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《婚姻之爱》 第373节









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Conjugial Love #373 (Chadwick (1996))

373. (x) Jealousy in the case of married couples who do not love each other is due to a number of reasons; in some cases it may be due to various kinds of mental illness.

The chief reason why married couples who do not love each other are still jealous are respect for power, fear of having one's own or one's wife's name slandered, and apprehension of a domestic catastrophe. It is well known that men respect power, that is, they want to be thought important as the result of receiving respect. For so long as they have this respect, they are mentally exalted and hold their heads high among men and women. This respect also involves a reputation for bravery; which is why it is to be found more among army officers than others.

The fear of having one's own or one's wife's name slandered is linked to the previous reason. Moreover, living with a prostitute or turning one's house into a brothel is a disgrace. The reason why some people are jealous out of apprehension of domestic catastrophe is that the husband is so much despised, and mutual help and duties come unravelled. But this jealousy in some cases declines with time and becomes nothing; and in some cases it turns into a mere pretence of love.

Conjugial Love #373 (Rogers (1995))

373. 10. In married partners who do not love each other, jealousness arises for a number reasons; in some, however, owing to a sickness of the mind of one kind or another. Partners who do not love each other may also be jealous, and the reasons are, principally, the honor attached to men's virility, a fear of having their name brought into disrepute and also that of their wife, and a dread of having their domestic affairs upset.

People know that men take pride in their virility, which is to say that they wish to be esteemed for it. For as long as they have this honor, they go about as though uplifted in mind and not downcast in face before men and women. Attached to this honor is also an implication of ruggedness, which is why military officers have it settled in them more than others.

The second reason, a fear of having their name brought into disrepute and that of their wife, goes along with the first, with the further consideration that living with a licentious woman and having a brothel in the home are causes for scandal.

As for jealousness in order not to have their domestic affairs upset, this is found in some for the reason that, in the measure it happens, the husband is scorned and their joint duties and support fall apart. However, in some cases this jealousness in time ceases and comes to an end; and in some it turns into a mere pretense of love.

Love in Marriage #373 (Gladish (1992))

373. 10. Partners who do not love each other have jealousy for many reasons. With some it comes from various mental afflictions. The reasons why partners who do not love each other are also jealous are mainly their reputation for potency, fear that their name and also their wife's name might be sullied, and dread of their household affairs falling to pieces. It is well known that men acquire a reputation from potency - that is, that they want to be admired for it.

For as long as they have this reputation their minds are as if buoyed up, and their faces are not downcast among men and women. Also this reputation is associated with courage, so it is attached to military officers more than others.

That it is fear that their name and also their wife's name might be sullied fits together with the previous reason. Besides, living together with a prostitute, and prostitution at home, are a disgrace.

Some are jealous to keep their household affairs from falling to pieces, since it disgraces a husband so much and interrupts shared duties and the household help. But for some people, this jealousy wanes in time and disappears. For some it turns into a mere pretense of love.

Conjugial Love #373 (Acton (1953))

373. X. THAT WITH MARRIED PARTNERS WHO DO NOT LOVE EACH OTHER, JEALOUSY IS DUE TO MANY CAUSES, AND WITH SOME TO VARIOUS KINDS OF MENTAL SICKNESS. The reasons why married partners who do not mutually love each other are also jealous are principally, honor from potency, fear of dishonoring one's name and also that of one's wife, and dread lest one's domestic affairs be ruined. That men have honor from potency, that is, that from this they wish to be accounted as great men, is well known; for so long as they have this honor, they are as though raised up in their own mind and not shamefaced among men and women. Moreover, to this honor is attached the attribute of bravery, and therefore military officers have it more than others. As to fear of dishonoring one's name and that of one's wife, this makes one with the preceding reason; added to which is the fact that cohabitation with a harlot, and having a brothel in the home, are infamous. That jealousy exists with some lest their domestic affairs be ruined, is because the husband is so greatly disgraced, and mutual duties and services are done away with. With some, however, this jealousy ceases in time and becomes nonexistent, and with some it turns into a mere simulation of love.

Conjugial Love #373 (Wunsch (1937))

373. (x) in partners who do not love each other, jealousy has a number of causes, arising with some from various kinds of mental illness. Partners who do not love each other also feel jealousy, principally for such reasons as the honor of virility, the fear of defamation of one's own name and of the wife's, and a dread lest the domestic life be shattered. It is common knowledge that men take pride in virility, that is, wish to be esteemed for it. As long as they have this honor they have an uplifted mind, as it were, and not a dejected appearance among men and women. A name for courage also attaches itself to that honor, which is found therefore in military officers more than in others. That a partner fears defamation of his name and of his wife's, is bound up with the first reason - add to this that living with a harlot and having a brothel in the home is infamous. Some feel jealousy lest the domestic life be shattered, for then the husband is by so much disgraced, and mutual offices and helpfulness are sundered. But jealousy where there is no love ceases with some in time and becomes none at all; with others it is turned into a simulation of love.

Conjugial Love #373 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

373. (10) That with married partners who do not love each, other. jealousy is from several causes; but with some, from a variety of infirmities of mind. The reasons, why married partners who do not mutually love each other are also jealous, are principally the honor of potency, the fear of dishonor to their name and also to that of their wives, and the dread lest their domestic affairs fall into ruin. That men have honor from potency, that is, that they desire to be magnified by it is known; for so long as they have this honor they are as of lofty mind and not of dejected visage among men and women. The name of bravery also attaches itself to that honor, and therefore, it inheres in military officers more than in others. That there is fear of dishonor to their name, and to that of the wife, coheres with the former reason; add to which that cohabitation with a harlot and lewdness in the house are infamous. The reason why with some jealousy is for fear that domestic affairs should come to ruin, is that the husband is by so much disgraced, and mutual offices and mutual aid are distraught. But with some this jealousy in time ceases and becomes none; and with some it is turned into the mere simulation of love.

De Amore Conjugiali #373 (original Latin (1768))

373. X. Quod Zelotypia apud conjuges, qui se non amant, sit propter plures causas; at apud quosdam ex varia aegritudine mentis. Causae, propter quas conjuges qui se mutuo non amant, etiam Zelotypi sunt, principaliter sunt Honor potentiae, timor diffamationis sui nominis et quoque uxoris, ac formido ne res domesticae labefactentur. Quod viris sit honor potentiae, hoc est, quod velint magnifieri ex illo, notum est; nam quamdiu hic honor illis est, sicut elevata mente sunt, et non demissa facie inter viros et foeminas; etiam illi honori se adjungit nomen fortitudinis, quare praefectis militum insidet plus quam aliis. Quod sit timor diffamationis nominis sui et uxoris, cohaeret cum priore causa; cui accedit, quod cohabitatio cum scorto, et ganeum in domo, sint infamiae. Quod Zelotypia sit quibusdam, ne res domesticae labefactentur, est quia tantum vilipenditur maritus, ac distrahuntur mutua officia et auxilia; at haec Zelotypia apud quosdam tempore desinit et fit nulla; et apud quosdam in meram simulationem amoris vertitur.

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