zeal resides in his understanding, they said: "Conjugial love protects itself by the understanding, as good protects itself by truth. So a wife protects those things which she has in common with the man by her husband. Therefore, zeal is implanted in men, and through men and on account of men, in women." To the question, in what region of the mind does it reside with men, they answered: "In their souls, because it is also a protection against adulteries, and because these are what principally destroy conjugial love. Therefore, in the presence of attempts at its violation, the man's Understanding hardens and becomes as a horn smiting the adulterer."

Conjugial Love #372 (Wunsch (1937))

372. We have said that in marital love a fear is planted lest it be sundered and a grief lest it perish, and that its zeal is like a fire against violation. Meditating on these matters once, I asked some zealous angels about the seat of jealousy. They said it is in the understanding of a man who receives and reciprocates his partner's love, and that the quality of the jealousy is according to the man's wisdom. They went on to say that jealousy has something in common with honor, which is also present in marital love, for one who loves his partner honors her, too. For the residence of zeal with the man in his understanding they gave this reason: marital love protects itself by the understanding as good does by truth; so the wife protects the life she has in common with the man through the husband; and therefore zeal is implanted in men, and through and on account of men in women. To the question in what region of the mind it resides with men, they replied "In their souls," because it is also a protection against adulteries, and as these principally destroy marital love, the man's understanding hardens itself at the threat of violation and becomes like a horn smiting the adulterer.

Conjugial Love #372 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

372. It was said that inherent in conjugial love there is fear lest it be divided, and grief lest it perish; and that its zeal against violation is like fire. Meditating once upon this, I asked zealous angels respecting the seat of jealousy. They said it was in the understanding of the man who receives the love of his married partner and loves in return; and that its quality in the understanding is according to his wisdom. They also said that jealousy has something in common with honor, which also inheres in conjugial love; for he who loves his married partner also honors her.

'The reason why zeal with the man resides in his understanding,' they said, 'is this, that conjugial love protects itself by the understanding, as good does by truth. Thus the wife protects the things that are in common with the man through her husband; and for that reason zeal is implanted in. the men, and by men and for the sake of men in women.'

To the question, 'In what region of the mind does it reside with men?' they answered:

'In their soul, because it is also the protection against adulteries; and because these principally destroy conjugial love, in perils of violation the understanding of the man hardens, and becomes as a horn smiting the adulterer.'

De Amore Conjugiali #372 (original Latin (1768))

372. Dictum est, quod Amori conjugiali insitus sit timor ne dividatur, ac dolor ne pereat, et quod Zelus ejus sit sicut ignis contra violationem; de his quondam meditatus interrogavi Angelos zelotes de sede Zelotypiae; dixerunt, quod sit in intellectu viri, qui recipit amorem conjugis, et redamat, et quod qualitas ejus ibi sit secundum sapientiam illius: inquierunt etiam, quod Zelotypia aliquid commune habeat cum honore, qui etiam inest amori conjugiali, nam qui amat conjugem, etiam honorat illam.

[2] Quod Zelus apud virum 1in intellectu ejus resideat, dixerunt hanc causam, quia amor conjugialis 2semet tutatur per intellectum, sicut bonum per verum, ita uxor illa quae cum viro communia sunt, per maritum, et quod ideo Zelus insitus viris, ac per viros et propter viros foeminis. Ad interrogationem in qua regione mentis apud viros residet, responderunt in Anima illorum, quia etiam est tutamen contra adulteria; et quia haec principaliter destruunt amorem conjugialem, quod intellectus viri in periculis violationis indurescat, et fiat sicut cornu feriens adulterum.


1. Prima editio: v rum

2. Prima editio: coniugialis

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