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《婚姻之爱》 第397节





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Conjugial Love #397 (Chadwick (1996))

397. The workings of innocence by means of touch have similar effects among animals and birds to those among human beings, as is well known. The reason these workings are similar is that everything emanating from the Lord instantly pervades the universe (388-390 above); and because it advances by stages and a continuous series of intermediate states, it passes not only to animals, but even beyond to vegetables and minerals (389). It even passes into the very ground, which is the mother of all vegetables and minerals. In springtime the ground is in a condition ready to receive seeds, as it were in its womb; and having received them, it so to speak conceives, tends, carries, hatches, suckles, nourishes, clothes, brings up and guards the offspring born of the seeds, so to speak loving them and so on. Since the reproductive sphere reaches even to that level, it must obviously reach animals of all kinds, even down to insects. Just as the ground is the common mother of plants, it is also the common mother of bees in a hive, as has been shown by research.

Conjugial Love #397 (Rogers (1995))

397. People know that innocence produces the same effects, also through contact, in animals and birds as in people. It produces the same effects for the reason that everything that emanates from the Lord, in an instant pervades the universe (see above, nos. 388-390); and because it passes through degrees and through continuous intermediary means, it extends therefore not only to animals, but also on beyond to plants and minerals (no. 389). It even extends into the earth itself, which is the mother of all plants and minerals; for in springtime it is in a state prepared for the reception of seeds, as though in a womb, and when it has received them, it becomes, so to speak, pregnant with them, cherishes them, carries them, gives birth to them, nurses them, feeds them, clothes them, raises them, protects them, and loves, as it were, the offspring from them; and so on. Since the atmosphere of procreation extends thus far, what of it then would not extend to animals of every kind, even to worms? It is an established fact that, as the earth is the common mother of plants, there is also in every beehive a common mother of the bees.

Love in Marriage #397 (Gladish (1992))

397. It is well known that innocence does the same things by touch in animals and birds as it does in people. It does the same things because everything that radiates from the Lord instantly pervades the universe (see nos. 388-390 above). And it goes through stages and continuous transitions, so it comes across not only to animals but even further, to vegetables and minerals (no. 389). It comes across to the earth itself, which is the mother of all vegetables and minerals. For in springtime the earth is ready to receive seed as in a womb, and when it does receive it, it conceives, so to speak, warms the seeds, carries them, births them, nurses them, feeds them, clothes them, raises them, protects them, and in a sense loves the offspring from them, and so forth. If the aura of having offspring goes there, why not to all kinds of animals - even worms?

It is an established fact that the bees in any hive have a common mother, just as the earth is common mother to the plants.

Conjugial Love #397 (Acton (1953))

397. That innocence operates in the same way with beasts and birds as with men, and this also by contact, is well known. It operates in the same way because all that proceeds from the Lord pervades the universe in an instant; see above (nos. 388-390); and since it goes by degrees and by continual mediations, it passes over not only to animals but also beyond, to vegetables and minerals (no. 389). It passes also into the earth, which is the mother of all vegetables and minerals; for in the time of spring, the earth is in a state prepared for the reception of seeds as though into a womb, and when it receives them it conceives, as it were, cherishes them, carries them, brings them forth, gives them suck, nourishes, clothes, rears, and guards them, and, as it were, loves the offspring from them, and so on. Since the sphere of procreation goes so far, why not then to animals of every kind even to worms. That as the earth is the common mother of all vegetation, there is also a common mother of the bees in every hive, is an established fact.

Conjugial Love #397 (Wunsch (1937))

397. It is known that through the touch innocence operates similar effects with beasts and birds as with human beings. It does so because all that proceeds from the Lord pervades the universe on the instant (see above, n. 388-390); proceeding by degrees and through continual mediations, it passes not only to animals, but even farther to plants and minerals (389). It passes into the earth itself, which is the mother of all plants and minerals; for in the springtime the earth is in a state to receive seeds as it were in the womb, and having received them, she as it were conceives, cherishes and carries them, brings them forth, suckles, nourishes, clothes, rears and guards them, and as it were loves the offspring from them, and so forth. Since the sphere of procreation extends so far, why not then to animals of every kind, even to worms? Much as the earth is the common mother of plants, it is also an established fact that there is a common mother of the bees in every hive.

Conjugial Love #397 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

397. It is known that by contact, innocence also operates among beasts and birds effects similar to those with men. The reason why it operates similar effects is because all that proceeds from the Lord instantly pervades the universe (see above, n. 388-390), and as it goes forth through degrees, and by continual mediations, it therefore, passes on not only to animals but also beyond, to vegetables and minerals (n. 389). It even passes into the earth itself, which is the mother of all vegetables and minerals; for in the time of spring she is in a state prepared for the reception of seeds, as it were into her womb, and when she has received them she as it were conceives, cherishes them, bears them, brings them forth, gives them suck, nourishes, clothes, rears, guards them, and as it were loves the offspring from them, and so on. As the sphere of procreation goes forth so far, why not then to animals of every kind even to worms. Just as the earth is the common mother of plants, so it is an established fact that there is also a common mother of the bees in every hive.

De Amore Conjugiali #397 (original Latin (1768))

397. Quod Innocentia operetur similia, etiam per contactus apud bestias et aves, quae apud homines, notum est; quod operetur similia, est causa, quia omne quod procedit ex Domino, in instanti pervadit universum, videatur supra388 ad 390. et quia vadit per gradus, et per continuas mediationes, ideo transit non modo ad animalia, sed etiam ultra ad vegetabilia et mineralia, 389; 1transit etiam in ipsam terram, quae omnium vegetabilium et mineralium mater est; haec enim tempore veris in statu praeparato ad receptionem seminum quasi in utero est, ac cum recepit, quasi concipit, illa fovet, gestat, excludit, lactat, nutrit, amicit, educat, custodit, et quasi amat progeniem ex illis, et sic porro; cum Sphaera procreationis illic vadit, quid tunc non ad omnis generis animalia, usque ad vermes: quod sicut terra communis mater vegetabilium est, etiam sit communis mater apum in quovis alveari, in explorato est.


1. Prima editio: 389 (absque puncto)

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