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《婚姻之爱》 第410节








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Conjugial Love #410 (Chadwick (1996))

410. (xix) The love of children survives after death, especially with women.

As soon as small children are revived, which happens immediately after death, they are taken up into heaven and handed over to angels of the female sex, who in their bodily lives in the world had loved children and at the same time feared God. Since their maternal tenderness had made them love all small children, they accept them as their own, and the children there, as if by instinct, love them as if they were their mothers. They have as many children as their spiritual parental love makes them want.

The heaven where the children are is to be seen ahead in the region of the forehead, on the line or radius by which the angels look directly towards the Lord. Their heaven is placed there, because all small children are brought up under the Lord's direct guidance. They also have an influence coming from the heaven of innocence, which is the third heaven. After spending their earliest period there, they are transferred to another heaven to be taught.

Conjugial Love #410 (Rogers (1995))

410. 19. A love of little children remains after death, especially in women. As soon as little children are resuscitated (which takes place immediately after death), they are raised into heaven and entrusted to angels of the feminine sex who, in the life of their body in the world, loved little children and at the same time venerated God. Because they had loved all little children with a motherly tenderness, they receive these little children as their own, and the little children there almost instinctively love them as though they were their mothers. They have as many little children in their care as their spiritual storge causes them to desire.

The heaven where little children reside appears up front in the region of the forehead, in the line or direction in which angels look directly to the Lord. That heaven is situated there because the little children are all raised under the immediate guidance of the Lord. They also have the heaven of innocence flowing into them, which is the third heaven.

After they have passed through this first age, they are transferred to another heaven, where they receive their schooling.

Love in Marriage #410 (Gladish (1992))

410. 19. Love for children remains after death, especially in women. As soon as children are awakened after death, which happens at once, they are raised into heaven and given to angels of the feminine sex who loved children in their bodily lives in the world and also feared God. Because they loved all children out of motherly tenderness, they receive them just like their own. The babies there love them spontaneously, just like their mothers. Women there have as many children around them as they want due to spiritual parental love.

The heaven where babies are appears in front, in the forehead area, on the line or radius along which the angels look directly toward the Lord. That heaven is located there because all babies are brought up under the Lord's direct guidance. And the heaven of innocence, which is the third heaven, flows in among them.

After this first age is over, children are moved to another heaven, where they are educated.

Conjugial Love #410 (Acton (1953))

410. XIX. THAT THE LOVE OF INFANTS REMAINS AFTER DEATH, ESPECIALLY WITH WOMEN. As soon as infants are resuscitated, which takes place immediately after their decease, they are taken up into heaven and are given to angels of the female sex who in their bodily life in the world had loved infants and at the same time feared God. These angels, having loved all infants with maternal tenderness, receive them as their own; and the infants, as though from something implanted within them, love them as their mothers. As many infants are with such angels as from spiritual storge they desire. The heaven where infants are, appears in front, in the region of the forehead, in the line or radius in which angels look directly to the Lord. This is the situation of that heaven because all infants are educated under the Lord's immediate auspices. Moreover, with them, the heaven of innocence flows in, which is the third heaven. After this first age is passed, they are transferred to another heaven where they are instructed.

Conjugial Love #410 (Wunsch (1937))

410. (xix) Love of children remains after death, especially with women. On first being raised up, which takes place immediately on death, little ones are taken up into heaven and entrusted to angels of the female sex who in the life of the body in the world had loved children and at the same time had feared God. Having loved all children with maternal tenderness, these women receive the children as their own, and in turn the children, from an implanted instinct, love them as their own mothers. Such mothers are entrusted with as many children as they desire from spiritual storge. The heaven where infants are, appears in front in the region of the forehead, in the line or radius along which angels look directly to the Lord. Their heaven is so situated because all infants are reared under the Lord's immediate auspices. There also flows in with them the heaven of innocence, which is the third heaven. When this first period comes to an end, the children are transferred to another heaven, where they receive instruction.

Conjugial Love #410 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

410. (19) That the love of infants continues after death, especially with women. As soon as infants are resuscitated, which takes place immediately after death, they are taken up into heaven, and are handed over to the care of angels of the female sex who in the life of their body in the world loved infants, and at the same time feared God. These angels, because they loved all infants with maternal tenderness, receive them as their own; and the infants there, as if from inherent affection, love them as their own mothers. As many infants are with them as from spiritual, maternal love they desire. The heaven in which the infants are appears in front, in the region of the forehead, directly in the line or radius in which the angels look to the Lord. The situation of this heaven there, is for the reason that all infants are educated under the immediate auspices of the Lord. The heaven of innocence also flows in with them, which is the third heaven. After this first age is passed, they are transferred into another heaven where they are instructed.

De Amore Conjugiali #410 (original Latin (1768))

410. XIX. Quod Amor infantum post mortem maneat, imprimis apud mulieres. Infantes ut primum exsuscitati sunt, quod fit statim post obitum, elevantur in Coelum, ac traduntur angelis, qui e sexu foeminino sunt, quae in vita corporis sui in Mundo amaverunt infantes, et simul timuerunt Deum; hae quia ex teneritudine materna omnes infantes amaverant, recipiunt illos sicut suos, ac infantes ibi sicut ex insito amant illas tanquam suas matres; totidem infantes sunt apud illas, quot ex spirituali storge desiderant. Coelum, ubi infantes sunt, apparet antrorsum in regione frontis, in linea seu radio, quo Angeli directe spectant Dominum; situs illius Coeli ibi est, quia omnes infantes sub immediato auspicio Domini educantur; influit etiam apud illos Coelum innocentiae, quod est Coelum tertium: post aetatem hanc primam peractam, transferuntur in aliud Coelum, ubi instruuntur.

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