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《婚姻之爱》 第386节









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Conjugial Love #386 (Chadwick (1996))

386. (i) There are two universal spheres proceeding from the Lord designed to keep the universe in the condition in which it was created. One of these is the reproductive sphere, the other the sphere of the protection of what is procreated.

The divinity proceeding from the Lord is called a sphere, because it comes out of Him, surrounds Him and fills both the spiritual and natural worlds, working out the effect of the aims which the Lord predestined in the act of creation, and subsequently provides. Every emanation from an object, surrounding and hemming it in, is named a sphere; as for instance the sphere of light and heat coming from the sun and surrounding it, the sphere of life coming from a person and surrounding him, the sphere of fragrance coming from a shrub and surrounding it, the sphere of attraction coming from a magnet and surrounding it, and so on.

[2] But the universal spheres referred to here come from the Lord and surround Him. They emanate from the sun of the spiritual world, in the midst of which He is. The sphere of heat and light, or what is the same, the sphere of love and wisdom, emanates from the Lord by means of that sun to bring about His aims, which are His purposes. But the sphere is given various names depending on the purposes it serves. The Divine sphere which has as its aim the conservation of the universe in the state in which it was created through a succession of generations is called the reproductive sphere. The Divine sphere which has as its aim the conservation of the generations in their beginnings, and subsequently in their developments, is called the sphere of the protection of what is procreated. Apart from these two, there are many other Divine spheres, which are given separate names depending on their purpose (222 above), The realisation of these purposes by means of these spheres is Divine providence.

Conjugial Love #386 (Rogers (1995))

386. 1. Two universal atmospheres emanate from the Lord to preserve the universe in its created state, one of which is an atmosphere of procreating, and the other an atmosphere of protecting what has been procreated. We call the Divinity emanating from the Lord an atmosphere, because it goes out from Him, surrounds Him, fills both worlds - the spiritual and the natural - and brings about the effects of the ends which the Lord ordained at creation and which He subsequently provides.

Everything that flows out from an object, surrounds it and envelops it, is called an atmosphere. As, for example, the atmosphere of light and heat from the sun around it; the atmosphere of life from a person around him; the atmosphere of aroma from a shrub around it; the atmosphere of attraction from a magnet around it; and so on.

[2] But the universal atmospheres which we are discussing here are from the Lord around Him; and they emanate from the sun of the spiritual world, at whose center He is. From the Lord through that sun emanates an atmosphere of warmth and light, or to say the same thing, an atmosphere of love and wisdom, to bring about ends which are of use. However, that atmosphere is designated by various names according to the uses it serves. The Divine atmosphere in regard to the preservation of the universe in its created state by successive generations, is called an atmosphere of procreating; and the Divine atmosphere in regard to the preservation of those generations in their beginnings and afterwards in their advances, is called an atmosphere of protecting what has been procreated.

In addition to these two, there are a number of other Divine atmospheres, which are named according to the uses they serve, having thus various names, as may be seen above in no. 222. Effectuations of useful ends by means of these atmospheres are Divine providence.

Love in Marriage #386 (Gladish (1992))

386. 1. Two general auras radiate from the Lord to keep the universe in its created condition. One of them is an aura of having offspring, and the other is an aura of protecting the offspring. The Divinity coming out of the Lord is a "sphere" because it radiates from Him, surrounds Him, fills both worlds, spiritual and natural, and brings about the end results that the Lord determined ahead of time in creation and sees to since creation. Everything that flows out of some object and surrounds and envelops it is a sphere - for example, the sun's aura of heat and light around it, the aura of a person's life around him, the aura of a plant's smell around it, the aura of a magnet's attraction around it, and so on. But the general auras being discussed here are from the Lord and around Him, and they radiate from the spiritual world's sun, which He is within. An aura of heat and light - or an aura of love and wisdom, which is the same thing - radiates from the Lord through that sun to bring about results, which are activities. But the auras are given various names according to the things they do. The Divine aura that sees to preserving the world in its created condition generation after generation is called an aura of having offspring, and the Divine aura that sees to taking care of the offspring at their beginnings and afterwards in their development is called an aura of protecting offspring. In addition to these two Divine auras there are many other ones that have different names according to the things they do (see no. 222, above). The accomplishing of useful things through these auras is the Divine Providence.

Conjugial Love #386 (Acton (1953))

386. I. THAT FROM THE LORD PROCEED TWO UNIVERSAL SPHERES FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE UNIVERSE IN THE STATE CREATED, OF WHICH THE ONE IS THE SPHERE OF PROCREATING, AND THE OTHER THE SPHERE OF PROTECTING THE THINGS PROCREATED. The Divine proceeding from the Lord is called a sphere because it goes forth from Him, surrounds Him, fills both worlds, the spiritual and the natural, and brings into operation the effects of the ends which the Lord predestined at creation and for which He provides after it. All that flows out from a subject and encompasses and surrounds it, is called a sphere; as, for example, the sphere of light and heat from and around the sun; the sphere of life from and around a man; the sphere of the fragrance of a plant around it; the sphere of the attraction of a magnet around it, and so on.

[2] But the universal spheres here treated of are from and around the Lord, and they proceed from the sun of the spiritual world in the midst of which He is. From the Lord through that sun proceeds a sphere of heat and light, or, what is the same thing, a sphere of love and wisdom, for the bringing into operation of ends which are uses. This sphere is designated by different names according to its uses. The Divine sphere looking to the preservation of the universe in its created state by means of successive generations, is called the Sphere of Procreating; and the Divine sphere looking to the preservation of the generations in their beginnings and afterwards in their progressions, is called the Sphere of Protecting what is procreated. Besides these two, there are many other Divine spheres and these are named according to their uses, thus differently, as can be seen above (no. 222). The operations of uses by means of those spheres are the Divine Providence.

Conjugial Love #386 (Wunsch (1937))

386. (i) Two universal spheres proceed from the Lord to preserve the universe in its created state, one of which is a sphere of procreating and the other a sphere of protecting what is procreated. The Divine which proceeds from the Lord is called a sphere because it is diffused from Him, encompasses Him, fills both worlds, the spiritual and the natural, and works the effects of those ends which the Lord ordained at creation and for which He has provided since creation. All which flows forth from an entity and encompasses and attends on it, is called a sphere, as, for example, the sphere about the sun of heat and light from it, the sphere about a man of life from him, the sphere about a shrub of odor from it, the sphere about a magnet of attraction from it, and so forth. But we are treating of the universal spheres around the Lord which issue from Him. These proceed from the sun of the spiritual world, in the midst of which He is. There proceeds from Him by that sun a sphere of heat and light, or what is the same, a sphere of love and wisdom, to effect ends, which are uses. The sphere is variously named according to uses. As it provides for the preservation of the universe in its created state by successive generations, this Divine sphere is called the sphere of procreating. As it provides for the preservation of the generations as they arise and afterwards advance, it is called the sphere of protecting what has been procreated. Besides these two there are many other Divine spheres, named after the uses served and therefore differently (see above222). The prosecution of uses by means of these spheres is Divine Providence.

Conjugial Love #386 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

386. (1) That two universal spheres proceed from the Lord for the conservation of the universe in the state created; one of which is the sphere of procreating, and the other the sphere of protecting what is procreated. The Divine, proceeding from the Lord, is called a sphere because it proceeds from Him, surrounds Him, fills each world, the spiritual and the natural, and works out the effects of the ends which the Lord predestined. in the creation, and since that provides. All that which flows out from a subject, surrounds and environs it, is called a sphere; for example, the sphere of light and heat from the' sun surrounding it, the sphere of life from a man round about him, the sphere of the fragrance of a plant surrounding it, the sphere of the attraction of a magnet around it, and so on. But the universal spheres here treated of are from the Lord, around Him, and they proceed from the sun of the spiritual world in the midst of which He is. From the Lord through that sun proceeds the sphere of heat and light, or what is the same the sphere of love and wisdom, for the working out of ends, which are uses. But that sphere is designated by different names, according to the uses; the Divine sphere looking to the preservation of the universe through successive generations, in the state created, is called the sphere of procreating; and the Divine sphere looking to the preservation of the generations in their beginnings, and afterwards in their progressions, is called the sphere of protecting what is procreated. Besides these two there are many other Divine spheres, which are named according to their uses, thus differently. See above at n. 222. The operations of uses through these spheres are the Divine Providence.

De Amore Conjugiali #386 (original Latin (1768))

386. I. Quod binae Sphaerae universales procedant a Domino ad conservandum Universum in statu creato, quarum una est sphaera procreandi, et altera Sphaera tutandi procreata. Divinum a Domino procedens vocatur Sphaera, quia exit ab Ipso, ambit Ipsum, implet utrumque Mundum, Spiritualem et Naturalem, ac operatur effectus finium, quos Dominus in creatione praedestinavit, et post illam providet. Omne id quod effluit ex subjecto, ambit et circumstipat illud, nuncupatur Sphaera; ut pro exemplo, sphaera lucis et caloris a sole circum illum, sphaera vitae ab homine circum illum, sphaera odoris a virgulto circum illud, sphaera attractionis a magnete circum illum, et sic porro.

[2] At Sphaerae universales, de quibus hic agitur, sunt a Domino circum Ipsum; ac procedunt e Sole Mundi spiritualis, in cujus medio Ipse est: a Domino per illum Solem procedit Sphaera caloris et lucis, seu quod idem est, 1Sphaera amoris et sapientiae, ad operandum fines, qui sunt usus; at Sphaera illa, secundum usus, variis nominibus insignitur; Divina Sphaera prospiciens conservationem Universi in statu creato per successivas generationes, vocatur Sphaera procreandi; et Divina Sphaera prospiciens conservationem generationum in suis initiis, et postea in suis progressionibus, vocatur Sphaera tutandi procreata: praeter has binas, sunt plures aliae Sphaerae Divinae, quae secundum usus, ita aliter, nominantur, videatur supra222. Operationes usuum per illas Sphaeras, sunt Divina Providentia.


1. Prima editio: quod idem idem est,

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