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《婚姻之爱》 第406节








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Conjugial Love #406 (Chadwick (1996))

406. After death it is easy to tell the difference between the love of babies and children in the case of the spiritual and in the case of the natural. For most fathers on reaching that world remember their children who died before them and present themselves to them, so that they recognise each other. Spiritual fathers merely look at them and ask what their condition is, being pleased if it is well with them and grieved if not. Then after talking to them for a while, telling and warning them about leading a moral life in heaven, they leave them, telling them before leaving that they should no longer be remembered as their father, because the Lord is the sole father of all in heaven, as His words declare (Matthew 23:9), and thereafter they never remember them as their children.

Natural fathers, however, as soon as they realise that they are alive after dying and call to mind their children who died before them, also presenting themselves in accordance with their wishes, immediately become attached to them and cling as close as a bundle of fasces. 1Then the father continually takes delight in looking at his children and talking with them. If the father is told that some of his children are satans and have done harm to good people, they none the less keep them in the company around them, or in the crowd before them. If he actually sees them inflicting harm and doing evil, he pays no attention to that, nor does he remove any from his company. To prevent therefore this injurious group lasting, they have to be banished together to hell; there the father is imprisoned before his children are; these are taken apart and each is assigned the place for which his life fits him.

Conjugial Love #406 (Rogers (1995))

406. The nature of the love of little children and love of older children found in spiritual people, and the nature of it in natural ones, is clearly apparent from such people after death. For on arriving in the other world, most fathers remember their children who have passed on before them; and these are also presented to them, and they recognize each other.

Spiritual fathers simply look them over and ask them in what state they are, rejoicing if all is well with them, and grieving if it is not. Then, following some conversation, instruction and counsel regarding a heavenly moral life, they part from them, telling them before parting that they are no longer to be remembered as their fathers, because the Lord is the only Father of all who are in heaven (according to His words in Matthew 23:9), and that they will never remember them as being their children.

In contrast, as soon as natural fathers notice that they are living after death and recall to mind the children who have passed on before them, and in accordance with their wish and prayer these are also presented to them, they immediately throw their arms around each other and cling to each other like bound bundles of sticks. Moreover, the father then takes continual delight in beholding them and talking with them. If the father is told that some of these children of his are satanic fiends, and that they have inflicted injuries on the good, he nevertheless keeps them in a cluster about him or in a troop before him. If he himself sees them inflicting harm and doing evil things, he nevertheless pays no attention to it and does not separate any of them from him. Therefore, in order to keep such a pernicious band from continuing, of necessity they are sent off together into hell; and there, in the presence of his children, the father is shut up in prison, and the children are separated and each dispatched to a place in keeping with his life.

Love in Marriage #406 (Gladish (1992))

406. From spiritual and natural parents after death it is plain to see what their love of babies and children is like, for when they arrive in the spiritual world, most fathers remember their children who have died before them, and they appear and recognize each other. Spiritual fathers only look their children over and ask how they are. They rejoice if things are well and grieve if bad. And after a little conversation, instruction, and advice about the moral life of heaven, they separate. And before separating they teach them not to think of them as fathers any longer, because the Lord alone is father to everyone in heaven, according to His words

(Matthew 23:9), and they never think of them as children.

But when worldly fathers first realize they are living after death and recall to mind their children who have died before them, and when they are made present in answer to a prayer of longing, they instantly cling together like a bundle of sticks tied together. And then the father keeps delighting in looking at them and talking with them. If the father learns that some of his children are satans, and that they have brought harm to good people, he still keeps them in a cluster around him or in a group in front of him. If he himself sees them bringing harm and doing wicked things, he pays no attention even to that and does not separate one of them from himself. To keep such a destructive herd from lasting, they all have to be sent into hell together, and there the father is locked up under guard in front of his children, and the children are taken separately and each sent to a place suited to their life.

Conjugial Love #406 (Acton (1953))

406. The nature of the love of infants and children with the spiritual, and its nature with the natural, is manifestly perceived from parents [in the spiritual world] after death. When they come there, most fathers call to mind their children who have passed away before them, and the children are presented to them and there is mutual recognition. Spiritual fathers merely look at them and ask as to their state, rejoicing if it is well with them and grieving if it is ill; and, after some conversation, instruction, and admonition respecting heavenly moral life, they separate from them. But before separation, they teach them that they are no longer to be remembered as fathers because the Lord is the one only Father to all in heaven, according to His words (Matthew 23:9); and that they themselves never remember them as their children. But natural fathers, as soon as they realize that they are living after death and recall to their memory the children who had passed away before them and who also are presented to them according to their desire, are at once conjoined with them, and they cling together like a bundle of sticks. The father is then in continual delight at the sight of them and from conversation with them. If it is told him that some of these children of his are satans and have brought injury upon the good, he nevertheless keeps them in a circle around him, or in a group in front of him. If he himself sees that they inflict injury and do evil deeds, he still pays no heed and does not dissociate any of them from himself. Therefore, lest so harmful a company continue, they are of necessity sent together into hell. There, in the presence of his children, the father is put under guard and his children are separated, each being sent away to the place proper to his life.

Conjugial Love #406 (Wunsch (1937))

406. It is plainly to be perceived from natural and spiritual parents in the life after death what the love of infants and children is like with the two kinds of parents respectively. On coming into the spiritual world, most fathers remember their deceased children; all become present to one another and recognize each other. Spiritual fathers only gaze on their children, ask in what state they are, rejoice if it is well with them, and grieve if it is ill. After some talk, instruction and admonition about moral heavenly life, they part, the fathers first teaching that they are to be remembered no longer as fathers, because the Lord is the one Father to all in heaven, according to His words (Matthew 23:9), and that they do not think of their children any longer as theirs. Natural fathers, however, when they first become conscious that they are living after death and recall their deceased children, who are then also presented before them according to their desire, are instantly conjoined with them, and they cling to each other like a bundle of sticks bound together. The father keeps enjoying the sight of them and conversation with them. If he is told that some of these his children are in fact satans and have done injury to the good, he nevertheless keeps them in a group about him or in a troop before him. Even though he sees them inflict injury and commit evils, he pays no attention to it, nor does he separate any of them from himself. Lest such a hurtful company persist, therefore, all of them are necessarily relegated to hell together, where the father is shut up under guard in his children's presence, the children are parted, and each is sent to the place of his own way of life.

Conjugial Love #406 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

406. Of what kind the love of infants and the love of children is with the spiritual, and of what kind with the natural, is manifestly perceived from them after death. For most fathers, when they come into the world of spirits, call to mind. their children who have gone before them, and they also become present and mutually recognize each other. Spiritual fathers only look at them, ask in what state they are, rejoice if it is well with them and grieve if it is ill; and after some conversation, instruction, and admonition respecting heavenly moral life, they separate from them, but before separation, teach that they are no longer to be remembered as fathers, because the Lord is the one only Father to all in heaven, according to His words (Matthew 23:9); and that they never remember them as children.

But natural fathers, as soon as they realize that they are living after death and recall to their memory the children who had deceased before them, and as they are made present also by strong desire, are instantly conjoined. with them, and they cling together like a bundle of sticks tied together; and then the father is delighted continually with the sight of them and by conversation with them. If the father is told that some of these, his children, are satans, and that they have done injury to the good, yet he keeps them together in a sphere about him or in a company before him. If he himself sees that they inflict injury and do evil, he still pays no heed to it, and does not dissociate anyone of them from him. Wherefore, that such a pernicious company may not continue, they are of necessity sent together into hell; and there the father in the presence of his children is shut up under guard, and his children are separated and sent away, each to his place of life.

De Amore Conjugiali #406 (original Latin (1768))

406. Qualis est Amor infantum et Amor liberorum apud Spirituales, et qualis apud Naturales, evidenter perspicitur ex illis post mortem; plerique enim patres dum illuc veniunt, recordantur suorum liberorum, qui ante illos obiverunt, et quoque sistuntur praesentes, et agnoscunt se mutuo. Spirituales patres modo aspiciunt illos, et quaerunt in quo statu sunt, et gaudent si illis bene est, et dolent si male; et post aliquam colloquutionem, instructionem et admonitionem de vita morali coelesti, separant se ab illis, ac ante separationem docent, quod non amplius recordandi sint ut Patres, quia Dominus est unicus Pater omnibus in Coelo, secundum Ipsius verba Matth. 23:9. et quod illorum, ut liberi, nusquam recordentur. Patres autem naturales, ut primum animadvertunt se viventes post mortem, ac in memoriam suam revocant liberos, qui ante illos obiverunt, et quoque secundum votum desiderii sistuntur praesentes, illico conjunguntur, et cohaerent sicut fasces colligati; ac tunc pater continue delectatur ex aspectu illorum, et ex colloquio cum illis: si dicitur patri, quod quidam ex liberis illis ejus sint satanae, et quod intulerint noxas bonis, nihilominus continet illos in globo circum se, aut in caterva ante se; si videt ipse quod damnum inferant, et mala faciant, usque ad illa nihil attendit, nec dissociat aliquem a se; quare ne talis cohors damnosa persistat, ex necessitate delegantur simul in infernum, ac ibi pater ante liberos includitur custodiae, ac liberi separantur, et quisque amandatur ad locum suae vitae.

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