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《婚姻之爱》 第390节





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Conjugial Love #390 (Chadwick (1996))

390. The reproductive sphere makes one in a continuous series with the sphere of the protection of what is procreated, because the love of reproduction is continued into the love of what is procreated. The nature of the love of reproduction can be recognised from its pleasure, which is the highest and transcends all others. This is experienced in the reproductive state in men and notably in the state of reception in women. This extreme pleasure follows on with its love up to birth, and in that is fulfilled.

Conjugial Love #390 (Rogers (1995))

390. The atmosphere of procreating and the atmosphere of protecting what has been procreated are united in a continuous succession, because a love of procreating is carried over into a love for that which is procreated. What the love of procreating is like is known from its delight, it being a highly exalted and transcendent one. In such delight is the state of procreating in men, and markedly the state of receiving in women. This supreme delights continues on with its love to the offspring, and in it finds its fulfillment.

Love in Marriage #390 (Gladish (1992))

390. The aura of having offspring and the aura of protecting offspring make a unit in an unbroken series because love of having offspring carries over into love for the offspring. You can tell what the love of having offspring is like from its joy. It surmounts and surpasses everything. Men in a position to have offspring have that joy, and women in a position to receive have it extraordinarily.

This highest joy, with its love, results in birth, where it fulfills itself.

Conjugial Love #390 (Acton (1953))

390. That the sphere of procreating and the sphere of protecting what is procreated make one in a continuous series, is because the love of procreating is continued into that which is procreated. The nature of the love of procreating is learned from its delight, in that this is supereminent and transcendent. With men, the state of procreation is within that delight, and with women notably the state of reception. In the latter, this supreme delight with its love follows on into the bringing forth, and there is in its fullness.

Conjugial Love #390 (Wunsch (1937))

390. The sphere of procreating and the sphere of protecting what is procreated make one in a continuous series, because the love of procreating passes into love for the procreated. The nature of the love of procreating is known from the delight attending on it, which is surpassing and transcendent. This delight attends on the state of procreation in men, and eminently on the state of reception in women. This consummate delight, together with its love, continues to the birth, coming then to the full.

Conjugial Love #390 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

390. The sphere of procreating, and the sphere of protecting what is procreated make one in a continuous series, because the love of procreating is continued into the love of the thing procreated. What is the nature of the love of procreating is known from its delight, that it is super-eminent and transcendent. In this is the state of procreation with men, and notably the state of reception with women. This highest delight, with its love, follows into the bringing forth and there fills itself.

De Amore Conjugiali #390 (original Latin (1768))

390. Quod sphaera procreandi, et sphaera tutandi procreata, in continua serie unum faciant, est quia amor procreandi continuatur in amorem procreati: qualis est amor procreandi cognoscitur ex ejus jucundo, quod sit supereminens et transcendens; in illo est status procreationis apud viros, ac insigniter status receptionis apud mulieres: hoc summe jucundum cum suo amore sequitur in partum, et ibi se implet.

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