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《婚姻之爱》 第409节







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Conjugial Love #409 (Chadwick (1996))

409. (xviii) This is the reason for the existence of that love in the case of married couples who love each other, and also in the case of those who do not do so at all.

This means as much among the natural as among the spiritual. But they possess conjugial love, while the others do not, except for an appearance and pretence of it. The reason why the love of children and conjugial love act as one is that conjugial love is implanted in every woman from creation, and together with it the love of procreating, which is concentrated on and imparted to the offspring procreated. This is transferred from women to men, as was said above [393]. That is why it is that in homes where there is no conjugial love between husband and wife it may still exist with the wife, so that by its means some outward linking with the husband is possible. It is for the same reason that even prostitutes love their children. For what is implanted in souls from creation and has the propagation of the race as its aim is incapable of being wiped out or eradicated.

Conjugial Love #409 (Rogers (1995))

409. 18. So it is that this love is found in partners who love each other, and also in partners who have absolutely no love for each other. In other words, it is found just as much in natural partners as in spiritual partners; though spiritual partners have conjugial love, while natural partners do not, except one that is illusory and feigned.

Nevertheless, a love of little children and conjugial love are still united, because conjugial love is implanted in every woman from creation, and together with it a love of procreating - a love which is directed to and centers on the offspring produced, and which is conveyed from women to men, as said above. 1So it is that, in homes in which there is no conjugial love between husband and wife, it nevertheless still exists in the wife, through which she has some external conjunction with her husband.

It is for this same reason that even licentious women love their offspring. For anything that has been implanted in souls from creation and looks to procreation, is indelible and cannot be eradicated.


1. See no. 393.

Love in Marriage #409 (Gladish (1992))

409. 18. This is why that love exists in partners who love each other and also in partners who do not love each other at all, thus in worldly ones as well as spiritual. But the one kind have married love, while the other kind do not - only the appearance and pretense of it. Still, love for children and love in marriage work together, because love of marriage is implanted in every woman by creation, and together with it love of having offspring. This love focuses on the created offspring and flows together, and it carries over into men from women, as said above. For this reason, in households where there is not married love between a man and wife, it is in the wife even so, and through it there is some sort of outward conjunction with the man. For this same reason, prostitutes love their offspring, too, because whatever is implanted in souls by creation and looks to reproduction cannot be erased or uprooted.

Conjugial Love #409 (Acton (1953))

409. XVIII. THAT THENCE IT IS, THAT THIS LOVE IS WITH MARRIED PARTNERS WHO LOVE EACH OTHER, AND ALSO WITH MARRIED PARTNERS WHO HAVE NO LOVE FOR EACH OTHER; consequently, with the natural equally as with the spiritual. The latter, however, have conjugial love, while the former have only apparent or simulated conjugial love. The love of infants and conjugial love nevertheless act as one, and this because conjugial love is implanted in every woman from creation, and together with it, the love of procreating. The influx of this love is determined into the offspring procreated, and from women, the love is carried to men, as said above [no. 393]. Hence it is that in homes wherein there is no conjugial love between man and wife, there is nevertheless conjugial love with the wife, and thereby some external conjunction with the man. It is from this same cause that harlots also love their offspring; for that which has been implanted in souls from creation and looks to propagation is indelible and ineradicable.

Conjugial Love #409 (Wunsch (1937))

409. (xviii) Hence it is that this love is found with partners who love each other and also with partners who have no love for each other. In other words, it is found with the natural as well as with the spiritual. But the latter have marital love, whereas the former do not except such as is seeming or simulated. Even so, love of children and marital love act as one, for the reason that marital love is implanted in every woman by creation and together with it the love of procreating, which flows and is directed to the offspring procreated, and, as was said above, is communicated by women to men. Hence it is that in homes in which there is no marital love between man and wife, there still is marital love with the wife, and some external conjunction with the man by it. For the same reason even harlots love their offspring. For what is implanted in souls by creation and looks to propagation, is indelible and ineradicable.

Conjugial Love #409 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

409. (18) That it is owing to this that the love exists with married partners who mutually love each other, and also with married partners who do not love each other at all. It is therefore, with the natural as well as with the spiritual; yet these have conjugial love and those have not, except apparent and simulated. That the love of infants and conjugial love nevertheless act as one, is because conjugial love is implanted in every woman from creation, and together with it the love of procreating, which is determined and flows into the offspring procreated, and is carried from women to men, as was said above. Hence it is, that in houses wherein there is not conjugial love between man and wife, there yet is with the wife, and through this some external conjunction with the man. It is from the same cause that even harlots love their progeny: for what is implanted by creation in the soul, and looks to propagation, is indelible and ineradicable.

De Amore Conjugiali #409 (original Latin (1768))

409. XVIII. Quod inde sit, quod ille Amor sit apud conjuges qui se mutuo amant, et quoque apud conjuges, qui se prorsus non amant; proinde apud naturales aeque ac apud spirituales; his autem est Amor conjugialis, illis vero non est, nisi apparens et simulatorius. Quod usque Amor infantum et Amor conjugialis unum agant, est quia omni foeminae a creatione implantatus est Amor conjugialis, et simul cum illo Amor procreandi, qui in sobolem procreatam determinatur et confluit, ac a foeminis infertur viris, ut supra dictum est: inde est, quod in domibus, in quibus non est Amor conjugialis inter virum et uxorem, usque tamen sit apud uxorem, et per illum aliqua conjunctio externa cum viro. Ex eadem hac causa est, quod etiam scorta ament suas progenies; nam id quod a creatione implantatum est animabus, et spectat propagationem, indelebile et inexstirpabile est.

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