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《婚姻之爱》 第429节





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Conjugial Love #429 (Chadwick (1996))

429. (v) Hence scortatory love is the opposite of conjugial love, just as hell is the opposite of heaven.

All in hell are subject to the pairing of evil and falsity, and all in heaven are subject to the marriage of good and truth; and since the pairing of evil and falsity is also adultery (as shown just above in 427-428), it is also hell. Hence it is that all there are subject to the lust, wantonness and indecency of scortatory love; and they run from and shudder at the chastity and decency of conjugial love (425 above). These facts allow it to be seen that these two loves, scortatory and conjugial, are opposites, just as hell is the opposite of heaven and heaven of hell.

Conjugial Love #429 (Rogers (1995))

429. 5. Thus licentious love is opposed to conjugial love as hell is opposed to heaven. All who are in hell dwell in the connubial alliance of evil and falsity, while all who are in heaven dwell in the marriage of good and truth. And because the connubial alliance of evil and falsity is also a state of adultery, as shown just above (nos. 427, 428), so hell is a state of adultery, too. For that reason, all there are immersed in the lust, lasciviousness, and wantonness of licentious love, and they flee from and abhor the chaste and modest qualities of conjugial love (see above, no. 425).

It can be seen from this that these two loves, licentious love and conjugial love, are opposed to each other as hell is to heaven and heaven to hell.

Love in Marriage #429 (Gladish (1992))

429. 5. So illicit love is opposite to married love just as hell is opposite to heaven. Everyone in hell is in a "marriage" of evil and falsity, and everyone in heaven is in a marriage of good and truth. And since a "marriage" of evil and falsity is adultery as well (as shown now above, nos. 427-428), it is also hell. This is why everyone there is involved in illicit love's lust, lasciviousness, and shamelessness, and they flee the chaste and modest aspects of marriage and are horrified (see no. 428, above).

These observations show that these two loves - of illicit sex and of marriage - are opposite to each other just as hell is opposite to heaven and heaven is to hell.

Conjugial Love #429 (Acton (1953))

429. V. THAT HENCE SCORTATORY LOVE IS THE OPPOSITE TO CONJUGIAL LOVE AS HELL IS THE OPPOSITE TO HEAVEN. All who are in hell are in the connubial connection of evil and falsity, and all who are in heaven are in the marriage of good and truth; and since, as just said (nos. 427, 428), the connubial connection of evil and falsity is adultery, hell also is adultery. Thence it is that all there, are in the lust, lasciviousness, and shamelessness of scortatory love, and flee the chaste and modest things of conjugial love in horror (see above, no. 425). From this it can be seen that these two loves, the scortatory and the conjugial, are opposed to each other as hell is opposed to heaven and heaven to hell.

Conjugial Love #429 (Wunsch (1937))

429. (v) Hence scortatory love is opposite to marital love as hell is to heaven. All in hell are in a mating of evil and falsity, and all in heaven are in the marriage of good and truth. As the mating of evil and falsity is also adultery (as we have shown just above, n. 427-428), hell is adultery, too. Hence all in hell are in the lust, lasciviousness and shamelessness of scortatory love, and flee and abhor the chastities and modesties of marital love (see above,428). Plain it is from this that these two loves, scortatory and marital, are opposite to each other as hell is to heaven and heaven to hell.

Conjugial Love #429 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

429. (5) That scortatory love is therefore, opposite to conjugial love just as hell is opposite to heaven. All who are in hell are in the intermarriage of evil and the false; and all who are in heaven are in the marriage of good and truth. And as the intermarriage of evil and the false is likewise adultery, as has been shown above (n. 427, 428), hell also is adultery. Hence it is that all there are in the lust, the lasciviousness, and the shamelessness of scortatory love, and fly from and shudder at the chastities and modesties of conjugial love (see above n. 428). From these considerations it may be seen that these two loves, scortatory and conjugial love, are opposite to each other as hell is to heaven and heaven to hell.

De Amore Conjugiali #429 (original Latin (1768))

429. V. Quod inde Amor scortatorius sit oppositus amori conjugiali, sicut infernum est oppositum coelo. Omnes qui in Inferno sunt, in connubio mali et falsi sunt, et omnes qui in Coelo sunt, in conjugio boni et veri sunt; et quia connubium mali et falsi, est quoque adulterium, ut nunc supra, 427, 428, ostensum est, est infernum etiam illud; inde est, quod omnes ibi in libidine, lascivia, 1et impudicitia amoris scortatorii sunt, ac casta et pudica amoris conjugialis fugiant et exhorreant, videatur supra 425. 2Ex his videri potest, quod bini illi amores, scortatorius et conjugialis, sibi oppositi sint, sicut infernum est coelo, ac coelum inferno.


1. Prima editio: lascivia;

2. Prima editio: 428.

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