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《婚姻之爱》 第407节






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Conjugial Love #407 (Chadwick (1996))

407. I will add here a surprising fact. In the spiritual world I have seen fathers who looked upon babies presented to their gaze with hatred, almost with fury, and so fiercely that they wanted to kill them if they could. But as soon as they were told (which was untrue) that they were their own babies, their fury and ferocity at once departed, and they loved them madly. They can feel this love and that hatred at the same time, if in the world they had been inwardly deceitful and acquired a disposition inimical to the Lord.

Conjugial Love #407 (Rogers (1995))

407. To this I will add the following astonishing phenomenon. In the spiritual world I have seen fathers who had regarded little children presented to their eyes with hatred and seeming rage, and with so savage a disposition that they would have tried to kill them if they could. But as soon as they were told, untruthfully, that they were their own children, their rage and savageness then instantly departed, and they began to love them inordinately.

Such hatred and love coexist together in people who in the world had been inwardly crafty and had poisoned their mind against the Lord.

Love in Marriage #407 (Gladish (1992))

407. I add this remarkable thing to these observations. In the spiritual world I have seen fathers who looked at children brought before their eyes with hate and a kind of rage, and in such a fierce temper that they wanted to kill them if they could. But as soon as they were told, falsely, that these were their own children, the rage and fierceness went away, and they instantly loved them desperately. Those who have been inwardly deceitful in the world and have struck out against the Lord in their souls have this love and hate at the same time.

Conjugial Love #407 (Acton (1953))

407. To this I will add the following marvel: In the spiritual world, I have seen fathers who, when infants were set before their eyes, looked at them from hatred as though with fury and with so ferocious an animus that they wished to kill them if could; but as soon as it was told them, though it was not true, that they were their own infants, their fury and ferocity at once left them and they loved them desperately. This love and the previous hatred exist simultaneously in those who in the world had been interiorly deceitful and whose animus was filled with infestations against the Lord.

Conjugial Love #407 (Wunsch (1937))

407. To this I shall add the following remarkable incident. I have seen fathers in the spiritual world look with hatred and even with rage at children who fell under their eyes, indeed, with such ferocity that if possible they would have killed them. The moment they were told in pretense that these were their own children, their fury and ferocity left, and they loved them to excess. Such love and hatred are found together in those who in the world were inwardly deceitful and had envenomed their minds against the Lord.

Conjugial Love #407 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

407. To this I will add the following notable experience: That I have seen fathers in the spiritual world who looked. with hatred. and as if in fury upon infants brought before their eyes, even in such ferocious temper that they would. have killed them if they could, but as soon as it was told them by pretence that they were their own children, then instantly their fury and ferocity departed, and they loved them excessively. This love and that hatred exist together in those who in the world had been inwardly deceitful and set their mind in enmity against the Lord.

De Amore Conjugiali #407 (original Latin (1768))

407. His adjiciam hoc Mirabile; quod in Mundo Spirituali viderim patres, qui ex odio, et sicut furore aspexerant infantes oculis illorum oblatos, et tam feroci animo, ut si possent, illos necare vellent; ast ut primum illis ex mentito dictum est, quod ipsorum 1infantes essent, illico tunc recessit furor et ferocitas, ac illos perdite amabant. Hic amor et illud odium simul est illis, qui in Mundo interius dolosi fuerant, ac infestaverant animum contra Dominum.


1. Prima editio: ipsius

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