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《婚姻之爱》 第398节





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Conjugial Love #398 (Chadwick (1996))

398. (x) The more innocence in children withdraws, the more affection and linking decline; and this continues gradually until it results in separation.

It is well known that the love of children or parental affection diminishes in proportion to the diminution of the innocence from them; and this proceeds to the point of children leaving home in the case of human beings, and in the case of animals and birds, to the point of being driven from their presence and forgetting that they are their offspring. This as a confirmed piece of evidence can serve to establish that innocence flowing in on both sides produces the love known as parental affection.

Conjugial Love #398 (Rogers (1995))

398. 10. In the measure that innocence in little children recedes, affection and conjunction are also lessened, and this progressively to the point of separation. People know that love for their little children, or storge, recedes in parents in the measure that innocence recedes in the children; and that in the case of human beings, it recedes to the point of the children's being separated from the home, and in the case of animals and birds, to the point of their driving away their young from their presence, and of forgetting that they are their offspring. It can be seen from this as well, as a clear corroboration, that it is innocence flowing in on both sides that produces the love called storge.

Love in Marriage #398 (Gladish (1992))

398. 10. As children grow less innocent, the affection and closeness diminish, and this goes on until they leave home. It is a known fact that love for children, or parental love, leaves the parents as innocence leaves the children until the children leave home, in the case of humans, and in the case of animals and birds until they drive the young from their presence and forget they are their offspring.

This makes it evident, clinching the argument, that innocence flowing in on both sides produces the love called parental love.

Conjugial Love #398 (Acton (1953))

398. X. THAT IN THE DEGREE THAT INNOCENCE RECEDES WITH INFANTS, AFFECTION AND CONJUNCTION ALSO ABATE, AND THIS SUCCESSIVELY EVEN TO SEPARATION. It is well known that the love of infants or storge recedes from parents according to the recession of innocence from the infants, receding with men even to the separation of the children from the home, and with beasts and birds even to the casting of them out from their presence, and oblivion as to their being of their kin. From this, as from an established proof, it can be evident that in both cases it is inflowing innocence that produces the love called storge.

Conjugial Love #398 (Wunsch (1937))

398. (x) In the degree in which innocence recedes with children, parental affection and conjunction also slacken, and this successively even to separation. It is known that love of children, or storge, recedes in parents as innocence does in the children. In mankind it recedes to separation of the children from the home, and among beasts and birds even to expulsion from their presence and to obliviousness that they are of their stock. This established fact makes it still plainer that it is innocence inflowing on both sides which produces the love called storge.

Conjugial Love #398 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

398. (10) That in the degree in which the innocence with infants recedes, affection also is remitted, and conjunction, and this successively even to separation. It is known that the love of infants or storge, recedes from parents according to the recession of innocence from them, and that it recedes with men even to the separation of the children from the home; and among beasts and birds even to the rejection of them from their presence, and forgetfulness that they are of their stock. From this, as from an established proof, it is also evident that the innocence flowing in on both sides produces the love called storge.

De Amore Conjugiali #398 (original Latin (1768))

398. X. Quod in eo gradu in quo recedit innocentia apud infantes, etiam remittatur affectio et conjunctio, et id successive usque ad separationem. Quod a parentibus recedat amor infantum, seu storge, secundum recessionem innocentiae ab illis, et quod recedat usque ad liberorum separationem a domo apud homines, et usque ad rejectionem a praesentia, et ad oblivionem quod ex stirpe sua sint, apud bestias et aves, notum est: ex hoc, ut ex indicio confirmato, etiam constare potest, quod innocentia utrinque influens amorem storge vocatum producat.

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