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《婚姻之爱》 第387节






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Conjugial Love #387 (Chadwick (1996))

387. (ii) These two universal spheres make one with the sphere of conjugial love and that of the love of children.

It is obvious that the sphere of conjugial love makes one with the reproductive sphere. For reproduction is the end in view, and conjugial love is the intermediate cause by means of which it is realised; and end and cause act together in realising their effects and in these, because they are one and the same. It is also obvious that the sphere of the love of children makes one with the sphere of the protection of what is procreated, because it is an end which proceeds from the previous end, procreation; and the love of children is its intermediate cause by means of which it operates. Ends advance in a series one after another; and as they advance the last end becomes the first, and so on up to the final stage, in which they stop or cease to exist. (More on this subject will be found in the explanation of point xii [400]).

Conjugial Love #387 (Rogers (1995))

387. 2. These two universal atmospheres ally themselves with an atmosphere of conjugial love and with an atmosphere of love for little children. It is apparent that an atmosphere of conjugial love is allied with the atmosphere of procreating; for procreation is the end, and conjugial love the intermediate cause by which it is effected; and in producing effects and in the effects produced, the end and the cause are united because they work together. It is also apparent that an atmosphere of love for little children is allied with the atmosphere of protecting what has been procreated, because this is an end arising from the previous end, which was procreation, and a love of little children is its intermediate cause, by which it is effected. For ends progress in series, one after another, and as they progress the last end in one series becomes the first end in the next, and so on, until they reach their goal, in which they stop or terminate. But on this subject, more will be seen in the explanation of heading 12.

Love in Marriage #387 (Gladish (1992))

387. 2. These two general auras converge with the aura of married love and the aura of love for children. It is obvious that the aura of married love is the same as the aura of having offspring, for having offspring is a purpose, and married love is the intermediate cause of it, and the purpose and cause act as one thing in producing the result, and in the result, because they act together.

It is also clear that the aura of love for children converges with the aura of protecting offspring, because it is a purpose that comes from the original purpose, which was producing offspring, and love for children is the intermediate cause that makes it happen. For purposes go ahead in series, one after the other, and as they go, the end result becomes a purpose, and so on all the way to the finish, where they stand still, or stop. (But more about this appears in the explanation of item 12.)

Conjugial Love #387 (Acton (1953))

387. II. THAT THESE TWO UNIVERSAL SPHERES MAKE ONE WITH THE SPHERE OF CONJUGIAL LOVE AND THE SPHERE OF THE LOVE OF INFANTS. That the sphere of conjugial makes one with the sphere of procreating is evident, procreation being the end and conjugial love the mediate cause whereby that end is effected; and in the effecting and the effects, the end and the cause act as one because they act together. That the sphere of the love of infants makes one with the sphere of protecting what is procreated is also evident; for it is an end proceeding from the prior end which was procreation, the love of infants being the mediate cause whereby that end is effected. Ends progress in a series, one after another, and in their progression, an ultimate end becomes a first end, and so onwards up to the terminus where they stop or cease. But of this, more may be seen in the exposition of article XII.

Conjugial Love #387 (Wunsch (1937))

387. (ii) These two universal spheres make one with the sphere of marital love and with the sphere of love for children. The sphere of marital love obviously makes one with the sphere of procreating. For procreation is the end, and marital love is the mediate cause by which that end is effected, and end and cause act as one, because together, in what is to be effected and is effected. Obviously, too, the sphere of love for children makes one with the sphere of protecting what has been procreated, because this end follows upon the other, which was procreation, and is in turn given effect by love for children as the mediate cause. For ends advance in a series, one after another, and as they do, the last end becomes first and continues, even to the terminus in which all subsist or cease. But on this see more in the explanation of proposition xii.

Conjugial Love #387 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

387. (2) That these two universal spheres make one with the sphere of conjugial love and with the sphere of the love of infants. That the sphere of conjugial love makes one with the sphere of procreating is plain; for procreation is the end, and conjugial love is the mediate cause, by which it is effected; and the end and cause in the processes of effecting and in the effects, act as one, because together. That the sphere of the love of infants makes one with the sphere of protecting what is procreated is also plain, because it is an end proceeding from the prior end, which was procreation, and the love of infants is the mediate cause whereby it is effected. For ends go forth in series, one after another, and in going forth the last end becomes first, and so on, even to the limit where they subsist or cease. But of these things more may be seen in the exposition of article 12.

De Amore Conjugiali #387 (original Latin (1768))

387. II. Quod binae illae Sphaerae universales unum faciant cum Sphaera amoris conjugialis, et cum Sphaera amoris infantum. Quod Sphaera amoris conjugialis unum faciat cum Sphaera procreandi, patet; procreatio enim est finis, et amor conjugialis est causa media per quam, ac finis et causa in efficiendis et in effectis unum, quia una, agunt: quod Sphaera amoris infantum unum faciat cum Sphaera tutandi procreata, etiam patet, quia est finis procedens ex priori fine, qui fuit procreatio, et amor infantum est illius causa media, per quam: fines enim progrediuntur in serie, unus post alterum, et in progrediendo finis ultimus fit primus, et sic ulterius, usque ad terminum, in quo subsistunt vel desinunt: sed de his videbuntur plura in explicatione Articuli XIImi.

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