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《婚姻之爱》 第413节









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Conjugial Love #413 (Chadwick (1996))

413. (xxi) It is provided there by the Lord that their innocence of childhood turns into the innocence of wisdom[, so that children become angels].

Many people may be of the opinion that children remain children and become angels immediately after death. But it is intelligence and wisdom that make an angel; so long as children do not possess these, they are certainly among angels, but are not angels themselves. They become angels only when they have become intelligent and wise. Children are thus led from the innocence of childhood to that of wisdom, that is, from outward to inward innocence. This innocence is the aim of all their teaching and development. So when they reach the innocence of wisdom, they have the innocence of childhood attached to them, 1which in the meanwhile had served them as a basis.

I saw the nature of the innocence of childhood pictured by a piece of wood virtually devoid of life, which comes to life as they absorb knowledge of truths and affections for good. Afterwards the nature of the innocence of wisdom was pictured by a live, naked child. The angels of the third heaven, who have from the Lord a higher degree of innocence than others, appear to eyes of spirits below the heavens like naked children, and because they excel others in wisdom, they are also alive. The reason is that innocence corresponds to childhood and also to nakedness. That is why it is said of Adam and his wife that, when they were in a state of innocence, they were naked and were not ashamed. But after losing their state of innocence, they were ashamed of their nakedness and hid themselves (Genesis 2:25; 3:7, 10-11). In short, the wiser angels are, the more innocent they are. The nature of the innocence of wisdom can to some extent be seen from the innocence of childhood, as described above (395), provided for parents we substitute the Lord as Father, by whom they are guided and to whom they ascribe everything they have.

Heaven and Hell 341

Conjugial Love #413 (Rogers (1995))

413. 21. The Lord provides there that the innocence of early childhood in them become an innocence of wisdom, and that the little children thus become angels. Many people may suppose that little children remain little children and become angels immediately after death. But it is intelligence and wisdom that make an angel. Consequently, as long as little children do not have that intelligence and wisdom, they are indeed among angels, but are not themselves angels. They become angels for the first time only when they have become intelligent and wise.

Little children are therefore led from the innocence of early childhood to the innocence of wisdom; that is, from an external innocence to an internal one. This latter innocence is the goal in all their instruction and advancement. Consequently, when they reach the innocence of wisdom, attached to it is the innocence of their early childhood, which in the meantime had served them as a foundation.

I once saw the nature of the innocence of early childhood represented by something woody, almost without life, but which becomes more alive as children acquire concepts of truth and affections for good. Then afterwards the nature of the innocence of wisdom was represented by a live and naked little child.

Angels of the third heaven are more than all others in a state of innocence from the Lord, and to the eyes of spirits who are below the heavens, they appear as naked little children. Being, moreover, wiser than the rest, they also are more alive. The reason is there is a correspondence between innocence and early childhood, and between innocence and nakedness. Therefore it is said of Adam and his wife, when they were in a state of innocence, that they were naked and not ashamed, but that after they lost their state of innocence, they were ashamed of their nakedness and hid themselves (Genesis 2:25, 3:7-8, 10-11). In short, the wiser angels are, the more innocent they are.

What the innocence of wisdom is like can be seen in some measure from the innocence of early childhood described above in no. 395, provided that the Lord is substituted for the parents there as the Father by whom such people are guided and to whom they attribute all that they receive.

Love in Marriage #413 (Gladish (1992))

413. There the Lord sees to it that the innocence of their childhood becomes innocence of wisdom [and that in this way the children become angels]. Many people may assert that children remain children and become angels at once after death. But intelligence and wisdom make an angel, so as long as children do not have these, they are among angels, to be sure, but are not angels. But they become angels as soon as they have become intelligent and wise.

So children are led forward from the innocence of childhood to the innocence that comes with wisdom - that is, from external innocence to internal innocence. This innocence is the purpose of all their instruction and growth, so when they achieve the innocence that comes with wisdom, the innocence of childhood that has served them as a platform is attached to them. I have seen the quality of childhood's innocence represented by something wooden, almost without life, that comes alive as it absorbs an acquaintance with truth and feelings for good. And later the quality of the innocence that comes with wisdom was represented as a live, naked baby. Angels of the third heaven, who are in a state of innocence from the Lord more than the rest, appear to the eyes of spirits below the heavens as naked babies, and they are more alive than others because they are more wise. The reason is that innocence corresponds to infancy and also to nakedness. So it says that Adam and his wife were naked and did not blush when they were in a state of innocence, but after they lost the state of innocence they blushed at their nakedness and hid themselves

(Genesis 2:25; 3:7, 10, 11). In a word, the wiser the angels are, the more innocent they are. You can see something of what the innocence of wisdom is like from the innocence of childhood described above (no. 395), except that in place of the parents mentioned there, take the Lord to be the Father who leads them and to whom they attribute all they receive.

Conjugial Love #413 (Acton (1953))

413. XXI. THAT IT IS THERE PROVIDED BY THE LORD THAT THE INNOCENCE OF INFANCY WITH INFANTS BECOME THE INNOCENCE OF WISDOM. Many may think that infants remain infants and become angels immediately after death. But it is intelligence and wisdom that make an angel, and therefore, so long as infants do not have these, they are indeed with the angels but are not angels. They first become angels when they become intelligent and wise. Thus, infants are led from the innocence of infancy to the innocence of wisdom, that is, from external innocence to internal innocence, the latter being the end in all their instruction and progression. Therefore, when they come to the innocence of wisdom, the innocence of infancy, which meanwhile has served them as a plane, is adjoined to them. I have seen the nature of the innocence of infancy represented by something woody, almost devoid of life. This is vivified as the infant is imbued with knowledges of truth and affections of good. Later, the nature of the innocence of wisdom was represented by a living and naked infant.

Before the eyes of spirits who are below the heavens, angels of the third heaven, who more than others are in a state of innocence from the Lord, appear as naked infants; and being wise above all others, they are also living. The reason is because innocence corresponds to infancy, and also to nakedness. Therefore it is said of Adam and his wife when they were in the state of innocence, that they were naked and were not ashamed; but after they had lost the state of innocence, they were ashamed of their nakedness and hid themselves (Genesis 2:25; 3: 7,10, 11). In a word, the wiser the angels, the more innocent they are. The nature of the innocence of wisdom may be seen in some measure from the innocence of infancy described above (no. 395), if only, instead of parents, the Lord is assumed as the Father by whom they are led and to whom they ascribe all that they have.

Conjugial Love #413 (Wunsch (1937))

413. (xxi) The Lord provides in heaven that the innocence of infancy in children shall become the innocence of wisdom. Many may fancy that children remain children and become angels immediately on death. But intelligence and wisdom make an angel. While children have none, therefore, they are indeed among angels, but are not angels. They first become angels when they become intelligent and wise. Children are led therefore out of the innocence of infancy into the innocence of wisdom, that is, out of external into internal innocence. This innocence is the goal of all their instruction and development. When therefore they come into the innocence of wisdom, their childhood's innocence, which had served them meanwhile as a plane, is adjoined. I saw the nature of childhood's innocence represented by something woody, almost devoid of life, which was vivified as they were imbued with knowledges of truth and affections of good. Afterwards the nature of the innocence of wisdom was represented by a living and naked child. The angels of the third heaven, who more than others are in a state of innocence from the Lord, appear to the eyes of spirits below the heavens as naked children, and being wiser than all others, they are also more alive. The reason is that innocence corresponds to' infancy and also to nakedness. Adam and his wife in their state of innocence were therefore said to be naked and not ashamed; but after they lost that state of innocence it is said they were ashamed of their nakedness and hid themselves (Genesis 2:25, 3:7, 10-11). In a word, the wiser an angel is, the more innocent he is. The nature of the innocence of wisdom may be seen in a measure from the innocence of childhood described above (395), provided that in the place of the parents the Lord is put as Father, by whom they are led and to whom they ascribe all they receive.

Conjugial Love #413 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

413. (21) That it is there provided by the Lord that the innocence of infancy with them becomes the innocence of wisdom. Many may think that infants remain infants and become angels immediately after death. But intelligence and wisdom make an angel; and therefore, so long as infants have not these, although they are with the angels yet they are not angels; and they first become angels when they have become intelligent and wise. Infants are accordingly led on from the innocence of infancy to the innocence of wisdom, that is from external innocence to internal innocence. This innocence is the end in all their instruction and progression; therefore, when they come to the innocence of wisdom, the innocence of infancy which in the meantime has served them as a plane, is adjoined to them I saw the quality of the innocence of infancy represented by something woody, almost devoid of life, which becomes living according as it is imbued with knowledges of truth and affections of good; and afterwards the quality of the innocence of wisdom was represented by a living and naked infant. The angels of the third heaven, who beyond others are in a state of innocence from the Lord, appear as naked infants before the eyes of the spirits who are below the heavens; and because they are wise beyond the rest, they also are more living. The reason is that innocence corresponds to infancy, and also to nakedness, for which reason Adam and his wife, when they were in a state of innocence, are said to have been naked and were not ashamed; but that after they had lost the state of innocence they were ashamed of their nakedness, and hid themselves (Genesis 2:25; 3, 7, 10, 11). In a word, the wiser the angels are the more innocent they are. The quality of the innocence of wisdom may in some measure be seen from the innocence of infancy, described above (n. 395), if only, instead of parents there, the Lord be taken as the Father by whom they are led and to whom they ascribe all that they receive.

De Amore Conjugiali #413 (original Latin (1768))

413. XXI: Quod ibi a Domino provideatur, ut apud illos innocentia infantiae fiat innocentia sapientiae [ac ut sic infantes fiant angeli] 1. Multi autumare possunt, quod infantes maneant infantes, et fiant angeli, statim post mortem; sed intelligentia et sapientia facit Angelum; quare quamdiu infantes illam non habent, sunt quidem apud angelos, sed non sunt angeli; at tunc primum fiunt, quando intelligentes et sapientes facti sunt. Perducuntur itaque infantes ab innocentia infantiae ad innocentiam sapientiae, hoc est, ab innocentia externa ad innocentiam internam; haec innocentia est finis omnis instructionis et progressionis illorum; quare cum ad innocentiam sapientiae veniunt, adjungitur illi 2innocentia infantiae, quae illis interea inserviverat pro plano. Repraesentatum vidi, qualis innocentia infantiae est, per ligneum quid fere expers vitae, quod vivificatur sicut cognitiones veri ac affectiones boni imbuunt; et postea repraesentatum est, qualis est innocentia sapientiae, per infantem vivum et nudum; Angeli Coeli tertii, qui prae caeteris in statu innocentiae a Domino sunt, coram oculis spirituum, qui infra Coelos sunt, apparent sicut infantes nudi, et quia prae reliquis sapientes sunt, etiam sunt vivi; causa est, quia innocentia correspondet infantiae, et quoque nuditati; quare de Adamo et ejus uxore, cum in statu innocentiae fuerunt, dicitur, quod essent nudi et non erubuerint, at quod, postquam statum innocentiae perdiderant, erubuerint nuditatem, et se absconderint, Genes. 2:25. Cap. 3Genes. 3:7-8, 10-11: verbo, quo sapientiores angeli sunt, eo innocentiores. Qualis Innocentia sapientiae est, aliquatenus videri potest ex Innocentia infantiae, supra 395 descripta, modo pro parentibus ibi assumatur Dominus ut Pater, a Quo ducuntur, et Cui omnia accepta ferunt.


1. Sic in 385, art. XXI, supra.

2. Prima editio: illis (et eis in CI 341:2)

3. Prima editio: Caq.

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