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《婚姻之爱》 第428节






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Conjugial Love #428 (Chadwick (1996))

428. As regards the actual pairing of evil and falsity, it should be known that evil loves falsity and wants to be one with it, so that they become joined. Likewise good loves truth and wants to be one with it, so that they become joined. It is obvious that just as the spiritual source of marriage is the marriage of good and truth, so the spiritual source of adultery is the pairing of evil and falsity. That is why this pairing is meant in the spiritual sense of the Word by adultery, fornication and prostitution (see Apocalypse Revealed 134). This principle ensures that anyone in a state of evil who marries falsity, and anyone in a state of falsity who takes evil to share his bed, by forming such a compact strengthens his attitude in favour of adultery, and he commits it so far as he dares and can. He strengthens his attitude out of evil by means of falsity, and he commits it out of falsity by means of evil. The reverse is also true: anyone in a state of good who marries truth or anyone in a state of truth who takes good to share his bed, sets himself against adultery and in favour of marriage, and embraces a blessed married life.

Conjugial Love #428 (Rogers (1995))

428. As regards the connubial alliance of evil and falsity, be it known that evil loves falsity and wills to ally it with itself, and they also unite, even as good loves truth and wills to ally it with itself, and they, too, unite. It is apparent from this that as the spiritual origin of marriage is the marriage of good and truth, so the spiritual origin of adultery is the connubial alliance of evil and falsity. So it is that this connubial alliance is meant in the spiritual sense of the Word by adulteries, whoredoms and harlotries (see The Apocalypse Revealed, no. 134).

It is in accordance with this principle that one who is in a state of evil and weds himself to falsity, or who is in a state of falsity and takes evil as his consort, from the covenant thus formed sanctions adultery, and commits it insofar as he dares and is able. So, too, the reverse, that one who is in a state of good and weds himself to truth, or who is in a state of truth and takes good as his consort, confirms himself against adultery and for marriage, and embraces the blessed state of married life.

Love in Marriage #428 (Gladish (1992))

428. Regarding the "marriage" of evil and lies, it is well known that evil loves a lie and wants to unite with it, and that they do join together, too, in the way that good loves a truth and wants to unite with it, and they also join together. This makes it obvious that the spiritual source of adultery is a "marriage" of evil and falsity, just as the spiritual source of marriage is a marriage of good and truth. In the spiritual sense of the Word, therefore, adulteries, fornication, and whoredom mean this "marriage" (see

Apocalypse Revealed 134). It is on account of this principle that someone who lives in evil and espouses untruth, and someone who lives a lie and takes evil for a bedfellow encourages adultery by being in league with it and commits it as much as he dares and is able to. He encourages it due to evil, by lies, and he commits it due to lies, through evil. And, vice versa, someone who lives in good and espouses truth or who lives in truth and takes good as a bedfellow confirms himself against adultery and for marriage and embraces a blessed married life.

Conjugial Love #428 (Acton (1953))

428. As regards the connubial connection of evil and falsity, it should be known that evil loves falsity, willing that it be one with itself, and they bring themselves into conjunction; likewise, that good loves truth, willing that it be one with itself, and they also bring themselves into conjunction. It is thus evident, that as the spiritual origin of marriage is the marriage of good and truth, so the spiritual origin of adultery is the connubial connection of evil and falsity. Therefore, in the spiritual sense of the Word, it is this connubial connection that is meant by adulteries, whoredoms, and harlotries; see THE APOCALYPSE REVEALED, no. 134. It is from this principle that when a man is in evil and weds falsity, or when he is in falsity and takes evil into the partnership of his bed, then, by virtue of this joint covenant, he confirms adultery and commits it so far as he dare and is able. He confirms it from evil by means of falsity, and commits it from falsity by means of evil. On the other hand, when a man is in good and weds truth, or when he is in truth and takes good with him into partnership of his bed, he confirms himself against adultery and in favor of marriage, and embraces a blessed conjugial life.

Conjugial Love #428 (Wunsch (1937))

428. As concerns the mating of evil and falsity, let it be known that evil loves falsity and desires it to be one with itself, and they also unite just as good loves truth and desires it to be one with itself, and these unite. From this it is plain that as the spiritual origin of marriage is the marriage of good and truth, so the spiritual origin of adultery is the mating of evil and falsity. Hence this mating is signified in the spiritual sense of the Word by adulteries, whoredoms and harlotry (see Apocalypse Revealed 134). From this principle it is that one who is in evil and weds the false or is in falsity and takes evil into companionship in his wedding-chamber; from the joint covenant confirms adultery and commits it as far as he dares and is able. He confirms it from evil by falsity, and commits it from falsity by evil. On the other hand, one who is in good and weds truth, or in truth and takes good into companionship in the bridal chamber, similarly confirms himself against adultery and in favor of marriage, and embraces a blessed married life.

Conjugial Love #428 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

428. As regards the intermarriage itself of the evil and the false, it is known that evil loves the false and wills that it shall be one with itself, and they also conjoin themselves; in like manner as good loves truth and wills that it may be one with it, and they also conjoin themselves. From which it appears that as the spiritual origin of marriage is the marriage of good and truth, so the spiritual origin of adultery is the intermarriage of the evil and the false. Hence it is that this intermarriage is meant by adulteries, scortations, and whoredoms in the spiritual sense of the Word, (see Apocalypse Revealed, n. 134). It is from this principle that he who is in evil and weds the false, and he who is in the false and takes evil into the companionship of his bed-chamber, from the joint covenant confirms adultery, and commits it so far as he dare and is able. He confirms it from evil by falsity and commits it from falsity by evil. And on the other hand, he too, who is in good and weds truth, or who is in truth and takes good with him into the companionship of his bed-chamber, confirms himself against adultery and in favor of marriage, and embraces a blessed conjugial life.

De Amore Conjugiali #428 (original Latin (1768))

428. Quod ipsum connubium mali et falsi spectat, noscatur, quod malum amet falsum, ac velit ut secum unum sit, et quoque se conjungunt; similiter ut bonum amat verum, ac vult ut secum unum sit, et quoque se conjungunt; ex quo patet, quod sicut spiritualis origo conjugii est conjugium boni et veri, ita spiritualis origo adulterii sit connubium mali et falsi; inde est, quod hoc connubium per adulteria, scortationes et meretricatus, in sensu Verbi spirituali intelligatur, videatur Apocalypsis Revelata,134. Ex hoc principio est, quod qui in malo est et nubit falso, et qui in falso est et ducit malum in consortium sui thalami, ex juncto foedere confirmet adulterium, et committat illud quantum audet et valet; confirmat illud ex malo per falsum, et committit illud ex falso per malum; et quoque vicissim, quod qui in bono est, et nubit vero, aut qui in vero est, et ducit bonum in consortium thalami secum, contra adulterium, et pro conjugio se confirmet, ac beatam conjugialem vitam amplectatur.

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