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《婚姻之爱》 第389节









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Conjugial Love #389 (Chadwick (1996))

389. The reason why the reproductive and protective spheres, that is, those of conjugial love and the love of children, influence everything from first to last in heaven and in the world is that all emanations from the Lord, or from the sun which comes from Him and in which He is present, pass through the whole of creation down to the last stage of everything. This is because what is Divine (and as it advances is called celestial and spiritual) is without space and time. It is well known that extension cannot be predicated of spiritual things, because space and time cannot. Thus it is that whatever emanates from the Lord is in an instant present from first to last. The sphere of conjugial love is similarly universal (222-225 above).

[2] It is obvious that the sphere of the love of children behaves in the same way from the existence of that love in heaven, where there are children from earth. Also from its existence among human beings in the world, among animals and birds, snakes and insects. There are even analogous facts in the vegetable and mineral kingdoms. In the vegetable kingdom seeds are protected by shells as if in wrappings, and in addition they are contained in a fruit as in a house, and nourished with sap as if with milk. There is something similar in ores, as is clear from matrices and lodes in which precious stones and noble metals are stored and kept safe.

Conjugial Love #389 (Rogers (1995))

389. The atmospheres of procreating and of protecting what has been procreated, or the atmospheres of conjugial love and of a love for little children, flow into all things of heaven and into all things of the world, from the firsts to the lasts of them, because whatever emanates from the Lord, or from the sun which is from Him and in which He is, passes through the created universe even to the last of all the elements in it. The reason is that Divine things, which in their progression are called celestial and spiritual, are independent of space and time. People know that there is no ascribing of dimension to spiritual things, because no ascribing of space and time. So it is that whatever emanates from the Lord is in an instant present from first things in last ones.

That an atmosphere of conjugial love is thus universal may be seen above in nos. 222-225.

[2] That an atmosphere of love for little children is, too, is apparent from the existence of that love in heaven, where little children from earth are; and from the existence of that love in the world, in people, and in animals and birds, snakes and insects.

Analogues of this love are found also in the vegetable and mineral kingdoms. In the vegetable kingdom, seeds are protected by coverings like swaddling clothes, are sheltered in fruit as in a house, and are nourished by the juice as with milk. Something similar is found in the case of minerals, as appears from the matrices and encasements in which fine gems and noble metals are hidden and protected.

Love in Marriage #389 (Gladish (1992))

389. The auras of having offspring and of protecting offspring or the auras of married love and of love for children - radiate into everything in heaven and into everything in the world, from first to last, because all things that radiate from the Lord - or from the sun that is from Him and that He is in - go together throughout the created universe, clear to the outermost parts of all the things in it. The reason is that Divine qualities, which are called heavenly and spiritual as they radiate, are outside of space and time. It is well known that nothing related to extent applies to spiritual things, because nothing related to space and time does. Owing to this, whatever radiates from the Lord goes from start to finish instantly. Nos. 222-225, above, show that the aura of married love is universal in this way. The fact that the same goes for the aura of the love for children is clear from the presence of that love in heaven, where there are children from the earth, and from the presence of that love in the world in people, animals and birds, snakes and insects. This love even has its analogue in the vegetable and mineral kingdoms - in the vegetable kingdom in that seeds are protected in shells, like baby blankets, and furthermore in fruit as in a home, and they are nourished with sap as if with milk. It is clear that something similar is in minerals from the matrices and coverings that the precious gems and precious metals are concealed and protected in.

Conjugial Love #389 (Acton (1953))

389. That the spheres of procreating and of protecting what is procreated, that is, the spheres of conjugial love and of the love of infants, flow into all things of heaven and all things of the world from the first thereof to the last, is because all things proceeding from the Lord, that is, from the sun which is from Him and in which He is, pass through the created universe to the very ultimates of all things thereof. The reason is, because things Divine, which in their progression are called celestial and spiritual, are devoid of space and time. It is well known that when speaking of spiritual things there is no predication of extension because none of space and time. Hence it is, that whatever proceeds from the Lord is in things last from things first in an instant. That in this way the sphere of conjugial love is universal may be seen above (nos. 222-225).

[2] That this is likewise the case with the sphere of the love of infants is manifest from that love in heaven where are infants from the earth; also from that love as it is in the world with men and with beasts, birds, serpents, and insects. There are also analogues of that love in the vegetable and mineral kingdoms--in the vegetable kingdom, in that seeds are protected by husks as by swaddling-clothes, are in fruit as in a home, and are nourished with sap as with milk. That there is something like this among minerals is evident from the matrices and coverings wherein noble gems and noble metals are hidden and guarded.

Conjugial Love #389 (Wunsch (1937))

389. The spheres of procreating and of protecting what is procreated, or of marital love and of love for children, inflow into all things of heaven and of the world, from first things to last things, because everything which proceeds from the Lord or from the sun which is from Him and in which He is, traverses all creation to the outmost things of all. The reason is that Divine things, which as they proceed are called celestial and spiritual, are free from space and time. It is known that one cannot predicate extension of spiritual things any more than one can predicate space and time of them. Hence it is that whatever proceeds from the Lord is instantly in things last from things first. See above (n. 222-225) that the sphere of marital love is thus universal. The sphere of love for children is universal, too, as is plain from the existence of this love in heaven, where are children from the earths; and from its existence in the world with men, beasts and birds, snakes and insects. This love even has analogies in vegetable and mineral kingdoms - in the vegetable in that seeds are protected by husks as by swaddling-clothes, reside in the fruit as in a home, and are nourished with sap as with milk; in minerals, something similar is to be seen in the matrices and housings in which noble gems and metals are hidden and protected.

Conjugial Love #389 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

389. That the spheres of procreating and of protecting what is procreated, or the spheres of conjugial love and the love of infants, inflow into all things of heaven and into all things of the world, from the first to the last, is because all things that proceed from the Lord, or from the sun which is from Him and in which He is, pass together through the created universe even to the very ultimates of all things thereof. The reason is that things Divine, which in their progression are called celestial and spiritual, are without space and time. It is known that no extent is predicated of things spiritual, because no space and time. Hence it is that what proceeds from the Lord is in an instant from first things in the last. That the sphere of conjugial love is thus universal may be seen above at n. 222-225. That in like manner the sphere of the love of infants is so, is manifest from that love in heaven where there are infants from the earth; and from that love in the world with men, with beasts and birds, serpents and insects.

There are also analogies of that love in the vegetable and mineral kingdoms. In the vegetable kingdom, in that seeds are protected by shells, like swaddlings, and besides in fruit as in a house, and are nourished with the sap as with milk That there is something like this among minerals appears from the matrices and coverings, wherein the noble gems and noble metals are concealed and guarded.

De Amore Conjugiali #389 (original Latin (1768))

389. Quod Sphaerae procreandi ac tutandi procreata, seu Sphaerae amoris conjugialis et amoris infantum, influant in omnia Coeli et in omnia Mundi, a primis ad ultima, est quia cuncta, quae procedunt a Domino, seu a Sole qui ab Ipso est, et in quo Ipse, transeunt Universum creatum usque ad omnium ultima ejus; causa est, quia Divina, quae in progressione vocantur coelestia et spiritualia, sunt spatii et temporis expertia; quod de spiritualibus nulla praedicatio extensi sit, quia nulla spatii et temporis, notum est; inde est, quod quicquid procedit a Domino, in instanti sit a primis in ultimis: quod Sphaera amoris conjugialis ita universalis sit, videatur supra222 ad 225.

[2] Quod similiter Sphaera amoris infantum, patet ex illo amore in Coelo, ubi infantes e terris sunt; exque illo amore in Mundo apud homines, apud bestias et aves, serpentes, insecta: hujus amoris analoga etiam dantur in Regnis, Vegetabili et Minerali; in Vegetabili, quod semina custodiantur putaminibus sicut fasciis, ac insuper in fructu sicut in domo, ac nutriantur succo sicut lacte; quod aliquid simile sit in mineris, patet a matricibus et thecis, in quibus nobiles gemmae, et nobilia metalla, reconduntur et custodiuntur.

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