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《婚姻之爱》 第395节


  395、⑻纯真的气场流入孩子,并通过孩子流入他们的父母,从而感染他们。众所周知,孩子是纯真的化身;殊不知,他们的纯真是从主流入的。它之所以从主流入,是因为主是纯真本身,如刚才所述。若非从其初始,也就是事物本身或它的本质,没有什么东西能流入,因为它无法存在。不过,有必要用几句话来说明感染父母的这种孩子般的纯真是何性质。这纯真从他们的脸蛋、某些行为举止和最初的牙牙学语中流露出来,并感染他们的父母。孩子之所以拥有这种纯真,是因为他们的思维并非出自内在,他们还不知道何为良善与邪恶,何为真理与虚假,因而不会由此进行思考。所以,他们没有源于小我的任何谨慎,也没有深思熟虑的意图,因而没有任何邪恶的目的。他们没有从自我之爱(the love of self)和尘世之爱获得小我,不会将任何事物据为己有,而是将所得的一切都归于父母。他们满足于送给他们的小礼物,不为衣食忧虑,不为将来担心。他们不关注世界,也不觊觎世界上的众多事物。他们爱自己的父母、保姆、小伙伴,在纯真的状态下与他们玩耍。他们允许自己被引导,听话,顺从。这就是小孩子的纯真,正是这纯真产生了被称为舐犊之情的爱。







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Conjugial Love #395 (Chadwick (1996))

395. (viii) The sphere of innocence influences and affects children and through them their parents.

It is well known that children are examples of innocence, but not that their innocence flows into them from the Lord. It comes from Him because He is innocence itself, as was stated just above. Nor can anything flow from it, because it cannot exist except from its beginning, which is the thing itself. However, it needs to be said briefly what is the nature of the innocence of childhood, which affects parents. This shines out from their faces, from some of their gestures, from the first words they utter, and this affects the parents. They possess innocence because their thinking does not come from within, since they do not yet know what good and evil are, or truth and falsity, as a means to guide their thinking. So they do not have any prudence derived from the self, nor any intention as the result of deliberate choice, so they cannot have evil as an aim. They have no self acquired from self-love and love of the world. They attribute nothing to themselves; everything they receive they ascribe to their parents. They are content with the tiny presents they are given. They have no worries about food and clothing, or about the future. They do not look to the world or want a lot from it. They love their parents, their nurses, their child companions, with whom they engage in innocent play. They allow themselves to be guided, they listen and obey. Such is the innocence of childhood, which is the cause of the kind of love called parental affection.

Conjugial Love #395 (Rogers (1995))

395. 8. An atmosphere of innocence flows into little children, and through them into the parents so as to affect them. People know that little children are embodiments of innocence, but they do not know that their innocence flows in from the Lord. It flows in from the Lord because He is the essence of innocence, as said just above, and nothing can flow in - because it cannot exist - except from its first origin, which is the very essence of it.

However, we will say briefly what the nature of the innocence of early childhood is which affects parents. It radiates from the little children's faces, from some of the movements they make, and from their first speech, and so affects them.

Little children have this innocence, because they do not think from anything interior; for they do not yet know what is good and evil, and true and false, so as to think in accordance with them. Therefore they do not have any prudence of their own, nor any design from a deliberate motive, thus are without any purpose for evil. They do not have a character acquired from love of self and the world. They do not credit anything to themselves. All that they receive they attribute to their parents. They are content with the little things they are given as gifts. They do not worry about their food and clothing, and are not anxious about the future. They do not pay regard to the world and covet many things on account of it. They love their parents, their nursemaids, and their little companions, and play with them in a state of innocence. They allow themselves to be guided; they listen and obey.

Such is the innocence of early childhood, which occasions the love called storge.

Love in Marriage #395 (Gladish (1992))

395. 8. The aura of innocence influences children, and through them their parents, and affects them. It is well known that little children are innocent, but it is not well known that their innocence flows into them from the Lord. It flows in from the Lord because He is Innocence itself, as said already above, and nothing can flow in from where it does not exist, but only from where it originates which is the essential thing.

But to say a few words about what the innocence of children is like, which affects the parents - it shines out from their faces, from some of their motions, and from their early speech, and it has an effect. Children have innocence because they do not think from deep inside, for they do not yet know what is good and bad and what is true and false to think from, so they have no individual prudence, nor considered plan, and thus no bad intentions. They have no selfhood acquired from self - interest and materialism. They attribute nothing to themselves. Everything they have they attribute to their parents. They are happy with trifles given to them as presents. They do not worry about food and clothing or anything in the future. They do not study the world and want many things from it. They love their parents, their nurses, and the young companions whom they play with innocently. They let themselves be led. They listen and obey. This is the child's innocence that is the reason for the love called parental love.

Conjugial Love #395 (Acton (1953))

395. VIII. THAT A SPHERE OF INNOCENCE FLOWS INTO INFANTS, AND THROUGH THEM INTO THEIR PARENTS, AND AFFECTS THEM. That infants are innocences is known, but that their innocence inflows from the Lord is not known. It inflows from the Lord because, as said just above, He is Innocence itself, and nothing can inflow, because nothing is possible, save from its beginning which is the Thing Itself. The nature of the innocence of infancy which affects parents shall be told in a few words. It shines forth from their face, from some of their gestures and from their earliest speech, and affects their parents. They have innocence because they do not think from their interior, for they do not yet know what is good and evil and true and false, from which to think. Hence they have no prudence from proprium, nor any purpose from deliberation, and so have no evil end in view. They have no proprium acquired from the love of self and the world. They do not attribute anything to themselves. Everything which they receive they ascribe to their parents. They are content with the little things given them as presents. They have no care as to food and clothing, nor any as to the future. They do not look to the world or desire many things therefrom. They love their parents, their nurses, and their infant companions with whom they play in innocence. They suffer themselves to be led. They listen and obey. Such is the innocence of infancy which is the cause of the love called storge.

Conjugial Love #395 (Wunsch (1937))

395. (viii) The sphere of innocence flows into infants, and by them into parents, and affects them. It is known that infants are innocences, but not that their innocence flows in from the Lord. It flows in from Him because (as was said just above) He is Innocence itself; a thing can inflow, because it can exist, only from its beginning, which is the thing itself. We shall describe briefly, however, the innocence of infants which affects parents. It shines from the faces of infants, from some of their gestures, and from their first speech, and is affecting. Innocence is theirs because they do not think from what is interior, not yet knowing what good and evil are, and truth and falsity, so as to think from them. Hence they have no prudence from what is their own; nor deliberate purpose, thus no end which is evil. They have no self, acquired through love of self and the world. They attribute nothing to themselves. They ascribe to their parents all they receive; are content with the trifles given them as gifts; and have no solicitude about food and clothing, and none about the future. They do not look to the world, and so do not covet many things. They love their parents and nurses and the infant companions with whom they play in innocence. They let themselves be led; they hear and obey. This is the innocence of infancy, which is a cause of the love called storge.

Conjugial Love #395 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

395. (8) That the sphere of innocence inflows into infants, and through them into parents and affects them. That infants are innocences is known, but that their innocence flows in from the Lord is not known. It flows in from the Lord because He is Innocence itself, as has been said just above; and nothing can flow in-because it cannot be-except from its beginning which is the thing itself. But it shall be briefly told of what kind the innocence of infancy is which affects parents. It shines forth from their face, from some of their gestures, and from their earliest speech, and affects. They have innocence because they do not think from the interior; for they do not yet know what is good and evil, and true and false, from which they may think; hence they have not prudence from their own, nor deliberate purpose, and thus have no intention of evil. They have no proprium, acquired from the love of self and of the world. They do not attribute anything to themselves. Everything that they receive they ascribe to their parents. They are content with the little things given them as presents; they have no solicitude for food and raiment, and none for the future; nor have they any regard for the world, and do not therefore, covet many things; they love their parents, their nurses, and their infant companions, with whom in innocence they play; they suffer themselves to be led; they hearken and obey. This is the innocence of infancy which is the cause of the love called storge.

De Amore Conjugiali #395 (original Latin (1768))

395. VIII. Quod Sphaera innocentiae influat in infantes, et per illos in parentes, et afficiat. Quod Infantes sint Innocentiae, notum est, sed quod innocentia illorum influat a Domino, non notum est; influit a Domino, quia Ipse est Ipsa Innocentia, ut mox supra dictum est, nec potest aliquid influere, quia non dari, nisi a suo principio, quod est Ipsum Illud. Qualis autem est Innocentia infantiae, quae afficit parentes, paucis dicetur; elucet illa ex illorum facie, ex aliquibus illorum gestibus, et ex prima illorum loquela, et afficit: innocentia illis est, quia non cogitant ab interiori, nondum enim sciunt quid bonum et malum, ac verum et falsum, ex quibus cogitent; inde illis non est prudentia ex proprio; nec propositum ex deliberato, ita nullus finis mali; non illis est proprium ex amore sui et mundi acquisitum; non sibi quicquam tribuunt; omnia accepta referunt suis parentibus; contenti pusillis quae illis dono dantur; non illis est sollicitudo de victu et amictu; et nulla de futuris; non spectant ad mundum, et inde cupiunt multa; amant suos parentes, suas nutrices, et infantes socios, cum quibus in innocentia ludunt; se patiuntur duci, auscultant et obediunt: haec est Innocentia infantiae, quae est causa amoris, qui vocatur storge.

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